
Critérios de Pesquisa Avançada

Tipo de Imóvel
Subtipo do Imóvel
Subtipo do Imóvel
Idade do proprietário
Tamanho do Imóvel
Tamanho do Lote
Casas de Banho
Ano de Construção
Ano(s) de Utilização
Sistema de Aquecimento
Combustíveis de Aquecimento
Consumos Energéticos
Emissões de Gases com Efeito de Estufa
Preço / m²
Renda / m² /Ano
Rendimento Líquido
Preço do Arrendamento

Kornowac - Oportunidade de negócio à vendre

809.781 EUR

Oportunidade de negócio (Para venda)

10 qt
10 wc
lote 9.228
Referência: EDEN-T97669041 / 97669041
Is your business growing and you need more space? Are you a restaurateur, hotelier, doctor looking for a place for a clinic or do you have a large business and need an office building?

We have an offer for you that is worth familiarizing yourself with, because there are few properties on the market that are so flexible in reorganization, and thus give you a lot of adaptability.

Profi Agent presents the sale offer of 3 service plots developed with restaurant and hotel buildings.


The property is located in Pogrzebień, in the municipality of Kornowac, district of Racibórz. This is the south-western part of the Silesian Voivodeship. It is located in the triangle of 3 large cities, i.e. Racibórz, Rybnik and Wodzisław Śląski, and the distances to them do not exceed 15 km. The location is also advantageous in terms of communication, the facility is located on the provincial road No. 935 connecting Opole with Pszczyna, running through Racibórz and Rybnik. In the close vicinity of the property there are residential, residential and commercial buildings, forest, agricultural areas. We have landscape values, well-developed terrain, interesting terrain.


The entire facility consists of 3 plots with a total area of 0.9228 HA.

Plot No. 371/7 with an area of 0.2134 ha, in the local spatial development plan is marked with the symbol 1U - service development areas (basic purpose)
Plot No. 117/7 with an area of 0.5000 ha, in the local spatial development plan is marked with the symbol 1U - service development areas (basic purpose)
Plot No. 197/7 with an area of 0.2094 HA, in the local spatial development plan is marked with the symbol 1U - service development areas (basic purpose)

The terrain is terraced, 3 levels. The whole has an orderly form, arranged in a thoughtful way.

On the plots there are:

2 paved car parks with a total of 50 spaces
Hotel and restaurant building with an area of 983m2.
The "inn" building with an area of 100m2.
Fire tank with a capacity of about 200m3 of water
Detached outbuildings with an area of 32m2
A clearing with a place for a bonfire
Paved communication roads
A lot of planting trees and shrubs



Brick, 4 storeys, built in 2005, with a total usable area of 983m2, cubic capacity of 4922m3 and a building area of 350m2. Basement walls made of concrete 30 cm wide, reinforced with steel bars. The walls of the filling are made of 45 cm wide Porotherm ceramic blocks, laid on cement-lime mortar. The ceilings of the ground floor and the ground floor were designed as monolithic reinforced concrete ceilings, reinforced with welded meshes. The binders were also made monolithically of bar and steel. The support for the binders is reinforced concrete columns with dimensions of 30x30cm.

The staircase connects the ground floor with the attic. We have fan stairs covered with granite.

The roof truss is made of wood - mansard and purlin-collar beam trusses, covered with ceramic tiles, the so-called "Beaver Tail". The chimneys are bricked with wall bricks, faced with cement mortar. Gutters and flashings made of copper. The façade is covered with ivory mineral plaster. Wooden window and door joinery, made to individual order. The entrance and interior doors are made of solid oak. Windows equipped with blinds. The windows accessible from the site are equipped with roller shutters with an anti-burglary system.

Floor description:

- 1 - restaurant area with banquet hall, bar, dance floor, independent kitchen, toilets, cloakroom, warehouse. On this floor there are cold stores and a boiler room.

0 - restaurant part with banquet hall, bar, independent kitchen, toilets, communication to the hotel part and to the room below

1 - hotel part with 4 rooms with bathrooms (with an area from 16.8 m2 to 30.5 m2), manager's room, cloakroom for staff, 2 x toilets, bed linen storage, communication

3 - attic, currently serves as an attic.

A gas furnace is responsible for heating the building, supported by a powerful ground heat exchanger with a capacity of 12,000 m3/h! The exchanger was made in anti-battery and anti-fungal technology. In addition to supporting heating, the exchanger also supports the operation of air conditioning, which translates into easy achievement of the desired temperatures in the rooms, as well as savings of about 50% in terms of the total costs of heating and cooling the building.


In front of the main building, there is a fire tank with a capacity of about 200m3, arranged as a pond with ducks. Water for the tank is obtained during rainfall from the parking lot and roofs after it has been purified by a separator of petroleum derivatives. In addition to supplying the tank, the water is also used for economic purposes, which allows for even greater savings when using the entire facility.


The building has an area of about 100m2, one-storey, brick, with a wooden structure roof, covered with ceramic tiles, the so-called "Karpiówka". The walls are plastered with cement-lime plaster, on which decorative plaster was applied. The façade is insulated, covered with thin-layer plaster. It has very good quality wooden door and window joinery. The interior is decorated in the highlander style, originally intended for occasional parties in a smaller group (up to 26 people). The inn has its own bar and fireplace with a smokehouse. Electrical, plumbing and sewage installations have been brought to the facility. It is heated by a fireplace or electrically.

There is a playground and a woodshed next to the inn.


Free-standing, brick, with an area of 32m2. Neatly arranged in the vicinity of a lower parking lot.


The buildings and the entire facility are in great technical condition. Despite its current closure, it is constantly looked after by the owner, who, if necessary, organizes maintenance, repair and care works here (cleaning the façade, cleaning the roof, replacing damaged guttering elements after the winter season, mowing grass, trimming shrubs, etc.).

A great advantage of real estate is the possibility of adapting it to a completely different type of business. The main building is structurally based on columns, which allows for almost complete reorganization of the area. A lot of parking spaces, as well as space that can be further developed, makes it possible for the buyer to start a business completely different from the one run so far. Excellent communication with the nearest cities, as well as a large number of guests from the Czech Republic, and the fact that the neighboring Racibórz is characterized by marginal unemployment, gives a perspective and grounds to create a stable business in this place.
- Balcony
- Furnished
Veja mais Veja menos Twój biznes się rozrasta i potrzebujesz większego miejsca? Jesteś restauratorem, hotelarzem, lekarzem szukającym miejsca na klinikę albo masz duży biznes i potrzebujesz biurowca?

Mamy dla Ciebie ofertę z którą warto się zapoznać, gdyż na rynku mało jest nieruchomości tak elastycznych w reorganizacji, a co za tym idze dających spoooore możliwości adaptacyjne.

Profi Agent przedstawia ofertę sprzedaży 3 działek usługowych zabudowanych budynkami restauracyjno - hotelowymi.


Nieruchomość położona jest w Pogrzebieniu, w gminie Kornowac, powiat Raciborski. To południowo - zachodnia część województwa Śląskiego. Znajduje się w trójkącie 3 dużych miast tj. Raciborza, Rybnika i Wodzisławia śląskiego, a odległości do nich nie przekraczają 15km. Lokalizacja jest również korzystna pod kątem komunikacji, obiekt położony jest przy wojewódzkiej drodze nr 935 łączącej Opole z Pszczyną, biegnącą przez Racibórz i Rybnik. W ścisłym sąsiedztwie nieruchomości znajduje się zabudowa mieszkaniowa, mieszkaniowo-usługowa, las, tereny rolne. Mamy tu walory krajobrazowe, świetnie zagospodarowany teren, ciekawe ukształtowanie.


Cały obiekt składa się z 3 działek o łącznej powierzchni 0,9228HA.

Działka nr 371/7 o powierzchni 0,2134 HA, w miejscowym planie zagospodarowania przestrzennego oznaczona jest symbolem 1U - tereny zabudowy usługowej (przeznaczenie podstawowe)
Działka nr 117/7 o powierzchni 0,5000 HA, w miejscowym planie zagospodarowania przestrzennego oznaczona jest symbolem 1U - tereny zabudowy usługowej (przeznaczenie podstawowe)
Działka nr 197/7 o powierzchni 0,2094 HA, w miejscowym planie zagospodarowania przestrzennego oznaczona jest symbolem 1U - tereny zabudowy usługowej (przeznaczenie podstawowe)

Ukształtowanie terenu jest tarasowe, 3 poziomowe. Całość ma formę uporządkowaną, zaaranżowaną w sposób przemyślany.

Na działkach znajdują się:

2 wybrukowane parkingi o łącznej ilości miejsc na poziomie 50
Budynek Hotelowo restauracyjny o powierzchni 983m2.
Budynek „karczmy” o powierzchni 100m2.
Plac zabaw
Zbiornik przeciwpożarowy o pojemności ok 200m3 wody
Oczko wodne
Wolnostojące budynki gospodarcze o powierzchni 32m2
Polanę z miejscem na ognisko
Wybrukowane drogi komunikacyjne
Sporo nasadzeń drzew i krzewów



Murowany, 4 kondygnacyjny, wybudowany w 2005 roku, o łącznej powierzchni użytkowej 983m2, kubaturze 4922m3 i powierzchni zabudowy 350m2. Ściany piwniczne wykonane z betonu o szerokości 30cm, zbrojone prętami stalowymi. Ściany nadzienia wykonane pustaków ceramicznych Porotherm o szerokości 45cm, układane na zaprawie cementowo wapiennej. Stropy nadziemia i parteru zaprojektowano jako stropy monolityczne żelbetowe, zbrojone siatkami zgrzewanymi. Podciągi również ostały wykonane monolitycznie z batonu i stali. Podparciem dla podciągów są słupy żelbetowe o wymiarach 30x30cm.

Klatka schodowa łączy przyziemie z poddaszem. Mamy tu schody wachlarzowe pokryte granitem.

Więźba dachowa drewiana - mansardowa i wiązarach płatwiowo-jętkowych, pokryta dachówką ceramiczną tzw. „Karpiówką”. Kominy omurowane cegłą kinkietową, licowaną na zaprawie cementowej. Rynny i obróbki blacharskie wykonane z miedzi. Elewacja pokryta tynkiem mineralnym w kolorze kości słoniowej. Stolarka okienna i drzwiowa drewniana, wykonana na indywidualne zamówienie. Drzwi wejściowe i wewnętrzne wykonano z litego dębu. Okna wyposażone w rolety. Okna dostępne od terenu wyposażono w rolety z systemem antywłamaniowym.

Opis kondygnacji:

- 1 - część restauracyjna z salą bankietową, barem, parkietem, niezależną kuchnią, toaletami, szatnią, magazynem. Na tej kondygnacji znajdują się chłodnie i kotłownia.

0 - część restauracyjna z salą bankietową, barem, niezależną kuchnią, toaletami, komunikacją do części hotelowej oraz do sali poniżej

1 - część hotelowa z 4 pokojami z łazienkami ( o powierzchni od 16,8m2 do 30,5m2), pokojem kierownika, szatnią dla personelu, 2 x wc, magazynem pościeli, komunikacją

3 - poddasze, aktualnie pełni funkcję strychową.

Za ogrzewanie budynku odpowiada piec gazowy wspierany przez potężny gruntowy wymiennik ciepła o wydajności 12 000 m3/h! Wymiennik został wykonany w technologii antybateryjnej, antygrzybicznej. Oprócz wsparcia ogrzewania, wymiennik wspiera również pracę klimatyzacji co przekłada się na łatwe osiąganie temperatur pożądanych w pomieszczenia a także na oszczędności rzędu 50% jeśli chodzi o całkowite koszty ogrzewania i chłodzenia budynku.


Przed głównym budynkiem posadowiono zbiornik przeciwpożarowy o pojemności ok 200m3 zaaranżowany na staw z kaczkami. Woda do zbiornika pozyskiwana jest podczas opadów z parkingu i dachów po uprzednim oczyszczeniu jej przez separator substancji ropopochodnych. Woda oprócz zasilania zbiornika wykorzystywana jest również w celach gospodarczych, co pozwala na jeszcze większe oszczędności przy korzystaniu z całego obiektu.


Budynek o powierzchni ok 100m2, jednokondygnacyjny, murowany, z dachem konstrukcji drewnianej, kryty dachówką ceramiczną tzw. „Karpiówką”. Ściany otynkowane tynkiem cementowo-wapiennym, na który nałożono tyn ozdobny. Elewacja docieplona, pokryta tynkiem cienkowarstwowym. Posiada bardzo dobrej jakości drewnianą stolarkę drzwiową i okienną. Wnętrze urządzone w stylu góralskim, pierwotnie przeznaczone do przyjęć okolicznościowych w mniejszym gronie (do 26 osób). Karczma posiada własny bar oraz kominek z wędzarnikiem. Do obiektu doprowadzono instalację elektryczną, wodno-kanalizacyjną. Ogrzewany jest kominkiem lub elektrycznie.

Przy Karczmie znajduje się plac zabaw oraz drewutnia.


Wolno stojące, murowane, o powierzchni 32m2. Schludnie zaaranżowane w sąsiedztwie niższego parkingu.


Budynki jak i cały obiekt znajduje się w świetnej kondycji technicznej. Pomimo aktualnego wyłączenia go z użytku stale doglądany jest przez właściciela, który w razie potrzeb organizuje tu prace konserwacyjne, naprawcze oraz pielęgnacyjne (czyszczenie elewacji, czyszczenie dachu, wymiana po sezonie zimowym uszkodzonych elementów orynnowania, koszenie traw, przycinanie krzewów i tp.)

Ogromnym atutem nieruchomości jest możliwość dostosowania jej do całkiem innego rodzaju działalności. Główny budynek konstrukcyjnie oparty jest o słupy, co pozwala na praktycznie całkowitą reorganizację powierzchni. Sporo miejsc parkingowych a także powierzchni mogącej być przedmiotem dalszej zabudowy, sprawia że kupujący ma tu możliwość uruchomienia biznesu zgoła innego od prowadzonego do tej pory. Świetna komunikacja z najbliższymi miastami a także spora ilość gości z Czech, oraz fakt że ościenny Racibórz charakteryzuje się marginalnym bezrobociem daje perspektywę i podstawy do stworzenia w tym miejscu stabilnej działalności.
- Balcony
- Furnished
Is your business growing and you need more space? Are you a restaurateur, hotelier, doctor looking for a place for a clinic or do you have a large business and need an office building?

We have an offer for you that is worth familiarizing yourself with, because there are few properties on the market that are so flexible in reorganization, and thus give you a lot of adaptability.

Profi Agent presents the sale offer of 3 service plots developed with restaurant and hotel buildings.


The property is located in Pogrzebień, in the municipality of Kornowac, district of Racibórz. This is the south-western part of the Silesian Voivodeship. It is located in the triangle of 3 large cities, i.e. Racibórz, Rybnik and Wodzisław Śląski, and the distances to them do not exceed 15 km. The location is also advantageous in terms of communication, the facility is located on the provincial road No. 935 connecting Opole with Pszczyna, running through Racibórz and Rybnik. In the close vicinity of the property there are residential, residential and commercial buildings, forest, agricultural areas. We have landscape values, well-developed terrain, interesting terrain.


The entire facility consists of 3 plots with a total area of 0.9228 HA.

Plot No. 371/7 with an area of 0.2134 ha, in the local spatial development plan is marked with the symbol 1U - service development areas (basic purpose)
Plot No. 117/7 with an area of 0.5000 ha, in the local spatial development plan is marked with the symbol 1U - service development areas (basic purpose)
Plot No. 197/7 with an area of 0.2094 HA, in the local spatial development plan is marked with the symbol 1U - service development areas (basic purpose)

The terrain is terraced, 3 levels. The whole has an orderly form, arranged in a thoughtful way.

On the plots there are:

2 paved car parks with a total of 50 spaces
Hotel and restaurant building with an area of 983m2.
The "inn" building with an area of 100m2.
Fire tank with a capacity of about 200m3 of water
Detached outbuildings with an area of 32m2
A clearing with a place for a bonfire
Paved communication roads
A lot of planting trees and shrubs



Brick, 4 storeys, built in 2005, with a total usable area of 983m2, cubic capacity of 4922m3 and a building area of 350m2. Basement walls made of concrete 30 cm wide, reinforced with steel bars. The walls of the filling are made of 45 cm wide Porotherm ceramic blocks, laid on cement-lime mortar. The ceilings of the ground floor and the ground floor were designed as monolithic reinforced concrete ceilings, reinforced with welded meshes. The binders were also made monolithically of bar and steel. The support for the binders is reinforced concrete columns with dimensions of 30x30cm.

The staircase connects the ground floor with the attic. We have fan stairs covered with granite.

The roof truss is made of wood - mansard and purlin-collar beam trusses, covered with ceramic tiles, the so-called "Beaver Tail". The chimneys are bricked with wall bricks, faced with cement mortar. Gutters and flashings made of copper. The façade is covered with ivory mineral plaster. Wooden window and door joinery, made to individual order. The entrance and interior doors are made of solid oak. Windows equipped with blinds. The windows accessible from the site are equipped with roller shutters with an anti-burglary system.

Floor description:

- 1 - restaurant area with banquet hall, bar, dance floor, independent kitchen, toilets, cloakroom, warehouse. On this floor there are cold stores and a boiler room.

0 - restaurant part with banquet hall, bar, independent kitchen, toilets, communication to the hotel part and to the room below

1 - hotel part with 4 rooms with bathrooms (with an area from 16.8 m2 to 30.5 m2), manager's room, cloakroom for staff, 2 x toilets, bed linen storage, communication

3 - attic, currently serves as an attic.

A gas furnace is responsible for heating the building, supported by a powerful ground heat exchanger with a capacity of 12,000 m3/h! The exchanger was made in anti-battery and anti-fungal technology. In addition to supporting heating, the exchanger also supports the operation of air conditioning, which translates into easy achievement of the desired temperatures in the rooms, as well as savings of about 50% in terms of the total costs of heating and cooling the building.


In front of the main building, there is a fire tank with a capacity of about 200m3, arranged as a pond with ducks. Water for the tank is obtained during rainfall from the parking lot and roofs after it has been purified by a separator of petroleum derivatives. In addition to supplying the tank, the water is also used for economic purposes, which allows for even greater savings when using the entire facility.


The building has an area of about 100m2, one-storey, brick, with a wooden structure roof, covered with ceramic tiles, the so-called "Karpiówka". The walls are plastered with cement-lime plaster, on which decorative plaster was applied. The façade is insulated, covered with thin-layer plaster. It has very good quality wooden door and window joinery. The interior is decorated in the highlander style, originally intended for occasional parties in a smaller group (up to 26 people). The inn has its own bar and fireplace with a smokehouse. Electrical, plumbing and sewage installations have been brought to the facility. It is heated by a fireplace or electrically.

There is a playground and a woodshed next to the inn.


Free-standing, brick, with an area of 32m2. Neatly arranged in the vicinity of a lower parking lot.


The buildings and the entire facility are in great technical condition. Despite its current closure, it is constantly looked after by the owner, who, if necessary, organizes maintenance, repair and care works here (cleaning the façade, cleaning the roof, replacing damaged guttering elements after the winter season, mowing grass, trimming shrubs, etc.).

A great advantage of real estate is the possibility of adapting it to a completely different type of business. The main building is structurally based on columns, which allows for almost complete reorganization of the area. A lot of parking spaces, as well as space that can be further developed, makes it possible for the buyer to start a business completely different from the one run so far. Excellent communication with the nearest cities, as well as a large number of guests from the Czech Republic, and the fact that the neighboring Racibórz is characterized by marginal unemployment, gives a perspective and grounds to create a stable business in this place.
- Balcony
- Furnished
Referência: EDEN-T97669041
País: PL
Cidade: Kornowac
Categoria: Comercial
Tipo de listagem: Para venda
Tipo de Imóvel: Oportunidade de negócio
Tamanho do imóvel: 1.115
Tamanho do lote: 9.228
Quartos: 10
Casas de Banho: 10
Mobilado: Sim
Varanda: Sim
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