
Critérios de Pesquisa Avançada

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Subtipo do Imóvel
Idade do proprietário
Tamanho do Imóvel
Tamanho do Lote
Casas de Banho
Ano de Construção
Ano(s) de Utilização
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Combustíveis de Aquecimento
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Emissões de Gases com Efeito de Estufa
Preço / m²
Renda / m² /Ano
Rendimento Líquido
Preço do Arrendamento

Sofiya-Grad - Apartamento e condomínio à vendre

505.260 EUR

Apartamento e Condomínio (Para venda)

Referência: EDEN-T98513394 / 98513394
SUPRIMMO agency: ... We present a spacious, panoramic three-bedroom apartment of 197.33 sq.m for sale, in a new building in the district. 'Darvenitsa', in close proximity to the metro station 'Musegenitsa'. Planned completion - June 2025 The property is located on the 7th, last floor and offers east-west exposure. Distribution: entrance hall - 8.27 sq.m; bathroom/toilet; bedroom 1 - 14.81 sq.m; living room with kitchen and dining room - 33.39 sq.m; bedroom 2- 20.86 sq.m with private bathroom/toilet; bedroom 3 - 13.27 with closet; three terraces. Location The location is excellent, in a communicative area, with convenient access to the center and all points of the city. Public transport stops, shops, schools and kindergartens are located nearby, and Vartopo Park is within walking distance. Properties in this area are an excellent choice not only for personal use, but also for investment, due to the numerous universities that are located nearby. The building consists of three entrances with 7 above-ground levels, which include a ground floor. There is a choice of offices, shops, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, multi-bedroom properties and maisonette apartments, which are functionally designed, with maximum spacious premises and favorable exposures. Parking is provided with parking spaces and garages located on the underground and ground floor levels. The apartments are offered according to BDS. There is an opportunity to purchase parking spaces and garages. The main activity of the construction and investment company, established in 2017, is the investment in the construction of new and modern residential buildings, with a focus on the quality of construction and the functionality of newly built buildings. So far, the company has several residential buildings in its portfolio, mainly in the southern districts of Sofia. If you would like to arrange a viewing of a property you are interested in or visit one of our offices, please contact us. To arrange a day and time for a meeting or viewing, you can contact us for more information and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: STO-122690 Tel: ... , 02 454 13 16 Responsible broker:Yana Yancheva No commission from the buyer Veja mais Veja menos Агенция SUPRIMMO: ... Представяме просторен, панорамен четиристаен апартамент от 197.33 кв.м за продажба, в нова сграда в кв. 'Дървеница', в непосредствена близост до метростанция 'Мусагеница'. Планирано завършване - юни 2025 г. Имотът е разположен на 7-и, последен етаж и предлага изложение изток-запад. Разпределение: антре - 8.27 кв.м; баня/тоалетна; спалня 1 - 14.81 кв.м; дневна с кухня и трапезария - 33.39 кв.м; спалня 2- 20.86 кв.м със собствена баня/тоалетна; спалня 3 - 13.27 с дрешник; три тераси. Локация Местоположението е отлично, в комуникативен район, с удобен достъп до центъра и всички точки на града. В близост са разположени спирки на градски транспорт, магазини, училища и детски градини, а парк 'Въртопо' е на пешеходно разстояние. Имотите в този район са отличен избор не само за лично ползване, а и за инвестиция, поради многобройните университети, които са разположени в близост. За сградата Сградата се състои от три входа със 7 надземни нива, в които е включен партерен етаж. Има избор от офиси, магазини, двустайни, тристайни, многостайни имоти и апартаменти тип мезонет, които са функционално проектирани, с максимално просторни помещения и благоприятни изложения. Паркирането е решено с паркоместа и гаражи, разположени на подземно ниво и ниво партер. Апартаментите се предлагат по БДС. Има възможност за закупуване на паркоместа и гаражи. Основната дейност на строително-инвестиционната компания, създадена през 2017 г., е инвестицията в строителство на нови и модерни жилищни сгради, с фокус върху качественото строителство и функционалността на новоизграждащите се сгради. До момента компанията има няколко жилищни сгради в портфолиото си предимно в южните квартали на София. Очакваме Вашето запитване Ако желаете да организирате оглед на имот, който Ви интересува, или да посетите някой от нашите офиси, моля свържете се с нас. За да уговорите ден и час за среща или оглед, можете да За повече информация свържете се с нас и цитирайте референтния номер на имота. Моля, кажете, че сте видeли обявата в този сайт. Референтен номер: STO-122690 Тел: ... , 02 454 13 16 Отговорен брокер:Яна Янчева Без комисиона от купувача SUPRIMMO-Agentur: ... Wir präsentieren eine geräumige Panoramawohnung mit drei Schlafzimmern von 197,33 m² zum Verkauf in einem neuen Gebäude im Viertel. 'Darvenitsa', in unmittelbarer Nähe der U-Bahn-Station 'Musegenitsa'. Geplante Fertigstellung - Juni 2025 Das Anwesen befindet sich im 7., letzten Stock und bietet Ost-West-Ausrichtung. Aufteilung: Eingangshalle - 8,27 m²; Bad/WC; Schlafzimmer 1 - 14,81 m²; Wohnzimmer mit Küche und Esszimmer - 33,39 m²; Schlafzimmer 2- 20,86 m² mit eigenem Bad/WC; Schlafzimmer 3 - 13,27 mit Kleiderschrank; drei Terrassen. Lage Die Lage ist ausgezeichnet, in einer kommunikativen Gegend, mit bequemem Zugang zum Zentrum und allen Punkten der Stadt. Haltestellen der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel, Geschäfte, Schulen und Kindergärten befinden sich in der Nähe, und der Vartopo-Park ist zu Fuß erreichbar. Immobilien in dieser Gegend sind aufgrund der zahlreichen Universitäten, die sich in der Nähe befinden, eine ausgezeichnete Wahl nicht nur für den persönlichen Gebrauch, sondern auch für Investitionen. Das Gebäude besteht aus drei Eingängen mit 7 oberirdischen Ebenen, zu denen ein Erdgeschoss gehört. Es gibt eine Auswahl an Büros, Geschäften, Ein-, Zwei-Zimmer-, Mehrzimmerwohnungen und Maisonette-Wohnungen, die funktional gestaltet sind, mit maximal geräumigen Räumlichkeiten und günstiger Lage. Parkplätze und Garagen befinden sich in der Tiefgarage und im Erdgeschoss. Die Wohnungen werden nach BDS angeboten. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, Parkplätze und Garagen zu erwerben. Die Haupttätigkeit der 2017 gegründeten Bau- und Investmentgesellschaft ist die Investition in den Bau neuer und moderner Wohngebäude, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Bauqualität und der Funktionalität von Neubauten liegt. Bisher hat das Unternehmen mehrere Wohngebäude in seinem Portfolio, hauptsächlich in den südlichen Stadtteilen von Sofia. Wenn Sie eine Besichtigung einer Immobilie vereinbaren möchten, an der Sie interessiert sind, oder eines unserer Büros besuchen möchten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. Um einen Tag und eine Uhrzeit für ein Meeting oder eine Besichtigung zu vereinbaren, können Sie uns für weitere Informationen kontaktieren und die Referenznummer der Immobilie angeben. Bitte geben Sie an, dass Sie die Anzeige auf dieser Website gesehen haben. Referenznummer: STO-122690 Tel: ... , 02 454 13 16 Verantwortlicher Makler:Yana Yancheva Keine Provision vom Käufer SUPRIMMO agency: ... We present a spacious, panoramic three-bedroom apartment of 197.33 sq.m for sale, in a new building in the district. 'Darvenitsa', in close proximity to the metro station 'Musegenitsa'. Planned completion - June 2025 The property is located on the 7th, last floor and offers east-west exposure. Distribution: entrance hall - 8.27 sq.m; bathroom/toilet; bedroom 1 - 14.81 sq.m; living room with kitchen and dining room - 33.39 sq.m; bedroom 2- 20.86 sq.m with private bathroom/toilet; bedroom 3 - 13.27 with closet; three terraces. Location The location is excellent, in a communicative area, with convenient access to the center and all points of the city. Public transport stops, shops, schools and kindergartens are located nearby, and Vartopo Park is within walking distance. Properties in this area are an excellent choice not only for personal use, but also for investment, due to the numerous universities that are located nearby. The building consists of three entrances with 7 above-ground levels, which include a ground floor. There is a choice of offices, shops, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, multi-bedroom properties and maisonette apartments, which are functionally designed, with maximum spacious premises and favorable exposures. Parking is provided with parking spaces and garages located on the underground and ground floor levels. The apartments are offered according to BDS. There is an opportunity to purchase parking spaces and garages. The main activity of the construction and investment company, established in 2017, is the investment in the construction of new and modern residential buildings, with a focus on the quality of construction and the functionality of newly built buildings. So far, the company has several residential buildings in its portfolio, mainly in the southern districts of Sofia. If you would like to arrange a viewing of a property you are interested in or visit one of our offices, please contact us. To arrange a day and time for a meeting or viewing, you can contact us for more information and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: STO-122690 Tel: ... , 02 454 13 16 Responsible broker:Yana Yancheva No commission from the buyer Agentúra SUPRIMMO: ... Predstavujeme na predaj priestranný, panoramatický trojizbový byt s rozlohou 197,33 m² v novostavbe v okrese. "Darvenitsa", v tesnej blízkosti stanice metra "Musegenitsa". Plánované dokončenie - jún 2025 Táto nehnuteľnosť sa nachádza na 7., poslednom poschodí a ponúka expozíciu z východu na západ. Distribúcia: vstupná hala - 8,27 m²; kúpeľňa/WC; spálňa 1 - 14,81 m²; obývacia izba s kuchyňou a jedálňou - 33,39 m²; spálňa 2- 20,86 m² s vlastnou kúpeľňou / WC; spálňa 3 - 13,27 so šatníkom; tri terasy. umiestnenia Poloha je vynikajúca, v komunikačnej oblasti, s pohodlným prístupom do centra a všetkých bodov mesta. Zastávky verejnej dopravy, obchody, školy a materské školy sa nachádzajú v blízkosti a park Vartopo je v pešej vzdialenosti. Nehnuteľnosti v tejto oblasti sú vynikajúcou voľbou nielen pre osobné použitie, ale aj pre investície, vďaka početným univerzitám, ktoré sa nachádzajú v blízkosti. Budova pozostáva z troch vchodov so 7 nadzemnými podlažiami, ktoré zahŕňajú prízemie. Na výber sú kancelárie, obchody, jednoizbové, dvojizbové, viacizbové nehnuteľnosti a mezonetové apartmány, ktoré sú funkčne navrhnuté, s maximálnymi priestrannými priestormi a priaznivými expozíciami. Parkovanie je zabezpečené parkovacími miestami a garážami umiestnenými na podzemnej a prízemnej úrovni. Apartmány sú ponúkané podľa BDS. Je tu možnosť zakúpenia parkovacích miest a garáží. Hlavnou činnosťou stavebno-investičnej spoločnosti, založenej v roku 2017, sú investície do výstavby nových a moderných bytových domov so zameraním na kvalitu výstavby a funkčnosť novopostavených budov. Spoločnosť má zatiaľ vo svojom portfóliu niekoľko obytných budov, najmä v južných okresoch Sofie. Ak by ste si chceli dohodnúť prehliadku nehnuteľnosti, o ktorú máte záujem, alebo navštíviť niektorú z našich kancelárií, kontaktujte nás. Ak si chcete dohodnúť deň a čas stretnutia alebo prehliadky, môžete nás kontaktovať pre viac informácií a uviesť referenčné číslo ubytovacieho zariadenia. Povedzte, že ste videli reklamu na tejto stránke. Referenčné číslo: STO-122690 Tel: ... , 02 454 13 16 Zodpovedný maklér: Yana Yancheva Žiadna provízia od kupujúceho
Referência: EDEN-T98513394
País: BG
Cidade: Sofia
Código Postal: 1756
Categoria: Residencial
Tipo de listagem: Para venda
Tipo de Imóvel: Apartamento e Condomínio
Tamanho do imóvel: 197
Piso: 7


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