
Critérios de Pesquisa Avançada

Tipo de Imóvel
Subtipo do Imóvel
Subtipo do Imóvel
Idade do proprietário
Tamanho do Imóvel
Tamanho do Lote
Casas de Banho
Ano de Construção
Ano(s) de Utilização
Sistema de Aquecimento
Combustíveis de Aquecimento
Consumos Energéticos
Emissões de Gases com Efeito de Estufa
Preço / m²
Renda / m² /Ano
Rendimento Líquido
Preço do Arrendamento

Plovdiv - Apartamento e condomínio à vendre

149.998 EUR

Apartamento e Condomínio (Para venda)

Referência: EDEN-T98084079 / 98084079
LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... We present a fully furnished, one-bedroom apartment according to a design project with a parking space in a gated complex on Blvd. Bulgaria in the district. 'Gagarin', Plovdiv. The location is extremely convenient, especially for people with a more dynamic everyday life. The property with a total area of 100 sq.m is located on the 6th floor facing north/south. Distribution: living room with fully equipped kitchenette and dining area; bedroom; large bathroom with toilet and bathtub; two terraces. The apartment also includes an external parking space, which is offered at a separate price of 15,000 euros. All electrical appliances are of the highest energy class, and the total consumption of electricity. energy of the home is minimized. In the kitchenette there is a built-in refrigerator, washing machine, oven, hob, extractor hood, coffee machine. The air conditioners are Daikin, relatively the latest generation of the highest class. The kitchen is custom-made from MDF, as well as almost all wardrobes and cabinets, a bedroom and are tailored to the interior. The apartment has exotic interior lighting, central heating, which can be stopped and started at will and in coordination with the residents at the entrance. The design and author's supervision was carried out by the designer Snezhana Ganeva. The apartment is consistent with Vasto (the source of Feng Shui), which gives extremely good harmony and energy in the premises. The paintings are author's works with growing value over time. The voice acting is High-end Harman Cardon and Mission. From the two terraces there is a good view of the Rhodopes and the Balkan Mountains. If necessary, there is an option to quickly build two more rooms, which can be bedrooms or an office for working from home. The gated complex in which the property is located has all amenities - video surveillance for security, internal private park, underground and above-ground parking, restaurants, pharmacy, health center, grocery stores, econt, hairdressers and others. For inspection and consultation, please contact us. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: PLV-122276 Tel: ... , 032 333 978 Responsible broker: Mariana Stefanova Veja mais Veja menos LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... Представяме напълно обзаведен, двустаен апартамент по дизайнерски проект с паркомясто в затворен комплекс на бул. България в кв. 'Гагарин', Пловдив. Локацията е изключително удобна, особено за хора с по динамично ежедневие. Имотът с обща площ от 100 кв.м е разположен на 6-и етаж с изложение север/юг. Разпределение: дневна с напълно оборудван кухненски бокс и трапезария; спалня; голяма баня с тоалетна и вана; две тераси. Към жилището има включено и външно паркомясто, което се предлага на отделна цена от 15 000 евро. Всички електроуреди са от най-висок енергиен клас, като общата консумация на ел. енергия на жилището е сведена до минимум. В кухненския бокс има вградени хладилник, миляна машина, фурна, котлони, аспиратор, кафе машина. Климатиците са Daikin, сравнително последно поколение от най-висок клас. Кухнята е изработена по поръчка от MDF, както и почти всички гардероби и шкафове, спалня и са съобразени с интериора. Жилището разполага с екзотично интериорно осветление, ТЕЦ който може да се спира и пуска по желание и съгласуване със живущите във входа. Дизайнът и авторския надзор е извършен от дизайнерката Снежана Ганева. Апартаментът е съобразен по Васто (първоизточника на Фън Шуй), което дава изключително добра хармония и енергия в помещенията. Картините са авторски с растяща стойност във времето. Озвучаването е High-end Harman Cardon and Mission. От двете тераси има добра гледка към Родопите и Стара планина. При нужда има опция за бързо изграждане на още две помещения, които могат да бъдат спални или офис за работа от вкъщи. Затвореният комплекс в който се намира имота разполага с всички удобства - видео наблюдение за охрана, вътрешен собствен парк, подземен и надземен паркинг, заведения, аптека, здравен център, хранителни магазини, еконт, фризьорски салони и други. За оглед и консултация, моля свържете се с нас. За повече информация свържете се с нас и цитирайте референтния номер на имота. Моля, кажете, че сте видeли обявата в този сайт. Референтен номер: PLV-122276 Тел: ... , 032 333 978 Отговорен брокер:Мариана Стефанова LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... Predstavujeme kompletne zariadený apartmán s jednou spálňou podľa dizajnového projektu s parkovacím miestom v uzavretom komplexe na Blvd. Bulharsko v okrese. "Gagarin", Plovdiv. Poloha je mimoriadne výhodná, najmä pre ľudí s dynamickejším každodenným životom. Nehnuteľnosť s celkovou rozlohou 100 m² sa nachádza na 6. poschodí orientovanom na sever / juh. Distribúcia: obývacia izba s plne vybaveným kuchynským kútom a jedálenským kútom; spálňa; veľká kúpeľňa s WC a vaňou; dve terasy. Súčasťou bytu je aj vonkajšie parkovacie miesto, ktoré je ponúkané za samostatnú cenu 15 000 eur. Všetky elektrické spotrebiče majú najvyššiu energetickú triedu a celkovú spotrebu elektrickej energie. Energia domu je minimalizovaná. V kuchynskom kúte je vstavaná chladnička, práčka, rúra, varná doska, digestor, kávovar. Klimatizácie sú Daikin, relatívne najnovšia generácia najvyššej triedy. Kuchyňa je vyrobená na mieru z MDF, rovnako ako takmer všetky skrine a skrine, spálňa a sú prispôsobené interiéru. Byt má exotické vnútorné osvetlenie, ústredné kúrenie, ktoré je možné zastaviť a spustiť podľa želania av koordinácii s obyvateľmi pri vchode. Návrh a autorský dozor vykonala dizajnérka Snezhana Ganeva. Byt je v súlade s Vasto (zdroj Feng Shui), ktorý dáva mimoriadne dobrú harmóniu a energiu v priestoroch. Obrazy sú autorskými dielami s rastúcou hodnotou v čase. Dabing je High-end Harman Cardon a Mission. Z dvoch terás je dobrý výhľad na Rodopy a Balkánske hory. V prípade potreby existuje možnosť rýchlo postaviť ďalšie dve miestnosti, ktorými môžu byť spálne alebo kancelária na prácu z domu. Uzavretý komplex, v ktorom sa nehnuteľnosť nachádza, má všetku občiansku vybavenosť - video dohľad pre bezpečnosť, vnútorný súkromný park, podzemné a nadzemné parkovisko, reštaurácie, lekáreň, zdravotné stredisko, obchody s potravinami, econt, kaderníctvo a ďalšie. Pre kontrolu a konzultácie nás prosím kontaktujte. Pre viac informácií nás kontaktujte a uveďte referenčné číslo nehnuteľnosti. Povedzte, že ste videli reklamu na tejto stránke. Referenčné číslo: PLV-122276 Tel: ... , 032 333 978 Zodpovedný sprostredkovateľ: Mariana Štefanová LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... We present a fully furnished, one-bedroom apartment according to a design project with a parking space in a gated complex on Blvd. Bulgaria in the district. 'Gagarin', Plovdiv. The location is extremely convenient, especially for people with a more dynamic everyday life. The property with a total area of 100 sq.m is located on the 6th floor facing north/south. Distribution: living room with fully equipped kitchenette and dining area; bedroom; large bathroom with toilet and bathtub; two terraces. The apartment also includes an external parking space, which is offered at a separate price of 15,000 euros. All electrical appliances are of the highest energy class, and the total consumption of electricity. energy of the home is minimized. In the kitchenette there is a built-in refrigerator, washing machine, oven, hob, extractor hood, coffee machine. The air conditioners are Daikin, relatively the latest generation of the highest class. The kitchen is custom-made from MDF, as well as almost all wardrobes and cabinets, a bedroom and are tailored to the interior. The apartment has exotic interior lighting, central heating, which can be stopped and started at will and in coordination with the residents at the entrance. The design and author's supervision was carried out by the designer Snezhana Ganeva. The apartment is consistent with Vasto (the source of Feng Shui), which gives extremely good harmony and energy in the premises. The paintings are author's works with growing value over time. The voice acting is High-end Harman Cardon and Mission. From the two terraces there is a good view of the Rhodopes and the Balkan Mountains. If necessary, there is an option to quickly build two more rooms, which can be bedrooms or an office for working from home. The gated complex in which the property is located has all amenities - video surveillance for security, internal private park, underground and above-ground parking, restaurants, pharmacy, health center, grocery stores, econt, hairdressers and others. For inspection and consultation, please contact us. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: PLV-122276 Tel: ... , 032 333 978 Responsible broker: Mariana Stefanova LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... Presentamos un apartamento de un dormitorio completamente amueblado según un proyecto de diseño con una plaza de aparcamiento en un complejo cerrado en Blvd. Bulgaria en el distrito. 'Gagarin', Plovdiv. La ubicación es extremadamente conveniente, especialmente para personas con una vida cotidiana más dinámica. La propiedad, con una superficie total de 100 metros cuadrados, se encuentra en la 6ª planta con orientación norte/sur. Distribución: sala de estar con cocina americana totalmente equipada y zona de comedor; dormitorio; amplio cuarto de baño con inodoro y bañera; Dos terrazas. El apartamento también incluye una plaza de aparcamiento exterior, que se ofrece a un precio aparte de 15.000 euros. Todos los aparatos eléctricos son de la clase energética más alta, y el consumo total de electricidad. Se minimiza la energía del hogar. En la cocina americana hay una nevera empotrada, lavadora, horno, vitrocerámica, campana extractora, cafetera. Los aires acondicionados son Daikin, relativamente la última generación de la clase más alta. La cocina está hecha a medida en MDF, así como casi todos los armarios y armarios, un dormitorio y están hechos a medida para el interior. El apartamento cuenta con iluminación interior exótica, calefacción central, que se puede parar y poner en marcha a voluntad y en coordinación con los residentes en la entrada. El diseño y la supervisión del autor fue llevado a cabo por la diseñadora Snezhana Ganeva. El apartamento es coherente con Vasto (la fuente del Feng Shui), lo que da muy buena armonía y energía en las instalaciones. Las pinturas son obras de autor con un valor creciente con el tiempo. La actuación de voz es de alta gama Harman Cardon y Mission. Desde las dos terrazas hay una buena vista de los Ródopes y las montañas Balcánicas. Si es necesario, existe la opción de construir rápidamente dos habitaciones más, que pueden ser dormitorios o una oficina para trabajar desde casa. El complejo cerrado en el que se encuentra la propiedad cuenta con todas las comodidades: videovigilancia para seguridad, parque privado interno, estacionamiento subterráneo y en superficie, restaurantes, farmacia, centro de salud, tiendas de comestibles, econt, peluquerías y otros. Para inspección y consulta, póngase en contacto con nosotros. Para más información, póngase en contacto con nosotros y cotice la referencia del inmueble. Por favor, diga que ha visto el anuncio en este sitio. Nº de referencia: PLV-122276 Tel: ... , 032 333 978 Corredor responsable: Mariana Stefanova
Referência: EDEN-T98084079
País: BG
Cidade: Plovdiv
Categoria: Residencial
Tipo de listagem: Para venda
Tipo de Imóvel: Apartamento e Condomínio
Tamanho do imóvel: 100
Piso: 6


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