
Critérios de Pesquisa Avançada

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Subtipo do Imóvel
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Ano de Construção
Ano(s) de Utilização
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Combustíveis de Aquecimento
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Preço / m²
Renda / m² /Ano
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Preço do Arrendamento

Vratsa - Armazém e espaço industrial à vendre

Armazém e Espaço Industrial (Para venda)

Referência: EDEN-T93169727 / 93169727
PRODUCTION BASE - Vratsa, East Industrial Zone, near ul. Vasil Kanchov, one of the main thoroughfares in the city and a deviation of E79, near the entrance of the city from the town of Vasil Kanchov, is one of the main thoroughfares in the town of Smolyan. Sofia, communicative location. It consists of 7 pcs. Industrial and service buildings with a total built-up area of 4 906 sq.m., of which production buildings on one floor 4 482 sq.m., administrative building on 2 floors with a built-up area of 198 sq.m. and with a total built-up area of 396 sq.m., a building of a complementary construction 226 sq.m The buildings are located in two land plots with an area of 4 538 and 2 263 sq.m. or with a total area of 6 801 sq.m The buildings are: with two power supplies with a capacity of 0.329 and 0.198 MW, low-voltage installation, telephonization and two optical networks, with two water and sewerage supplies, gasified, with a heating system in the production part gas-radiant, with compressed air installation. They are in excellent constructive and functional condition and have a functional connection with each other. Located in the plot of land with an area of 4 538 sq.m. buildings have the following characteristics: Building 764 sq.m., 1st floor - industrial building, height - 5.50 m (to the lower belt of metal trusses is 4.90 m, to the ridge 6.60 m), in operation since 2006, prefabricated metal supporting structure, foundations - calyx foundations, fences and partition walls panels Peno polyethylene, roof structure metal trusses with roof coating heat-insulating sandwich panels type Isopoli . one common room, entrances with metal doors with mechanism, polished concrete, Building 843 sq.m., 1st floor - warehouse, warehouse, in operation since 02.02.2014, prefabricated metal supporting structure, foundations single reinforced concrete foundations and columns of steel profiles with prefabricated fence walls, roof covering with roof panels, one common room, entrance with metal door with mechanism, flooring - polished concrete, Building 226 sq.m., 1st floor - building of complementary construction, in operation since 03.2014, prefabricated metal bearing structure, foundations single reinforced concrete foundations and columns of steel profiles, prefabricated walls on three sides, roof covering with roof panels, one common room, entrance with metal door with mechanism, polished concrete, Building 1 690 sq.m., 1 floor production building, in operation since May 05, 2015, prefabricated metal supporting structure, foundations - cup-shaped foundations, fences and partition walls panels Peno polyethylene, roof structure with metal trusses with roof coating thermal insulation sandwich panels type Isopoli, one-dimensional volume, which is divided into two parts - in one part administrative-household tract on two levels (including offices, changing rooms, bathrooms, staff rooms and dining room), the other part is production, polished concrete. Located in the plot of land with an area of 2 263 sq.m. buildings have the following characteristics: Building 599 sq.m., 1st floor - industrial building, monolithic reinforced concrete structure, external walls panels, roof - roof panels with waterproofing, one large room with a height of 8 m, bridge crane with crane road and household part in the second level in part of the attic space, in the northeastern part of the building in 2012. is built metal structure on two levels, on the first level - separate dressing rooms, sanitary premises and staff rooms, second level - office and warehouse, joinery - metal with glazing, floor - polished concrete, Building 586 sq., 1st floor - industrial building, in operation since 2006, prefabricated metal supporting structure, foundations - single reinforced concrete foundations and columns of steel profiles with prefabricated fence walls, external walls - foamed polyethylene panels, roof - metal structure with a coating of thermal insulation sandwich panels, one room, floor - polished concrete, Building area - 198 sq.m., total built-up area 396 sq.m., 2 floors elevation +0.00 and +3.45 m - administrative, business building, in operation since 01.01.2007, monolithic, skeleton-beam scheme of load-bearing elements, reinforced concrete columns, beams and interfloor structures, roof structure - flat roof with internal drainage, fences and partition walls - brickwork, heating with central air conditioning, low-voltage installation, telephonization and optical internet. An undeveloped part of the landed properties (yard) is paved with asphalt, curbs and fence. The property is in excellent condition. Terms and price of the deal after meeting and viewing the property. Veja mais Veja menos ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕНА БАЗА - гр.Враца, Източна промишлена зона, в близост до ул. Васил Кънчов, една от главнитe пътни артерии в града и отклонение на Е79, близо до входа на града от към гр. София, комуникативно местоположение. Състои се от 7 бр. производствени и обслужващи сгради с разгъната застроена площ 4 906 кв.м., от които производствени сгради на един етаж 4 482 кв.м., административна сграда на 2 етажа със застроена площ 198 кв.м. и с разгъната застроена площ 396 кв.м., постройка на допълващо застроявене 226 кв.м Сградите са разположени в два поземлени имота с площ 4 538 и 2 263 кв.м. или с обща площ 6 801 кв.м Сградите са: с две ел.захранвания с мощност 0.329 и 0.198 MW, слаботокова инсталация, телефонизация и две оптични мрежи, с две захранвания с вода и канализация, газифицирани, с изградена отоплителна инсталация в производствената част газово-лъчиста, с инсталация за сгъстен въздух. В отлично конструктивно и функционално състояние са и са с функционална връзка помежду си. Разположените в поземления имот с площ 4 538 кв.м. сгради са със следните характеристики: Сграда 764 кв.м., 1 етаж - промишлена сграда, височина - 5.50 м (до долния пояс на металните ферми е 4.90 м, до билото 6.60 м), в експлоатация от 2006 г., сглобяема метална носеща конструкция, основи - чашковидни фундаменти, оградни и преградни стени панели Пено полиетиленови , покривна конструкция метални ферми с покривно покритие топлоизолационни сандвич панели тип Изополи , едно общо помещение, входове с метални врати с механизъм, шлайфан бетон, Сграда 843 кв.м., 1 етаж - складова база, склад, в експлоатация от м.02.2014 г., сглобяема метална носеща конструкция, основи единични стоманобетонни фундаменти и колони от стоманени профили със сглобяеми оградни стени, покривно покритие с покривни панели, едно общо помещение, вход с метална врата с механизъм, подова настилка - шлайфан бетон, Сграда 226 кв.м., 1 етаж - постройка на допълващо застрояване, в експлоатация от м.03.2014 г., сглобяема метална носеща конструкция, основи единични стоманобетонни фундаменти и колони от стоманени профили, сглобяеми стени от три страни, покривно покритие с покривни панели, едно общо помещение, вход с метална врата с механизъм, шлайфан бетон, Сграда 1 690 кв.м., 1 етаж производствена сграда, в експлоатация от м.05.2015 г., сглобяема метална носеща конструкция, основи - чашковидни фундаменти, оградни и преградни стени панели Пено полиетиленови , покривна конструкция с метални ферми с покривно покритие топлоизолационни сандвич панели тип Изополи , еднопространствен обем, който е разделен на две части - в едната част административно-битов тракт на две нива (вкл. офиси, съблекални, санитарни помещения, стаи за персонала и помещение за хранене), другата част е производствена, шлайфан бетон. Разположените в поземления имот с площ 2 263 кв.м. сгради са със следните характеристики: Сграда 599 кв.м., 1 етаж - промишлена сграда, монолитна стоманобетонна конструкция, външни стени панели, покрив - покривни панели с хидроизолация, едно голямо помещение с височина 8 м, мостови кран с подкранов път и битова част в изградено второ ниво в част от подпокривното пространство, в североизточната част на сградата през 2012 г. е изградена метална конструкция на две нива, на първо ниво - обособени съблекални, санитарни помещения и стаи за персонала, второ ниво - офис и склад, дограма - метална с остъкление, под - шлайфан бетон, Сграда 586 кв., 1 етаж - промишлена сграда, в експлоатация от 2006 г., сглобяема метална носеща конструкция, основи - единични стоманобетонни фундаменти и колони от стоманени профили със сглобяеми оградни стени, външни стени - пено-полиетиленови панели, покрив - метална конструкция с покритие от топлоизолационни сандвич панели, едно помещение, под - шлайфан бетон, Сграда застроена площ - 198 кв.м., разгъната застроена площ 396 кв.м., 2 етажа кота +0.00 и +3.45 м - административно, делова сграда, в експлоатация от м.01.2007 г., монолитна, скелетно-гредова схема на носещите елементи, стоманобетонни колони, греди и междуетажни подови конструкции, покривна конструкция - плосък покрив с вътрешно отводняване, оградни и преградни стени - тухлена зидария, отопление с централна климатична инсталация, слаботокова инсталация, телефонизация и оптичен интернет. Незастроена част от поземлените имоти (дворно място) е с настилка от асфалт, бордюри и ограда. Имотът е в отлично състояние. Условия и цена на сделката, след среща и оглед на имота. PRODUCTION BASE - Vratsa, East Industrial Zone, near ul. Vasil Kanchov, one of the main thoroughfares in the city and a deviation of E79, near the entrance of the city from the town of Vasil Kanchov, is one of the main thoroughfares in the town of Smolyan. Sofia, communicative location. It consists of 7 pcs. Industrial and service buildings with a total built-up area of 4 906 sq.m., of which production buildings on one floor 4 482 sq.m., administrative building on 2 floors with a built-up area of 198 sq.m. and with a total built-up area of 396 sq.m., a building of a complementary construction 226 sq.m The buildings are located in two land plots with an area of 4 538 and 2 263 sq.m. or with a total area of 6 801 sq.m The buildings are: with two power supplies with a capacity of 0.329 and 0.198 MW, low-voltage installation, telephonization and two optical networks, with two water and sewerage supplies, gasified, with a heating system in the production part gas-radiant, with compressed air installation. They are in excellent constructive and functional condition and have a functional connection with each other. Located in the plot of land with an area of 4 538 sq.m. buildings have the following characteristics: Building 764 sq.m., 1st floor - industrial building, height - 5.50 m (to the lower belt of metal trusses is 4.90 m, to the ridge 6.60 m), in operation since 2006, prefabricated metal supporting structure, foundations - calyx foundations, fences and partition walls panels Peno polyethylene, roof structure metal trusses with roof coating heat-insulating sandwich panels type Isopoli . one common room, entrances with metal doors with mechanism, polished concrete, Building 843 sq.m., 1st floor - warehouse, warehouse, in operation since 02.02.2014, prefabricated metal supporting structure, foundations single reinforced concrete foundations and columns of steel profiles with prefabricated fence walls, roof covering with roof panels, one common room, entrance with metal door with mechanism, flooring - polished concrete, Building 226 sq.m., 1st floor - building of complementary construction, in operation since 03.2014, prefabricated metal bearing structure, foundations single reinforced concrete foundations and columns of steel profiles, prefabricated walls on three sides, roof covering with roof panels, one common room, entrance with metal door with mechanism, polished concrete, Building 1 690 sq.m., 1 floor production building, in operation since May 05, 2015, prefabricated metal supporting structure, foundations - cup-shaped foundations, fences and partition walls panels Peno polyethylene, roof structure with metal trusses with roof coating thermal insulation sandwich panels type Isopoli, one-dimensional volume, which is divided into two parts - in one part administrative-household tract on two levels (including offices, changing rooms, bathrooms, staff rooms and dining room), the other part is production, polished concrete. Located in the plot of land with an area of 2 263 sq.m. buildings have the following characteristics: Building 599 sq.m., 1st floor - industrial building, monolithic reinforced concrete structure, external walls panels, roof - roof panels with waterproofing, one large room with a height of 8 m, bridge crane with crane road and household part in the second level in part of the attic space, in the northeastern part of the building in 2012. is built metal structure on two levels, on the first level - separate dressing rooms, sanitary premises and staff rooms, second level - office and warehouse, joinery - metal with glazing, floor - polished concrete, Building 586 sq., 1st floor - industrial building, in operation since 2006, prefabricated metal supporting structure, foundations - single reinforced concrete foundations and columns of steel profiles with prefabricated fence walls, external walls - foamed polyethylene panels, roof - metal structure with a coating of thermal insulation sandwich panels, one room, floor - polished concrete, Building area - 198 sq.m., total built-up area 396 sq.m., 2 floors elevation +0.00 and +3.45 m - administrative, business building, in operation since 01.01.2007, monolithic, skeleton-beam scheme of load-bearing elements, reinforced concrete columns, beams and interfloor structures, roof structure - flat roof with internal drainage, fences and partition walls - brickwork, heating with central air conditioning, low-voltage installation, telephonization and optical internet. An undeveloped part of the landed properties (yard) is paved with asphalt, curbs and fence. The property is in excellent condition. Terms and price of the deal after meeting and viewing the property. BASE DE PRODUCTION - Vratsa, Zone Industrielle Est, près de ul. Vasil Kanchov, l’une des principales artères de la ville et une déviation de l’E79, près de l’entrée de la ville de Vasil Kanchov, est l’une des principales artères de la ville de Smolyan. Sofia, lieu de communication. Il se compose de 7 pièces. Bâtiments industriels et tertiaires d’une surface bâtie totale de 4 906 m², dont bâtiments de production sur un étage 4 482 m², bâtiment administratif sur 2 étages d’une surface bâtie de 198 m². et d’une surface bâtie totale de 396 m², un bâtiment d’une construction complémentaire de 226 m² Les bâtiments sont situés sur deux parcelles d’une superficie de 4 538 et 2 263 m². ou d’une superficie totale de 6 801 m² Les bâtiments sont : avec deux alimentations électriques d’une capacité de 0,329 et 0,198 MW, une installation basse tension, la téléphonie et deux réseaux optiques, avec deux alimentations en eau et assainissement, gazéifiées, avec un système de chauffage dans la partie production gaz-radiant, avec installation d’air comprimé. Ils sont en excellent état constructif et fonctionnel et ont une connexion fonctionnelle les uns avec les autres. Situé sur un terrain d’une superficie de 4 538 m². Les bâtiments ont les caractéristiques suivantes : Bâtiment 764 m², 1er étage - bâtiment industriel, hauteur - 5,50 m (à la ceinture inférieure de fermes métalliques est de 4,90 m, à la faîtage 6,60 m), en service depuis 2006, structure porteuse métallique préfabriquée, fondations - fondations en calice, clôtures et panneaux de cloisons en polyéthylène Peno, charpente métallique de la structure du toit avec revêtement de toit panneaux sandwich thermo-isolants de type Isopoli . une salle commune, entrées avec portes métalliques avec mécanisme, béton poli, bâtiment 843 m², 1er étage - entrepôt, entrepôt, en service depuis le 02.02.2014, structure porteuse métallique préfabriquée, fondations fondations simples en béton armé et colonnes de profilés en acier avec murs de clôture préfabriqués, couverture de toit avec panneaux de toit, une salle commune, entrée avec porte métallique avec mécanisme, sol - béton poli, Bâtiment 226 m², 1er étage - bâtiment de construction complémentaire, en service depuis 03.2014, structure porteuse métallique préfabriquée, fondations simples en béton armé et colonnes de profilés en acier, murs préfabriqués sur trois côtés, couverture de toit avec panneaux de toit, une salle commune, entrée avec porte métallique avec mécanisme, béton ciré, bâtiment 1 690 m², bâtiment de production 1 étage, en service depuis le 05 mai 2015, structure porteuse métallique préfabriquée, fondations - fondations en forme de coupe, clôtures et panneaux de cloisons polyéthylène péno, structure de toit avec fermes métalliques avec revêtement de toit panneaux sandwich d’isolation thermique type Isopoli, volume unidimensionnel, qui est divisé en deux parties - en une partie administrative-ménage sur deux niveaux (y compris les bureaux, les vestiaires, les salles de bains, les chambres du personnel et la salle à manger), L’autre partie est la production, le béton poli. Situé sur le terrain d’une superficie de 2 263 m². Les bâtiments ont les caractéristiques suivantes : Bâtiment 599 m², 1er étage - bâtiment industriel, structure monolithique en béton armé, panneaux de murs extérieurs, toit - panneaux de toit avec étanchéité, une grande pièce d’une hauteur de 8 m, pont roulant avec route de grue et partie domestique au deuxième niveau dans une partie des combles, dans la partie nord-est du bâtiment en 2012. est construit structure métallique sur deux niveaux, au premier niveau - vestiaires séparés, locaux sanitaires et salles du personnel, deuxième niveau - bureau et entrepôt, menuiserie - métal avec vitrage, sol - béton poli, bâtiment 586 m², 1er étage - bâtiment industriel, en service depuis 2006, structure porteuse métallique préfabriquée, fondations - fondations simples en béton armé et colonnes de profilés en acier avec murs de clôture préfabriqués, murs extérieurs - panneaux en polyéthylène expansé, toit - structure métallique avec un revêtement de panneaux sandwich d’isolation thermique, une pièce, sol - béton poli, Surface du bâtiment - 198 m², surface bâtie totale 396 m², élévation de 2 étages +0,00 et +3,45 m - administratif, bâtiment commercial, en service depuis le 01.01.2007, schéma monolithique à ossature d’éléments porteurs, de colonnes, de poutres et de structures inter-planchers en béton armé, Structure du toit - toit plat avec drainage interne, clôtures et cloisons - maçonnerie, chauffage avec climatisation centrale, installation basse tension, téléphonie et internet optique. Une partie non aménagée des propriétés foncières (cour) est pavée d’asphalte, de bordures et de clôtures. La propriété est en excellent état. Conditions et prix de l’accord après la rencontre et la visite de la propriété.
Referência: EDEN-T93169727
País: BG
Cidade: Vratza
Código Postal: 3000
Categoria: Comercial
Tipo de listagem: Para venda
Tipo de Imóvel: Armazém e Espaço Industrial
Tamanho do imóvel: 4.906


Preço médio de venda por
Abr 2020
3 Mois
1 An
332 EUR


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