
Critérios de Pesquisa Avançada

Tipo de Imóvel
Subtipo do Imóvel
Subtipo do Imóvel
Idade do proprietário
Tamanho do Imóvel
Tamanho do Lote
Casas de Banho
Ano de Construção
Ano(s) de Utilização
Sistema de Aquecimento
Combustíveis de Aquecimento
Consumos Energéticos
Emissões de Gases com Efeito de Estufa
Preço / m²
Renda / m² /Ano
Rendimento Líquido
Preço do Arrendamento

Inveruno - Oportunidade de negócio à vendre

3.690.000 EUR

Oportunidade de negócio (Para venda)

20 dv
10 wc
lote 430.000
Referência: EDEN-T84767563 / 84767563
Cascina Lombarda with merged irrigated arable land
Covered areas of buildings 4,870 m². Total area of irrigated land 410,000 m² / 41 hectares approx. Stable with a capacity of about 120 heads Dairy, Shop, Restaurant and Church.
Between Cuggiono and Inveruno a long avenue of cypress poplars leads to the ancient double courtyard of the farmhouse, a structure with the flavor and charm of an old Lombard farmhouse from the 19th century. In reality its origin is much older, a map owned by today's owner family testifies to its existence as early as 1500. At the time it was presumably a convent as evidenced by the precious little church located inside the property.
The farmhouse is spread over 2 floors and the covered area of the buildings is currently approximately 4,870 m2. total, divided as follows: - Residences: 1,340 sq.m. - Porticoes - warehouses: 1,610 m2. - Church: 50 m2. - Stable - box: 1,870 m2. - Courtyard areas: 2,060 m2. All the roofs have already been renovated, as well as some other areas specified below:
1. APARTMENTS: An APARTMENT of the asset has already been renovated. The other residential premises require some of a complete renovation, while others of a lighter renovation and relative modernization.
2. THE RESTAURANT (production pole currently NOT in operation): Renovated with an impeccable aesthetic taste that is well suited to the area and the architecture of the farmhouse. Composed of two rooms, a "fireplace room" where a large working fireplace warms the cold winter evenings and the other "wine room", where the ceiling is characterized by ancient bottles placed in sight. The last adjoining room, used for large private events, is the "refectory room" characterized by the typical structure and furnishings of the rooms of the ancient refectories of convents. Here you can admire frescoes of the time. Arrangement for PROFESSIONAL KITCHEN
3. THE DAIRY and THE SHOP (production poles currently NOT in operation) for the sale of food products have been restructured.
4. THE STABLE (production hub currently NOT in operation): The stable has a capacity of approximately 120 animals and is equipped with a fully automated milking parlor.
6. THE CHURCH: The private and consecrated church, dedicated to San Carlo Borromeo, has been completely restored and brought back to its historical origins. Used for small ceremonies such as Eucharistic adoration, weddings, baptisms, communions and moments of prayer.
7. AGRICULTURAL LAND Approximately 41 hectares, merged, arable land and irrigation.
NB: NB: It is specified that the restaurant, the shop and the stable, intended as the production centers of the Cascina are NOT in operation and the furniture and equipment are NOT included in the sale. The farmhouse is NOT in activity.
*For privacy reasons, the address in the file is indicative and the property is located nearby*
Veja mais Veja menos Cascina Lombarda con terreni accorpati seminativi irrigui
Superfici coperte fabbricati 4.870 m². Superficie totale terreni irrigui 410.000 m² / 41 ettari circa. Stalla con una capienza di 120 capi circa Caseificio, Bottega, Ristorante e Chiesa.
Fra Cuggiono e Inveruno un lungo viale di pioppi cipressini conduce allantica doppia corte della cascina, struttura dal sapore e fascino della vecchia cascina lombarda dell800. In realtà la sua origine è ben più antica, una mappa in possesso dallodierna famiglia di proprietari testimonia la sua esistenza già dal 1500. Allepoca era presumibilmente un convento come testimonia la preziosa chiesetta che si trova allinterno della proprietà.
La cascina si sviluppa su 2 piani e la superficie coperta dei fabbricati allo stato attuale è di circa 4.870 mq. totali, così suddivisa: - Residenze: 1.340 mq. - Porticati depositi: 1.610 mq. - Chiesetta: 50 mq. - Stalla box: 1.870 mq. - Aree cortilizie: 2.060 Mq. Sono già stati ristrutturati la totalità dei tetti oltre alcuni altri ambienti di seguito specificati:
1. APPARTAMENTI: Un APPARTAMENTO del cespite è già stato ristrutturato. Gli altri locali residenziali necessitano alcuni di un intervento di completa ristrutturazione, mentre altri di una ristrutturazione più leggera e relativo ammodernamento.
2. IL RISTORANTE (polo produttivo attualmente NON in attività): Ristrutturato con un impeccabile gusto estetico che ben si adatta alla zona e allarchitettonico della cascina. Composto da due sale, una sala del camino dove un grande camino funzionante riscalda le fredde serate invernali e laltra sala del vino, dove il soffitto è caratterizzato da bottiglie antiche poste a vista. Lultima sala annessa, utilizzata per grandi eventi privati è la sala del refettorio caratterizzata dalla tipica struttura e arredamento delle sale degli antichi refettori dei conventi. Qui si possono ammirare affreschi dellepoca. Predisposizione per CUCINA PROFESSIONALE
3. IL CASEIFICIO e LA BOTTEGA (poli produttivi attualmente NON in attività) per vendita di prodotti alimentari sono ristrutturati.
4. LA STALLA (polo produttivo attualmente NON in attività): La stalla ha una capienza di 120 capi circa ed è dotata di sala mungitura completamente automatizzata.
6. LA CHIESETTA: La chiesetta privata e consacrata, dedicata a San Carlo Borromeo, è completamente ristrutturata e riportata alle sue origini storiche. Usata per piccole cerimonie come adorazioni eucaristiche, matrimoni, battesimi, comunioni e momenti di preghiera.
7. TERRENI AGRICOLI 41 ettari circa, accorpati, seminativi ed irrigui.
NB: Si specifica che il ristorante, la bottega e la stalla, intesi come poli produttivi della Cascina NON sono in attività e NON sono inclusi nella vendita il mobilio e le attrezzature. La cascina NON è in attività.
*Per motivi di Privacy l'indirizzo in scheda è indicativo e limmobile è situato nelle vicinanze*
Cascina Lombarda with merged irrigated arable land
Covered areas of buildings 4,870 m². Total area of irrigated land 410,000 m² / 41 hectares approx. Stable with a capacity of about 120 heads Dairy, Shop, Restaurant and Church.
Between Cuggiono and Inveruno a long avenue of cypress poplars leads to the ancient double courtyard of the farmhouse, a structure with the flavor and charm of an old Lombard farmhouse from the 19th century. In reality its origin is much older, a map owned by today's owner family testifies to its existence as early as 1500. At the time it was presumably a convent as evidenced by the precious little church located inside the property.
The farmhouse is spread over 2 floors and the covered area of the buildings is currently approximately 4,870 m2. total, divided as follows: - Residences: 1,340 sq.m. - Porticoes - warehouses: 1,610 m2. - Church: 50 m2. - Stable - box: 1,870 m2. - Courtyard areas: 2,060 m2. All the roofs have already been renovated, as well as some other areas specified below:
1. APARTMENTS: An APARTMENT of the asset has already been renovated. The other residential premises require some of a complete renovation, while others of a lighter renovation and relative modernization.
2. THE RESTAURANT (production pole currently NOT in operation): Renovated with an impeccable aesthetic taste that is well suited to the area and the architecture of the farmhouse. Composed of two rooms, a "fireplace room" where a large working fireplace warms the cold winter evenings and the other "wine room", where the ceiling is characterized by ancient bottles placed in sight. The last adjoining room, used for large private events, is the "refectory room" characterized by the typical structure and furnishings of the rooms of the ancient refectories of convents. Here you can admire frescoes of the time. Arrangement for PROFESSIONAL KITCHEN
3. THE DAIRY and THE SHOP (production poles currently NOT in operation) for the sale of food products have been restructured.
4. THE STABLE (production hub currently NOT in operation): The stable has a capacity of approximately 120 animals and is equipped with a fully automated milking parlor.
6. THE CHURCH: The private and consecrated church, dedicated to San Carlo Borromeo, has been completely restored and brought back to its historical origins. Used for small ceremonies such as Eucharistic adoration, weddings, baptisms, communions and moments of prayer.
7. AGRICULTURAL LAND Approximately 41 hectares, merged, arable land and irrigation.
NB: NB: It is specified that the restaurant, the shop and the stable, intended as the production centers of the Cascina are NOT in operation and the furniture and equipment are NOT included in the sale. The farmhouse is NOT in activity.
*For privacy reasons, the address in the file is indicative and the property is located nearby*
Cascina Lombarda mit zusammengelegten bewässerten Ackerflächen
Bebaute Gebäudefläche 4.870 m². Gesamtfläche des bewässerten Landes 410.000 m² / 41 Hektar ca. Stall mit einer Kapazität von etwa 120 Köpfen Molkerei, Geschäft, Restaurant und Kirche.
Zwischen Cuggiono und Inveruno führt eine lange Zypressenpappelallee zum alten Doppelhof des Bauernhauses, einer Struktur mit dem Flair und dem Charme eines alten lombardischen Bauernhauses aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. In Wirklichkeit ist der Ursprung viel älter, eine Karte aus dem Besitz der heutigen Besitzerfamilie bezeugt seine Existenz bereits um 1500. Damals war es vermutlich ein Kloster, wovon das kostbare Kirchlein im Inneren des Anwesens zeugt.
Das Bauernhaus erstreckt sich über 2 Etagen und die überdachte Fläche der Gebäude beträgt derzeit ca. 4.870 m2. insgesamt wie folgt aufgeteilt: - Wohnungen: 1.340 qm - Arkaden - Lager: 1.610 m2. - Kirche: 50 m2. - Stall - Box: 1.870 m2. - Hofflächen: 2.060 m2 Alle Dächer wurden bereits saniert, sowie einige weitere unten aufgeführte Flächen:
1. WOHNUNGEN: Eine WOHNUNG der Anlage wurde bereits renoviert. Die anderen Wohngebäude bedürfen teils einer kompletten Renovierung, teils einer leichteren Renovierung und relativen Modernisierung.
2. DAS RESTAURANT (Produktionszentrum derzeit NICHT in Betrieb): Renoviert mit einem tadellosen ästhetischen Geschmack, der gut zu der Gegend und der Architektur des Bauernhauses passt. Bestehend aus zwei Räumen, einem "Kaminzimmer", in dem ein großer funktionierender Kamin die kalten Winterabende wärmt, und dem anderen "Weinzimmer", in dem die Decke durch alte Flaschen gekennzeichnet ist, die in Sichtweite stehen. Der letzte Nebenraum, der für private Großveranstaltungen genutzt wird, ist der Mensasaal, der sich durch die typische Struktur und Ausstattung der Räume der alten Klosterrefektorien auszeichnet. Hier können Sie Fresken der damaligen Zeit bewundern. Anordnung für PROFESSIONELLE KÜCHE
3. DIE MOLKEREI und DER LADEN (derzeit NICHT in Betrieb) für den Verkauf von Lebensmitteln wurden umstrukturiert.
4. DER STALL (Produktionszentrum derzeit NICHT in Betrieb): Der Stall hat eine Kapazität von ca. 120 Tieren und ist mit einem vollautomatischen Melkstand ausgestattet.
6. DIE KIRCHE: Die private und geweihte Kirche, die San Carlo Borromeo gewidmet ist, wurde vollständig restauriert und zu ihren historischen Ursprüngen zurückgebracht. Wird für kleine Zeremonien wie eucharistische Anbetung, Hochzeiten, Taufen, Kommunionen und Gebetsmomente verwendet.
7. LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHE FLÄCHEN Ungefähr 41 Hektar, zusammengelegt, Ackerland und Bewässerung.
NB: NB: Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass das Restaurant, der Laden und der Stall, die als Produktionszentren der Cascina vorgesehen sind, NICHT in Betrieb sind und die Möbel und Geräte NICHT im Verkauf enthalten sind. Das Bauernhaus ist NICHT in Betrieb.
*Aus Datenschutzgründen ist die Adresse in der Datei indikativ und die Immobilie befindet sich in der Nähe*
Cascina Lombarda avec des terres arables irriguées fusionnées
Surfaces couvertes des bâtiments 4 870 m². Superficie totale des terres irriguées 410 000 m² / 41 hectares environ. Ecurie d'une capacité d'environ 120 têtes Laiterie, Boutique, Restaurant et Eglise.
Entre Cuggiono et Inveruno, une longue allée de peupliers cyprès mène à l'ancienne double cour de la ferme, une structure avec la saveur et le charme d'une ancienne ferme lombarde du XIXe siècle. En réalité son origine est beaucoup plus ancienne, une carte appartenant à la famille propriétaire actuelle témoigne de son existence dès 1500. A l'époque c'était vraisemblablement un couvent comme en témoigne la précieuse petite église située à l'intérieur de la propriété.
La ferme est répartie sur 2 étages et la surface couverte des bâtiments est actuellement d'environ 4 870 m2. total, réparti comme suit : - Résidences : 1 340 m². - Portiques - entrepôts : 1 610 m2. - Église : 50 m2. - Ecurie - box : 1 870 m2. - Surfaces de cour : 2 060 m2 Toutes les toitures ont déjà été rénovées ainsi que quelques autres surfaces précisées ci-dessous :
1. APPARTEMENTS : Un APPARTEMENT du bien a déjà été rénové. Les autres locaux d'habitation nécessitent pour certains une rénovation complète, d'autres une rénovation plus légère et une modernisation relative.
2. LE RESTAURANT (pôle de production actuellement NON en activité) : Rénové avec un goût esthétique irréprochable bien adapté au domaine et à l'architecture du mas. Composée de deux pièces, une "salle cheminée" où une grande cheminée en état de marche réchauffe les froides soirées d'hiver et l'autre "salle à vin", où le plafond est caractérisé par des bouteilles anciennes mises en vue. La dernière salle attenante, utilisée pour les grands événements privés, est la "salle du réfectoire" caractérisée par la structure et l'ameublement typiques des salles des anciens réfectoires des couvents. Vous pourrez y admirer des fresques de l'époque. Aménagement pour CUISINE PROFESSIONNELLE
3. LA LAITERIE et LA BOUTIQUE (pôles de production actuellement NON en activité) pour la vente de produits alimentaires ont été restructurés.
4. L'ÉTABLE (centre de production NON en activité actuellement) : L'étable a une capacité d'environ 120 animaux et est équipée d'une salle de traite entièrement automatisée.
6. L'ÉGLISE: L'église privée et consacrée, dédiée à San Carlo Borromeo, a été entièrement restaurée et ramenée à ses origines historiques. Utilisé pour les petites cérémonies telles que l'adoration eucharistique, les mariages, les baptêmes, les communions et les moments de prière.
7. TERRES AGRICOLES Environ 41 hectares, fusionnés, terres arables et irrigation.
NB : NB : Il est précisé que le restaurant, la boutique et l'écurie, destinés comme centres de production de la Cascina ne sont PAS en activité et que le mobilier et l'équipement ne sont PAS inclus dans la vente. La ferme n'est PAS en activité.
*Pour des raisons de confidentialité, l'adresse dans le fichier est indicative et la propriété est située à proximité*
Referência: EDEN-T84767563
País: IT
Cidade: Inveruno
Código Postal: 20010
Categoria: Comercial
Tipo de listagem: Para venda
Tipo de Imóvel: Oportunidade de negócio
Tamanho do imóvel: 4.870
Tamanho do lote: 430.000
Divisões: 20
Casas de Banho: 10


Preço médio de venda por
Jun 2014
3 Mois
1 An
1.520 EUR


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