Terreno Urbano centro de Portalegre 18000 m2Um exclusivo Private Luxury Real Estate localização centro da cidade/ excelente oportunidadeO terreno têm uma área total de 1,8 ha, antigas instalações fabris da Fino`s - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, que se encontra encerrada e as instalações devolutas.27 mil metros quadrados de direitos de construção, índice previsto de 1,5.Habitação Serviços/ Comercio Turismo Investimentos na regiãoNuma altura em que a pandemia e o teletrabalho levaram muitas famílias a abandonar os centros urbanos. Diversos promotores imobiliários estão a realocar o foco do negócio para fora de Lisboa e Porto, nomeadamente em Portalegre.O centro logístico que a Amazon, em Badajoz, será um armazém para a distribuição de grandes embalagens, serão distribuídas para todos os pontos do território peninsular, incluindo Portugal. Este novo centro logístico, estrategicamente localizado a poucos quilómetros da fronteira portuguesa, prevê a criação de 900 postos de trabalho. Para a região há 900 oportunidades de trabalho, há 900 pessoas que necessitam de residir, alimentar-se e fazer a sua vida.A Câmara Municipal de Portalegre anunciou um investimento superior a dois milhões de euros na área da biotecnologia. Este anúncio surge na sequência da visita a Portalegre de uma comitiva de empresários e potenciais investidores, entre os quais se encontrava o Príncipe da Malásia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, Assim, será criada 'uma fábrica da Entogenex para a produção de inseticidas biodegradáveis e um centro de investigação e desenvolvimento para novos produtos na área agrícola'. O Príncipe da Malásia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justificou a localização da nova infraestrutura em Portalegre com a ligação secular entre Portugal e a Malásia e as especificidades ao 'nível da agricultura, que podem conduzir ao desenvolvimento de produtos muito específicos para responder às necessidades da produção e combater pragas sem desequilibrar as cadeias do ecossistema, oferecendo ao concelho a oportunidade de se tornar pioneiro nesta tecnologia, respondendo também à tendência mundial para a adoção de práticas cada vez mais amigas do ambiente'.Uma empresa que produz perfis metálicos para a agricultura e para construção, em aço leve, vai construir uma fábrica em Portalegre, num investimento de 7,5 milhões de euros, podendo criar 80 postos de trabalho. O projeto, desenvolvido pela empresa Arqframe, vai surgir na zona industrial de Portalegre e tem como objetivo produzir perfis em aço leve e estruturas para a construção, vigas e coberturas para hangares agrícolas, entre outros.Portalegre é uma cidade raiana portuguesa, capital do distrito de Portalegre, na região do Alentejo, sub-região do Alto Alentejo.É a sede do município de Portalegre com 447,14 km² de área, 2021 tinha 22 368 habitantes (2021)[3] e que está subdividido em 7 freguesias. O município é limitado a norte pelo município de Castelo de Vide, a nordeste por Marvão, a leste pela Espanha, a sul por Arronches e Monforte e a oeste pelo Crato.Monumentos e pontos turísticoMuseu da Cortiça Museu Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O Casa Museu José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O Museu da Tapeçaria de Portalegre Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O Museu da Cortiça 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O Núcleo Museológico do Castelo 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Castelos Castelo de Portalegre 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Castelo de Alegrete 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O Portas da antiga muralha Porta do Crato, mais conhecida por Arco do Bispo 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O Porta da Devesa ou do Espírito Santo, no cimo da Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O Porta de Alegrete, séc. XIII Porta de Alegrete ou de São Francisco, conhecida hoje por Arco de Santo António, no extremo ocidental da Praça da República (antigo Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OEdifícios religiosos Na cidade Sé Catedral de Portalegre Convento de São Bernardo Capela do Calvário Sé Catedral (século XVI) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O Seminário de Portalegre (século XX), inaugurado em 1955 Igreja do Nosso Senhor do Bonfim (século XVIII) 39° 18' 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O Convento de São Bernardo (século XVI), onde actualmente (2009) funciona a Escola Práctica da Guarda Nacional Republicana 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' O Convento de Santa Clara(século XIV), actualmente a Biblioteca Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' O Convento jesuíta de São Sebastião (século XVII), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios a partir do século XVIII, sede da câmara municipal desde 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O Capela do Calvário (século XVII ou XVIII) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O Capela de Sant'Ana (século XVIII) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O Igreja de São Lourenço 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O Nos arredores ou freguesias rurais Capela de Nossa Senhora da Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O Igreja da Misericórdia de AlegreteOutros edifícios históricos Antigo Seminário (século XVI/XVIII), actual Museu Municipal 39.29144° N 7.43374° O Antigos Paços do Concelho (sede da câmara municipal) (século XVII) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O Palácio dos Condes de Vilar Real ou de D. Nuno de Sousa (século XVI), onde se destacam as janelas manuelinas 39.29074° N 7.43202° O Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O Palácio Achioli (século XVI e XVIII), actual Escola Superior de Educação de Portalegre 39.2896° N 7.4302° O Palácio Amarelo e campanários da Sé O Café Alentejano, um dos únicos cafés típicos que ainda subsistem na cidade Palácio Amarelo (século XVII-XIX) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O Palácio Avillez (século XVIII), actual Governo Civil 39.28982° N 7.43039° O Palácio Barahona (século XVIII), aloja actualmente o Arquivo Distrital de Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O Palácio dos Caldeira de Castello-Branco ou dos Condes de Alter do Chão (século XVI-XVIII), actualmente aloja o Museu da Tapeçaria de Portalegre 39.2923° N 7.43326° O Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (século XVII), actualmente sede do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O Palácio dos Barros Castello-Branco (século XVII)Fontes A cidade de Portalegre e os seus arredores contam com mais de 30 fontes históricas. Até finais do século XIX, a água canalizada estava praticamente circunscrita às fontes, e só a partir dos anos 40 do século XX se pode falar de água canalizada ao domicílio. As fontes de Portalegre começam, por isso, por constituir um mobiliário urbano de características utilitárias.Outros pontos com interesse histórico Portal Gótico da Rua do Castelo Rua dos Besteiros Rua do Arco Plátano do Rossio 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O Praça da República (antigo Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O Categoria Energética: Isento #ref:7428
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Urban Terrain downtown Portalegre 18000 m2An exclusive Private Luxury Real Estate top location/excellent opportunityThe land has a total area of 1.8 ha, former manufacturing facilities of Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, which is closed and the facilities devolutas.27,000 square meters of construction rights, projected index of 1.5.Housing Services/ Commerce Tourism Investments in the regionAt a time when the pandemic and telework led many families to leave urban centres. Several real estate developers are relocating the focus of the business out of Lisbon and Porto, real estate developer Rio Capital has announced that it will invest eight million in a project in Portalegre.The logistics center that Amazon, in Badajoz, it will be a warehouse for the distribution of large packages, will be distributed to all points of the peninsular territory, including Portugal. This new logistics center, strategically located a few kilometers from the Portuguese border, provides for the creation of 900 jobs. For the region there are 900 job opportunities, there are 900 people who need to reside, feed and make their living.The Portalegre City Council announced an investment of more than two million euros in the area of biotechnology. This announcement follows a visit to Portalegre by an entourage of businessmen and potential investors, including the Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, Thus, 'an Entogenex plant for the production of biodegradable insecticides and a research and development center for new products in the agricultural field' will be created. The Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justified the location of the new infrastructure in Portalegre with the secular link between Portugal and Malaysia and the specificities of the 'level of agriculture, which can lead to the development of very specific products to respond to the needs of production and combat pests without unbalancing the ecosystem chains, offering the county the opportunity to become a pioneer in this technology, also responding to the global trend towards the adoption of increasingly environmentally friendly practices.'A company that produces metal profiles for agriculture and construction, in light steel, will build a factory in Portalegre, in an investment of 7.5 million euros, and can create 80 jobs. The project, developed by the company Arqframe, will emerge in the industrial zone of Portalegre and aims to produce profiles in light steel and structures for construction, beams and roofs for agricultural hangars, among others.Portalegre is a Portuguese city, capital of portalegre district, in the Alentejo region, alto Alentejo sub-region.It is the headquarters of the municipality of Portalegre with 447.14 km² of area, 2021 had 22 368 inhabitants (2021)[3] and which is subdivided into 7 parishes. The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Castelo de Vide, to the northeast by Marvão, to the east by Spain, to the south by Arronches and Monforte and to the west by Crato.Monuments and sightsCork Museum Portalegre Municipal Museum 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O House Museum José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O Portalegre Tapestry Museum Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O Cork Museum 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O Castle Museum Center 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Castles Portalegre Castle 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Alegrete Castle 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O Doors of the old wall Porta do Crato, better known as Arch of the Bishop 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O Porta da Devesa or Espirito Santo, at the top of Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O Porta de Alegrete, 19th century. XIII Porta de Alegrete or São Francisco, known today as Arco de Santo António, at the western end of Republic Square (formerly Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OReligious buildings In the city Portalegre Cathedral Convent of St. Bernard Calvary Chapel Cathedral (16th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O Seminar yat Portalegre (20th century), inaugurated in 1955 Church of Our Lord of Bonfim (18th century) 39th 18th 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O Convent of St. Bernard (16th century), where currently (2009) the Practic School of the Republican National Guard operates 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' The Convent of Santa Clara (14th century), currently the Municipal Library of Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' The Jesuit Convent of São Sebastião (17th century), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios from the 18th century, the town hall's office since 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O Calvary Chapel (17th or 18th century) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O Chapel of Sant'Ana (18th century) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O Church of St. Lawrence 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O In the surroundings or rural parishes Chapel of Our Lady of Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O Alegrete Church of MercyOther historic buildings Former Seminary (16th/18th century), current Municipal Museum 39.29144° N 7.43374° O Former Town Hall (seat of the town hall) (17th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O Palace of the Counties of Vilar Real or D. Nuno de Sousa (16th century), where manueline windows 39.29074° N 7.43202° O Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O Achioli Palace (16th and 18th century), present-day Portalegre School of Education 39.2896° N 7.4302° O Yellow Palace and Bell Towers of the See The Alentejo Café, one of the only typical cafes that still exist in the city Yellow Palace (17th-19th century) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O Avillez Palace (18th century), current Civil Government 39.28982° N 7.43039° O Barahona Palace (18th century), currently houses the District Archive of Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O Palace of the Caldeira de Castello-Branco or the Counties of Alter do Chão (16th-18th century), currently houses the Portalegre Tapestry Museum 39.2923° N 7.43326° O Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17th century), currently home to the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O Barros Castello-Branco Palace (17th century)Sources The city of Portalegre and its surroundings have more than 30 historical fountains. Until the end of the 19th century, piped water was practically confined to the fountains, and only from the 1940s can we talk about water piped to the home. The fountains of Portalegre therefore begin to constitute an urban furniture of utilitarian characteristics.Other points with historical interest Gothic Portal of Castelo Street Rua dos Besteiros Arco Street Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O Republic Square (old Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:7428
Terreno urbano centro Portalegre 18000 m2Una exclusiva inmobiliaria privada de lujo ubicación superior / excelente oportunidadEl terreno tiene una superficie total de 1,8 ha, antiguas instalaciones de fabricación de Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, que se encuentra cerrada y las instalaciones devolutas.27.000 metros cuadrados de derechos de construcción, índice proyectado de 1,5.Vivienda Servicios/ Comercio Turismo Inversiones en la regiónEn un momento en el que la pandemia y el teletrabajo llevaron a muchas familias a abandonar los núcleos urbanos. Varios promotores inmobiliarios están reubicando el foco del negocio fuera de Lisboa y Oporto, La promotora inmobiliaria Rio Capital ha anunciado que invertirá ocho millones en un proyecto en Portalegre.El centro logístico que Amazon, en Badajoz, será un almacén para la distribución de grandes paquetes, se distribuirá a todos los puntos del territorio peninsular, incluido Portugal. Este nuevo centro logístico, estratégicamente ubicado a pocos kilómetros de la frontera portuguesa, prevé la creación de 900 puestos de trabajo. Para la región hay 900 oportunidades de trabajo, hay 900 personas que necesitan residir, alimentarse y ganarse la vida.El Ayuntamiento de Portalegre anunció una inversión de más de dos millones de euros en el área de biotecnología. Este anuncio sigue a una visita a Portalegre de un séquito de empresarios y potenciales inversores, entre ellos el Príncipe de Malasia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, Así, se creará 'una planta de Entogenex para la producción de insecticidas biodegradables y un centro de investigación y desarrollo de nuevos productos en el ámbito agrícola'. El príncipe de Malasia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justificó la ubicación de la nueva infraestructura en Portalegre con el vínculo secular entre Portugal y Malasia y las especificidades del 'nivel de agricultura, que puede conducir al desarrollo de productos muy específicos para responder a las necesidades de producción y combatir plagas sin desequilibrar las cadenas ecosistémicas, ofreciendo al condado la oportunidad de convertirse en pionero en esta tecnología, respondiendo también a la tendencia mundial hacia la adopción de prácticas cada vez más respetuosas con el medio ambiente'.Una empresa que produce perfiles metálicos para la agricultura y la construcción, en acero ligero, construirá una fábrica en Portalegre, con una inversión de 7,5 millones de euros, y podrá crear 80 puestos de trabajo. El proyecto, desarrollado por la empresa Arqframe, surgirá en la zona industrial de Portalegre y tiene como objetivo producir perfiles en acero ligero y estructuras para construcción, vigas y cubiertas para hangares agrícolas, entre otros.Portalegre es una ciudad portuguesa, capital del distrito de Portalegre, en la región del Alentejo, subregión del Alto Alentejo.Es la sede del municipio de Portalegre con 447,14 km² de superficie, 2021 contaba con 22 368 habitantes (2021)[3] y que se subdivide en 7 parroquias. El municipio limita al norte con el municipio de Castelo de Vide, al noreste con Marvão, al este con España, al sur con Arronches y Monforte y al oeste con Crato.Monumentos y lugares de interésMuseo del Corcho Museo Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O Casa Museo José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O Museo de Tapices Portalegre Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O Museo del Corcho 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O Centro Museo del Castillo 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Castillos Castillo de Portalegre 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Castillo de Alegrete 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O Puertas de la antigua muralla Porta do Crato, más conocida como Arco del Obispo 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O Porta da Devesa o Espirito Santo, en la cima de la Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O Porta de Alegrete, siglo 19. XIII Porta de Alegrete o São Francisco, conocida hoy como Arco de Santo António, en el extremo occidental de la Plaza de la República (antes Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OEdificios religiosos En la ciudad Catedral de Portalegre Convento de San Bernardo Capilla del Calvario Catedral (siglo XVI) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O Seminario yat Portalegre (siglo 20), inaugurado en 1955 Iglesia de Nuestro Señor de Bonfim (siglo (teléfono oculto) ' N 7° 26' 2.5' O Convento de San Bernardo (siglo XVI), donde actualmente (2009) la Escuela de Prácticas de la Guardia Nacional Republicana opera 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' El Convento de Santa Clara (siglo XIV), actualmente la Biblioteca Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' El Convento Jesuita de São Sebastião (siglo 17), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios del siglo XVIII, la oficina del ayuntamiento desde 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O Capilla del Calvario (siglo 17 o 18) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O Capilla de Sant'Ana (siglo XVIII) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O Iglesia de San Lorenzo 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O En los alrededores o parroquias rurales Capilla de Nuestra Señora de Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O Alegrete Iglesia de la MisericordiaOtros edificios históricos Antiguo Seminario (siglo 16/18), actual Museo Municipal 39.29144° N 7.43374° O Antiguo Ayuntamiento (sede del ayuntamiento) (siglo XVII) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O Palacio de las Comarcas de Vilar Real o D. Nuno de Sousa (siglo XVI), donde ventanas manuelinas 39.29074° N 7.43202° O Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O Palacio Achioli (siglos 16 y 18), actual Escuela de Educación Portalegre 39.2896° N 7.4302° O Palacio Amarillo y Campanarios de la Sede El Café alentejo, uno de los únicos cafés típicos que aún existen en la ciudad Palacio Amarillo (siglo (teléfono oculto) ° N 7.433431° O Palacio de Avillez (siglo 18), actual Gobierno Civil 39.28982° N 7.43039° O Palacio Barahona (siglo XVIII), actualmente alberga el Archivo Distrital de Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O Palacio de la Caldeira de Castello-Branco o los Condados de Alter do Chão (siglo 16-18), actualmente alberga el Museo de Tapices de Portalegre 39.2923° N 7.43326° O Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (siglo 17), actualmente sede del Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O Palacio Barros Castello-Branco (siglo 17)Fuentes La ciudad de Portalegre y sus alrededores cuentan con más de 30 fuentes históricas. Hasta el final del siglo 19, el agua entubada estaba prácticamente confinada a las fuentes, y solo a partir de la década de 1940 podemos hablar de agua entubada en el hogar. Las fuentes de Portalegre comienzan así a constituir un mobiliario urbano de características utilitarias.Otros puntos con interés histórico Portal gótico de la calle Castelo Rua dos Besteiros Calle Arco Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O Plaza de la República (antiguo Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O Categoría Energética: Exento #ref:7428
Terrain urbain centre-ville Portalegre 18000 m2Un immobilier de luxe privé exclusif emplacement idéal / excellente opportunitéLe terrain a une superficie totale de 1,8 ha, anciennes installations de fabrication de Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, qui est fermée et les installations devolutas.27 000 mètres carrés de droits de construction, indice projeté de 1,5.Logement Services/ Commerce Tourisme Investissements dans la régionÀ une époque où la pandémie et le télétravail ont conduit de nombreuses familles à quitter les centres urbains. Plusieurs promoteurs immobiliers délocalisent le centre d'activité de Lisbonne et de Porto, Le promoteur immobilier Rio Capital a annoncé qu'il investira huit millions dans un projet à Portalegre.Le centre logistique qu'Amazon, à Badajoz, ce sera un entrepôt pour la distribution de gros colis, sera distribué à tous les points du territoire péninsulaire, y compris le Portugal. Ce nouveau centre logistique, stratégiquement situé à quelques kilomètres de la frontière portugaise, prévoit la création de 900 emplois. Pour la région, il y a 900 possibilités d'emploi, il y a 900 personnes qui ont besoin de résider, de se nourrir et de gagner leur vie.La mairie de Portalegre a annoncé un investissement de plus de deux millions d'euros dans le domaine de la biotechnologie. Cette annonce fait suite à une visite à Portalegre d'un entourage d'hommes d'affaires et d'investisseurs potentiels, dont le prince de Malaisie, Tunku Naquiyuddin, Ainsi, « une usine Entogenex pour la production d'insecticides biodégradables et un centre de recherche et développement pour de nouveaux produits dans le domaine agricole » seront créés. Le prince de Malaisie, Tunku Naquiyuddin, a justifié l'emplacement de la nouvelle infrastructure à Portalegre avec le lien séculaire entre le Portugal et la Malaisie et les spécificités du « niveau d'agriculture », qui peut conduire au développement de produits très spécifiques pour répondre aux besoins de la production et lutter contre les ravageurs sans déséquilibrer les chaînes de l'écosystème, offrant au comté la possibilité de devenir un pionnier dans cette technologie, répondant également à la tendance mondiale à l'adoption de pratiques de plus en plus respectueuses de l'environnement.Une entreprise qui produit des profilés métalliques pour l'agriculture et la construction, en acier léger, construira une usine à Portalegre, avec un investissement de 7,5 millions d'euros, et pourra créer 80 emplois. Le projet, développé par la société Arqframe, émergera dans la zone industrielle de Portalegre et vise à produire des profilés en acier léger et des structures pour la construction, des poutres et des toits pour les hangars agricoles, entre autres.Portalegre est une ville portugaise, capitale du district de Portalegre, dans la région de l'Alentejo, sous-région de l'Alto Alentejo.C'est le siège de la municipalité de Portalegre avec 447.14 km² de superficie, 2021 comptait 22 368 habitants (2021)[3] et qui est subdivisée en 7 paroisses. La commune est bordée au nord par la commune de Castelo de Vide, au nord-est par Marvão, à l'est par l'Espagne, au sud par Arronches et Monforte et à l'ouest par Crato.Monuments et sites touristiquesMusée de Cork Musée municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 29 » N 7° 26' 1 » O Maison Musée José Régio 39° 17' 19 » N 7° 25' 47 » O Musée de la Tapisserie de Portalegre Guy Fino 39° 17' 19 » N 7° 25' 43 » O Musée du Liège 39° 17' 23.7 » N 7° 25' 39.6 » O Centre du Musée du Château 39° 17' 27.8 » N 7° 25' 51 » O Châteaux Château de Portalegre 39° 17' 27.8 » N 7° 25' 51 » O Château d'Alegrete 39° 14' 13 » N 7° 19' 27 » O Portes de l'ancien mur Porta do Crato, mieux connue sous le nom d'Arc de l'Évêque 39° 17' 29.8 » N 7° 26' 2 » O Porta da Devesa ou Espirito Santo, au sommet de la Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6 » N 7° 25' 55 » O Porta de Alegrete, 19ème siècle. XIII Porta de Alegrete ou São Francisco, connue aujourd'hui sous le nom d'Arco de Santo António, à l'extrémité ouest de la place de la République (anciennement Corro) 39° 17' 24.8 » N 7° 25' 50.9 » OÉdifices religieux En ville Cathédrale de Portalegre Couvent Saint-Bernard Chapelle du Calvaire Cathédrale (16ème siècle) 39° 17' 28.3 » N 7° 26' 1.8 » O Séminaire yat Portalegre (20ème siècle), inauguré en 1955 Église Notre-Seigneur de Bonfim (18ème siècle) 39ème 18ème 16.5 » N 7° 26' 2.5 » O Couvent de Saint-Bernard (16ème siècle), où actuellement (2009) l'École Pratique de la Garde Nationale Républicaine opère 39° 17' 47.4 » N 7° 25' 36.3 » Le Couvent de Santa Clara (14ème siècle), actuellement la Bibliothèque Municipale de Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5 » N 7° 25' 55.6 » Le Couvent jésuite de São Sebastião (17ème siècle), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios du 18ème siècle, bureau de la mairie depuis 2005 39° 17' 41.3 » N 7° 25' 43.1 » O Chapelle du Calvaire (17ème ou 18ème siècle) 39° 17' 48 » N 7° 25' 41.1 » O Chapelle de Sant'Ana (18ème siècle) 39° 17' 13.5 » N 7° 25' 56.3 » O Église Saint-Laurent 39° 17' 38,3 » N 7° 25' 51,7 » O Dans les environs ou paroisses rurales Chapelle Notre-Dame de Penha 39° 17' 51.2 » N 7° 26' 31.6 » O Église de la Miséricorde d'AlegreteAutres bâtiments historiques Ancien séminaire (16e/18e siècle), actuel musée municipal 39.29144° N 7.43374° O Ancien hôtel de ville (siège de l'hôtel de ville) (17ème siècle) 39° 17' 28.3 » N 7° 25' 58.1 » O Palais des Comtés de Vilar Real ou D. Nuno de Sousa (16ème siècle), où fenêtres manuélines 39.29074° N 7.43202° O Casa dos Condes de Melo 39,2907° N 7,43162° O Palais Achioli (16ème et 18ème siècle), actuelle École d'éducation Portalegre 39.2896° N 7.4302° O Palais Jaune et Clochers du Siège Le café de l'Alentejo, l'un des seuls cafés typiques qui existent encore dans la ville Palais Jaune (17ème-19ème siècle) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O Palais Avillez (18ème siècle), gouvernement civil actuel 39.28982° N 7.43039° O Palais Barahona (18ème siècle), abrite actuellement les archives du district de Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O Palais de la Caldeira de Castello-Branco ou les comtés d'Alter do Chão (16ème-18ème siècle), abrite actuellement le Musée de la Tapisserie de Portalegre 39.2923° N 7.43326° O Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17ème siècle), qui abrite actuellement l'Institut Polytechnique de Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O Palais Barros Castello-Branco (17ème siècle)Sources La ville de Portalegre et ses environs ont plus de 30 fontaines historiques. Jusqu'à la fin du 19ème siècle, l'eau courante était pratiquement confinée aux fontaines, et ce n'est qu'à partir des années 1940 que nous pouvons parler d'eau acheminée vers la maison. Les fontaines de Portalegre commencent donc à constituer un mobilier urbain aux caractéristiques utilitaires.Autres points d'intérêt historique Portail gothique de la rue Castelo Rua dos Besteiros Rue Arco Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8 » N 7° 25' 48.9 » O Place de la République (ancien Corro) 39° 17' 23 » N 7° 25' 47.2 » O Performance Énergétique: Exempt #ref:7428
Terreno Urbano centro de Portalegre 18000 m2Um exclusivo Private Luxury Real Estate localização centro da cidade/ excelente oportunidadeO terreno têm uma área total de 1,8 ha, antigas instalações fabris da Fino`s - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, que se encontra encerrada e as instalações devolutas.27 mil metros quadrados de direitos de construção, índice previsto de 1,5.Habitação Serviços/ Comercio Turismo Investimentos na regiãoNuma altura em que a pandemia e o teletrabalho levaram muitas famílias a abandonar os centros urbanos. Diversos promotores imobiliários estão a realocar o foco do negócio para fora de Lisboa e Porto, nomeadamente em Portalegre.O centro logístico que a Amazon, em Badajoz, será um armazém para a distribuição de grandes embalagens, serão distribuídas para todos os pontos do território peninsular, incluindo Portugal. Este novo centro logístico, estrategicamente localizado a poucos quilómetros da fronteira portuguesa, prevê a criação de 900 postos de trabalho. Para a região há 900 oportunidades de trabalho, há 900 pessoas que necessitam de residir, alimentar-se e fazer a sua vida.A Câmara Municipal de Portalegre anunciou um investimento superior a dois milhões de euros na área da biotecnologia. Este anúncio surge na sequência da visita a Portalegre de uma comitiva de empresários e potenciais investidores, entre os quais se encontrava o Príncipe da Malásia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, Assim, será criada 'uma fábrica da Entogenex para a produção de inseticidas biodegradáveis e um centro de investigação e desenvolvimento para novos produtos na área agrícola'. O Príncipe da Malásia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justificou a localização da nova infraestrutura em Portalegre com a ligação secular entre Portugal e a Malásia e as especificidades ao 'nível da agricultura, que podem conduzir ao desenvolvimento de produtos muito específicos para responder às necessidades da produção e combater pragas sem desequilibrar as cadeias do ecossistema, oferecendo ao concelho a oportunidade de se tornar pioneiro nesta tecnologia, respondendo também à tendência mundial para a adoção de práticas cada vez mais amigas do ambiente'.Uma empresa que produz perfis metálicos para a agricultura e para construção, em aço leve, vai construir uma fábrica em Portalegre, num investimento de 7,5 milhões de euros, podendo criar 80 postos de trabalho. O projeto, desenvolvido pela empresa Arqframe, vai surgir na zona industrial de Portalegre e tem como objetivo produzir perfis em aço leve e estruturas para a construção, vigas e coberturas para hangares agrícolas, entre outros.Portalegre é uma cidade raiana portuguesa, capital do distrito de Portalegre, na região do Alentejo, sub-região do Alto Alentejo.É a sede do município de Portalegre com 447,14 km² de área, 2021 tinha 22 368 habitantes (2021)[3] e que está subdividido em 7 freguesias. O município é limitado a norte pelo município de Castelo de Vide, a nordeste por Marvão, a leste pela Espanha, a sul por Arronches e Monforte e a oeste pelo Crato.Monumentos e pontos turísticoMuseu da Cortiça Museu Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O Casa Museu José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O Museu da Tapeçaria de Portalegre Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O Museu da Cortiça 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O Núcleo Museológico do Castelo 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Castelos Castelo de Portalegre 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Castelo de Alegrete 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O Portas da antiga muralha Porta do Crato, mais conhecida por Arco do Bispo 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O Porta da Devesa ou do Espírito Santo, no cimo da Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O Porta de Alegrete, séc. XIII Porta de Alegrete ou de São Francisco, conhecida hoje por Arco de Santo António, no extremo ocidental da Praça da República (antigo Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OEdifícios religiosos Na cidade Sé Catedral de Portalegre Convento de São Bernardo Capela do Calvário Sé Catedral (século XVI) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O Seminário de Portalegre (século XX), inaugurado em 1955 Igreja do Nosso Senhor do Bonfim (século XVIII) 39° 18' 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O Convento de São Bernardo (século XVI), onde actualmente (2009) funciona a Escola Práctica da Guarda Nacional Republicana 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' O Convento de Santa Clara(século XIV), actualmente a Biblioteca Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' O Convento jesuíta de São Sebastião (século XVII), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios a partir do século XVIII, sede da câmara municipal desde 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O Capela do Calvário (século XVII ou XVIII) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O Capela de Sant'Ana (século XVIII) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O Igreja de São Lourenço 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O Nos arredores ou freguesias rurais Capela de Nossa Senhora da Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O Igreja da Misericórdia de AlegreteOutros edifícios históricos Antigo Seminário (século XVI/XVIII), actual Museu Municipal 39.29144° N 7.43374° O Antigos Paços do Concelho (sede da câmara municipal) (século XVII) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O Palácio dos Condes de Vilar Real ou de D. Nuno de Sousa (século XVI), onde se destacam as janelas manuelinas 39.29074° N 7.43202° O Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O Palácio Achioli (século XVI e XVIII), actual Escola Superior de Educação de Portalegre 39.2896° N 7.4302° O Palácio Amarelo e campanários da Sé O Café Alentejano, um dos únicos cafés típicos que ainda subsistem na cidade Palácio Amarelo (século XVII-XIX) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O Palácio Avillez (século XVIII), actual Governo Civil 39.28982° N 7.43039° O Palácio Barahona (século XVIII), aloja actualmente o Arquivo Distrital de Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O Palácio dos Caldeira de Castello-Branco ou dos Condes de Alter do Chão (século XVI-XVIII), actualmente aloja o Museu da Tapeçaria de Portalegre 39.2923° N 7.43326° O Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (século XVII), actualmente sede do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O Palácio dos Barros Castello-Branco (século XVII)Fontes A cidade de Portalegre e os seus arredores contam com mais de 30 fontes históricas. Até finais do século XIX, a água canalizada estava praticamente circunscrita às fontes, e só a partir dos anos 40 do século XX se pode falar de água canalizada ao domicílio. As fontes de Portalegre começam, por isso, por constituir um mobiliário urbano de características utilitárias.Outros pontos com interesse histórico Portal Gótico da Rua do Castelo Rua dos Besteiros Rua do Arco Plátano do Rossio 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O Praça da República (antigo Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O Categoria Energética: Isento #ref:7428
Urban Terrain downtown Portalegre 18000 m2An exclusive Private Luxury Real Estate top location/excellent opportunityThe land has a total area of 1.8 ha, former manufacturing facilities of Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, which is closed and the facilities devolutas.27,000 square meters of construction rights, projected index of 1.5.Housing Services/ Commerce Tourism Investments in the regionAt a time when the pandemic and telework led many families to leave urban centres. Several real estate developers are relocating the focus of the business out of Lisbon and Porto, real estate developer Rio Capital has announced that it will invest eight million in a project in Portalegre.The logistics center that Amazon, in Badajoz, it will be a warehouse for the distribution of large packages, will be distributed to all points of the peninsular territory, including Portugal. This new logistics center, strategically located a few kilometers from the Portuguese border, provides for the creation of 900 jobs. For the region there are 900 job opportunities, there are 900 people who need to reside, feed and make their living.The Portalegre City Council announced an investment of more than two million euros in the area of biotechnology. This announcement follows a visit to Portalegre by an entourage of businessmen and potential investors, including the Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, Thus, 'an Entogenex plant for the production of biodegradable insecticides and a research and development center for new products in the agricultural field' will be created. The Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justified the location of the new infrastructure in Portalegre with the secular link between Portugal and Malaysia and the specificities of the 'level of agriculture, which can lead to the development of very specific products to respond to the needs of production and combat pests without unbalancing the ecosystem chains, offering the county the opportunity to become a pioneer in this technology, also responding to the global trend towards the adoption of increasingly environmentally friendly practices.'A company that produces metal profiles for agriculture and construction, in light steel, will build a factory in Portalegre, in an investment of 7.5 million euros, and can create 80 jobs. The project, developed by the company Arqframe, will emerge in the industrial zone of Portalegre and aims to produce profiles in light steel and structures for construction, beams and roofs for agricultural hangars, among others.Portalegre is a Portuguese city, capital of portalegre district, in the Alentejo region, alto Alentejo sub-region.It is the headquarters of the municipality of Portalegre with 447.14 km² of area, 2021 had 22 368 inhabitants (2021)[3] and which is subdivided into 7 parishes. The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Castelo de Vide, to the northeast by Marvão, to the east by Spain, to the south by Arronches and Monforte and to the west by Crato.Monuments and sightsCork Museum Portalegre Municipal Museum 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O House Museum José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O Portalegre Tapestry Museum Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O Cork Museum 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O Castle Museum Center 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Castles Portalegre Castle 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Alegrete Castle 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O Doors of the old wall Porta do Crato, better known as Arch of the Bishop 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O Porta da Devesa or Espirito Santo, at the top of Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O Porta de Alegrete, 19th century. XIII Porta de Alegrete or São Francisco, known today as Arco de Santo António, at the western end of Republic Square (formerly Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OReligious buildings In the city Portalegre Cathedral Convent of St. Bernard Calvary Chapel Cathedral (16th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O Seminar yat Portalegre (20th century), inaugurated in 1955 Church of Our Lord of Bonfim (18th century) 39th 18th 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O Convent of St. Bernard (16th century), where currently (2009) the Practic School of the Republican National Guard operates 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' The Convent of Santa Clara (14th century), currently the Municipal Library of Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' The Jesuit Convent of São Sebastião (17th century), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios from the 18th century, the town hall's office since 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O Calvary Chapel (17th or 18th century) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O Chapel of Sant'Ana (18th century) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O Church of St. Lawrence 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O In the surroundings or rural parishes Chapel of Our Lady of Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O Alegrete Church of MercyOther historic buildings Former Seminary (16th/18th century), current Municipal Museum 39.29144° N 7.43374° O Former Town Hall (seat of the town hall) (17th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O Palace of the Counties of Vilar Real or D. Nuno de Sousa (16th century), where manueline windows 39.29074° N 7.43202° O Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O Achioli Palace (16th and 18th century), present-day Portalegre School of Education 39.2896° N 7.4302° O Yellow Palace and Bell Towers of the See The Alentejo Café, one of the only typical cafes that still exist in the city Yellow Palace (17th-19th century) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O Avillez Palace (18th century), current Civil Government 39.28982° N 7.43039° O Barahona Palace (18th century), currently houses the District Archive of Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O Palace of the Caldeira de Castello-Branco or the Counties of Alter do Chão (16th-18th century), currently houses the Portalegre Tapestry Museum 39.2923° N 7.43326° O Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17th century), currently home to the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O Barros Castello-Branco Palace (17th century)Sources The city of Portalegre and its surroundings have more than 30 historical fountains. Until the end of the 19th century, piped water was practically confined to the fountains, and only from the 1940s can we talk about water piped to the home. The fountains of Portalegre therefore begin to constitute an urban furniture of utilitarian characteristics.Other points with historical interest Gothic Portal of Castelo Street Rua dos Besteiros Arco Street Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O Republic Square (old Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:7428
Urban Terrain downtown Portalegre 18000 m2An exclusive Private Luxury Real Estate top location/excellent opportunityThe land has a total area of 1.8 ha, former manufacturing facilities of Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, which is closed and the facilities devolutas.27,000 square meters of construction rights, projected index of 1.5.Housing Services/ Commerce Tourism Investments in the regionAt a time when the pandemic and telework led many families to leave urban centres. Several real estate developers are relocating the focus of the business out of Lisbon and Porto, real estate developer Rio Capital has announced that it will invest eight million in a project in Portalegre.The logistics center that Amazon, in Badajoz, it will be a warehouse for the distribution of large packages, will be distributed to all points of the peninsular territory, including Portugal. This new logistics center, strategically located a few kilometers from the Portuguese border, provides for the creation of 900 jobs. For the region there are 900 job opportunities, there are 900 people who need to reside, feed and make their living.The Portalegre City Council announced an investment of more than two million euros in the area of biotechnology. This announcement follows a visit to Portalegre by an entourage of businessmen and potential investors, including the Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, Thus, 'an Entogenex plant for the production of biodegradable insecticides and a research and development center for new products in the agricultural field' will be created. The Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justified the location of the new infrastructure in Portalegre with the secular link between Portugal and Malaysia and the specificities of the 'level of agriculture, which can lead to the development of very specific products to respond to the needs of production and combat pests without unbalancing the ecosystem chains, offering the county the opportunity to become a pioneer in this technology, also responding to the global trend towards the adoption of increasingly environmentally friendly practices.'A company that produces metal profiles for agriculture and construction, in light steel, will build a factory in Portalegre, in an investment of 7.5 million euros, and can create 80 jobs. The project, developed by the company Arqframe, will emerge in the industrial zone of Portalegre and aims to produce profiles in light steel and structures for construction, beams and roofs for agricultural hangars, among others.Portalegre is a Portuguese city, capital of portalegre district, in the Alentejo region, alto Alentejo sub-region.It is the headquarters of the municipality of Portalegre with 447.14 km² of area, 2021 had 22 368 inhabitants (2021)[3] and which is subdivided into 7 parishes. The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Castelo de Vide, to the northeast by Marvão, to the east by Spain, to the south by Arronches and Monforte and to the west by Crato.Monuments and sightsCork Museum Portalegre Municipal Museum 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O House Museum José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O Portalegre Tapestry Museum Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O Cork Museum 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O Castle Museum Center 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Castles Portalegre Castle 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Alegrete Castle 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O Doors of the old wall Porta do Crato, better known as Arch of the Bishop 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O Porta da Devesa or Espirito Santo, at the top of Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O Porta de Alegrete, 19th century. XIII Porta de Alegrete or São Francisco, known today as Arco de Santo António, at the western end of Republic Square (formerly Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OReligious buildings In the city Portalegre Cathedral Convent of St. Bernard Calvary Chapel Cathedral (16th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O Seminar yat Portalegre (20th century), inaugurated in 1955 Church of Our Lord of Bonfim (18th century) 39th 18th 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O Convent of St. Bernard (16th century), where currently (2009) the Practic School of the Republican National Guard operates 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' The Convent of Santa Clara (14th century), currently the Municipal Library of Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' The Jesuit Convent of São Sebastião (17th century), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios from the 18th century, the town hall's office since 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O Calvary Chapel (17th or 18th century) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O Chapel of Sant'Ana (18th century) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O Church of St. Lawrence 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O In the surroundings or rural parishes Chapel of Our Lady of Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O Alegrete Church of MercyOther historic buildings Former Seminary (16th/18th century), current Municipal Museum 39.29144° N 7.43374° O Former Town Hall (seat of the town hall) (17th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O Palace of the Counties of Vilar Real or D. Nuno de Sousa (16th century), where manueline windows 39.29074° N 7.43202° O Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O Achioli Palace (16th and 18th century), present-day Portalegre School of Education 39.2896° N 7.4302° O Yellow Palace and Bell Towers of the See The Alentejo Café, one of the only typical cafes that still exist in the city Yellow Palace (17th-19th century) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O Avillez Palace (18th century), current Civil Government 39.28982° N 7.43039° O Barahona Palace (18th century), currently houses the District Archive of Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O Palace of the Caldeira de Castello-Branco or the Counties of Alter do Chão (16th-18th century), currently houses the Portalegre Tapestry Museum 39.2923° N 7.43326° O Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17th century), currently home to the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O Barros Castello-Branco Palace (17th century)Sources The city of Portalegre and its surroundings have more than 30 historical fountains. Until the end of the 19th century, piped water was practically confined to the fountains, and only from the 1940s can we talk about water piped to the home. The fountains of Portalegre therefore begin to constitute an urban furniture of utilitarian characteristics.Other points with historical interest Gothic Portal of Castelo Street Rua dos Besteiros Arco Street Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O Republic Square (old Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:7428
Urban Terrain downtown Portalegre 18000 m2An exclusive Private Luxury Real Estate top location/excellent opportunityThe land has a total area of 1.8 ha, former manufacturing facilities of Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, which is closed and the facilities devolutas.27,000 square meters of construction rights, projected index of 1.5.Housing Services/ Commerce Tourism Investments in the regionAt a time when the pandemic and telework led many families to leave urban centres. Several real estate developers are relocating the focus of the business out of Lisbon and Porto, real estate developer Rio Capital has announced that it will invest eight million in a project in Portalegre.The logistics center that Amazon, in Badajoz, it will be a warehouse for the distribution of large packages, will be distributed to all points of the peninsular territory, including Portugal. This new logistics center, strategically located a few kilometers from the Portuguese border, provides for the creation of 900 jobs. For the region there are 900 job opportunities, there are 900 people who need to reside, feed and make their living.The Portalegre City Council announced an investment of more than two million euros in the area of biotechnology. This announcement follows a visit to Portalegre by an entourage of businessmen and potential investors, including the Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, Thus, 'an Entogenex plant for the production of biodegradable insecticides and a research and development center for new products in the agricultural field' will be created. The Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justified the location of the new infrastructure in Portalegre with the secular link between Portugal and Malaysia and the specificities of the 'level of agriculture, which can lead to the development of very specific products to respond to the needs of production and combat pests without unbalancing the ecosystem chains, offering the county the opportunity to become a pioneer in this technology, also responding to the global trend towards the adoption of increasingly environmentally friendly practices.'A company that produces metal profiles for agriculture and construction, in light steel, will build a factory in Portalegre, in an investment of 7.5 million euros, and can create 80 jobs. The project, developed by the company Arqframe, will emerge in the industrial zone of Portalegre and aims to produce profiles in light steel and structures for construction, beams and roofs for agricultural hangars, among others.Portalegre is a Portuguese city, capital of portalegre district, in the Alentejo region, alto Alentejo sub-region.It is the headquarters of the municipality of Portalegre with 447.14 km² of area, 2021 had 22 368 inhabitants (2021)[3] and which is subdivided into 7 parishes. The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Castelo de Vide, to the northeast by Marvão, to the east by Spain, to the south by Arronches and Monforte and to the west by Crato.Monuments and sightsCork Museum Portalegre Municipal Museum 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O House Museum José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O Portalegre Tapestry Museum Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O Cork Museum 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O Castle Museum Center 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Castles Portalegre Castle 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Alegrete Castle 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O Doors of the old wall Porta do Crato, better known as Arch of the Bishop 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O Porta da Devesa or Espirito Santo, at the top of Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O Porta de Alegrete, 19th century. XIII Porta de Alegrete or São Francisco, known today as Arco de Santo António, at the western end of Republic Square (formerly Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OReligious buildings In the city Portalegre Cathedral Convent of St. Bernard Calvary Chapel Cathedral (16th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O Seminar yat Portalegre (20th century), inaugurated in 1955 Church of Our Lord of Bonfim (18th century) 39th 18th 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O Convent of St. Bernard (16th century), where currently (2009) the Practic School of the Republican National Guard operates 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' The Convent of Santa Clara (14th century), currently the Municipal Library of Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' The Jesuit Convent of São Sebastião (17th century), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios from the 18th century, the town hall's office since 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O Calvary Chapel (17th or 18th century) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O Chapel of Sant'Ana (18th century) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O Church of St. Lawrence 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O In the surroundings or rural parishes Chapel of Our Lady of Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O Alegrete Church of MercyOther historic buildings Former Seminary (16th/18th century), current Municipal Museum 39.29144° N 7.43374° O Former Town Hall (seat of the town hall) (17th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O Palace of the Counties of Vilar Real or D. Nuno de Sousa (16th century), where manueline windows 39.29074° N 7.43202° O Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O Achioli Palace (16th and 18th century), present-day Portalegre School of Education 39.2896° N 7.4302° O Yellow Palace and Bell Towers of the See The Alentejo Café, one of the only typical cafes that still exist in the city Yellow Palace (17th-19th century) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O Avillez Palace (18th century), current Civil Government 39.28982° N 7.43039° O Barahona Palace (18th century), currently houses the District Archive of Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O Palace of the Caldeira de Castello-Branco or the Counties of Alter do Chão (16th-18th century), currently houses the Portalegre Tapestry Museum 39.2923° N 7.43326° O Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17th century), currently home to the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O Barros Castello-Branco Palace (17th century)Sources The city of Portalegre and its surroundings have more than 30 historical fountains. Until the end of the 19th century, piped water was practically confined to the fountains, and only from the 1940s can we talk about water piped to the home. The fountains of Portalegre therefore begin to constitute an urban furniture of utilitarian characteristics.Other points with historical interest Gothic Portal of Castelo Street Rua dos Besteiros Arco Street Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O Republic Square (old Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:7428
Urban Terrain downtown Portalegre 18000 m2An exclusive Private Luxury Real Estate top location/excellent opportunityThe land has a total area of 1.8 ha, former manufacturing facilities of Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, which is closed and the facilities devolutas.27,000 square meters of construction rights, projected index of 1.5.Housing Services/ Commerce Tourism Investments in the regionAt a time when the pandemic and telework led many families to leave urban centres. Several real estate developers are relocating the focus of the business out of Lisbon and Porto, real estate developer Rio Capital has announced that it will invest eight million in a project in Portalegre.The logistics center that Amazon, in Badajoz, it will be a warehouse for the distribution of large packages, will be distributed to all points of the peninsular territory, including Portugal. This new logistics center, strategically located a few kilometers from the Portuguese border, provides for the creation of 900 jobs. For the region there are 900 job opportunities, there are 900 people who need to reside, feed and make their living.The Portalegre City Council announced an investment of more than two million euros in the area of biotechnology. This announcement follows a visit to Portalegre by an entourage of businessmen and potential investors, including the Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, Thus, 'an Entogenex plant for the production of biodegradable insecticides and a research and development center for new products in the agricultural field' will be created. The Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justified the location of the new infrastructure in Portalegre with the secular link between Portugal and Malaysia and the specificities of the 'level of agriculture, which can lead to the development of very specific products to respond to the needs of production and combat pests without unbalancing the ecosystem chains, offering the county the opportunity to become a pioneer in this technology, also responding to the global trend towards the adoption of increasingly environmentally friendly practices.'A company that produces metal profiles for agriculture and construction, in light steel, will build a factory in Portalegre, in an investment of 7.5 million euros, and can create 80 jobs. The project, developed by the company Arqframe, will emerge in the industrial zone of Portalegre and aims to produce profiles in light steel and structures for construction, beams and roofs for agricultural hangars, among others.Portalegre is a Portuguese city, capital of portalegre district, in the Alentejo region, alto Alentejo sub-region.It is the headquarters of the municipality of Portalegre with 447.14 km² of area, 2021 had 22 368 inhabitants (2021)[3] and which is subdivided into 7 parishes. The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Castelo de Vide, to the northeast by Marvão, to the east by Spain, to the south by Arronches and Monforte and to the west by Crato.Monuments and sightsCork Museum Portalegre Municipal Museum 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O House Museum José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O Portalegre Tapestry Museum Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O Cork Museum 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O Castle Museum Center 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Castles Portalegre Castle 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O Alegrete Castle 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O Doors of the old wall Porta do Crato, better known as Arch of the Bishop 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O Porta da Devesa or Espirito Santo, at the top of Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O Porta de Alegrete, 19th century. XIII Porta de Alegrete or São Francisco, known today as Arco de Santo António, at the western end of Republic Square (formerly Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OReligious buildings In the city Portalegre Cathedral Convent of St. Bernard Calvary Chapel Cathedral (16th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O Seminar yat Portalegre (20th century), inaugurated in 1955 Church of Our Lord of Bonfim (18th century) 39th 18th 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O Convent of St. Bernard (16th century), where currently (2009) the Practic School of the Republican National Guard operates 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' The Convent of Santa Clara (14th century), currently the Municipal Library of Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' The Jesuit Convent of São Sebastião (17th century), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios from the 18th century, the town hall's office since 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O Calvary Chapel (17th or 18th century) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O Chapel of Sant'Ana (18th century) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O Church of St. Lawrence 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O In the surroundings or rural parishes Chapel of Our Lady of Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O Alegrete Church of MercyOther historic buildings Former Seminary (16th/18th century), current Municipal Museum 39.29144° N 7.43374° O Former Town Hall (seat of the town hall) (17th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O Palace of the Counties of Vilar Real or D. Nuno de Sousa (16th century), where manueline windows 39.29074° N 7.43202° O Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O Achioli Palace (16th and 18th century), present-day Portalegre School of Education 39.2896° N 7.4302° O Yellow Palace and Bell Towers of the See The Alentejo Café, one of the only typical cafes that still exist in the city Yellow Palace (17th-19th century) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O Avillez Palace (18th century), current Civil Government 39.28982° N 7.43039° O Barahona Palace (18th century), currently houses the District Archive of Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O Palace of the Caldeira de Castello-Branco or the Counties of Alter do Chão (16th-18th century), currently houses the Portalegre Tapestry Museum 39.2923° N 7.43326° O Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17th century), currently home to the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O Barros Castello-Branco Palace (17th century)Sources The city of Portalegre and its surroundings have more than 30 historical fountains. Until the end of the 19th century, piped water was practically confined to the fountains, and only from the 1940s can we talk about water piped to the home. The fountains of Portalegre therefore begin to constitute an urban furniture of utilitarian characteristics.Other points with historical interest Gothic Portal of Castelo Street Rua dos Besteiros Arco Street Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O Republic Square (old Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:7428
antigas instalações fabris da Fino`s - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, que se encontra encerrada e as instalações devolutas.27 mil metros quadrados de direitos de construção, índice previsto de 1,5.Habitação
Serviços/ Comercio
Turismo Investimentos na regiãoNuma altura em que a pandemia e o teletrabalho levaram muitas famílias a abandonar os centros urbanos. Diversos promotores imobiliários estão a realocar o foco do negócio para fora de Lisboa e Porto, nomeadamente em Portalegre.O centro logístico que a Amazon,
em Badajoz, será um armazém para a distribuição de grandes embalagens, serão distribuídas para todos os pontos do território peninsular, incluindo Portugal.
Este novo centro logístico, estrategicamente localizado a poucos quilómetros da fronteira portuguesa, prevê a criação de 900 postos de trabalho.
Para a região há 900 oportunidades de trabalho, há 900 pessoas que necessitam de residir, alimentar-se e fazer a sua vida.A Câmara Municipal de Portalegre anunciou um investimento superior a dois milhões de euros na área da biotecnologia.
Este anúncio surge na sequência da visita a Portalegre de uma comitiva de empresários e potenciais investidores, entre os quais se encontrava o Príncipe da Malásia, Tunku Naquiyuddin,
Assim, será criada 'uma fábrica da Entogenex para a produção de inseticidas biodegradáveis e um centro de investigação e desenvolvimento para novos produtos na área agrícola'.
O Príncipe da Malásia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justificou a localização da nova infraestrutura em Portalegre com a ligação secular entre Portugal e a Malásia e as especificidades ao 'nível da agricultura, que podem conduzir ao desenvolvimento de produtos muito específicos para responder às necessidades da produção e combater pragas sem desequilibrar as cadeias do ecossistema, oferecendo ao concelho a oportunidade de se tornar pioneiro nesta tecnologia, respondendo também à tendência mundial para a adoção de práticas cada vez mais amigas do ambiente'.Uma empresa que produz perfis metálicos para a agricultura e para construção, em aço leve, vai construir uma fábrica em Portalegre, num investimento de 7,5 milhões de euros, podendo criar 80 postos de trabalho.
O projeto, desenvolvido pela empresa Arqframe, vai surgir na zona industrial de Portalegre e tem como objetivo produzir perfis em aço leve e estruturas para a construção, vigas e coberturas para hangares agrícolas, entre outros.Portalegre é uma cidade raiana portuguesa,
capital do distrito de Portalegre, na região do Alentejo, sub-região do Alto Alentejo.É a sede do município de Portalegre com 447,14 km² de área,
2021 tinha 22 368 habitantes (2021)[3] e que está subdividido em 7 freguesias.
O município é limitado a norte pelo município de Castelo de Vide, a nordeste por Marvão, a leste pela Espanha, a sul por Arronches e Monforte e a oeste pelo Crato.Monumentos e pontos turísticoMuseu da Cortiça
Museu Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O
Casa Museu José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O
Museu da Tapeçaria de Portalegre Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O
Museu da Cortiça 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O
Núcleo Museológico do Castelo 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Castelo de Portalegre 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Castelo de Alegrete 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O
Portas da antiga muralha
Porta do Crato, mais conhecida por Arco do Bispo 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O
Porta da Devesa ou do Espírito Santo, no cimo da Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O
Porta de Alegrete, séc. XIII
Porta de Alegrete ou de São Francisco, conhecida hoje por Arco de Santo António, no extremo ocidental da Praça da República (antigo Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OEdifícios religiosos
Na cidade
Sé Catedral de Portalegre
Convento de São Bernardo
Capela do Calvário
Sé Catedral (século XVI) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O
Seminário de Portalegre (século XX), inaugurado em 1955
Igreja do Nosso Senhor do Bonfim (século XVIII) 39° 18' 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O
Convento de São Bernardo (século XVI), onde actualmente (2009) funciona a Escola Práctica da Guarda Nacional Republicana 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' O
Convento de Santa Clara(século XIV), actualmente a Biblioteca Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' O
Convento jesuíta de São Sebastião (século XVII), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios a partir do século XVIII, sede da câmara municipal desde 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O
Capela do Calvário (século XVII ou XVIII) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O
Capela de Sant'Ana (século XVIII) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O
Igreja de São Lourenço 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O
Nos arredores ou freguesias rurais
Capela de Nossa Senhora da Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O
Igreja da Misericórdia de AlegreteOutros edifícios históricos
Antigo Seminário (século XVI/XVIII), actual Museu Municipal 39.29144° N 7.43374° O
Antigos Paços do Concelho (sede da câmara municipal) (século XVII) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O
Palácio dos Condes de Vilar Real ou de D. Nuno de Sousa (século XVI), onde se destacam as janelas manuelinas 39.29074° N 7.43202° O
Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O
Palácio Achioli (século XVI e XVIII), actual Escola Superior de Educação de Portalegre 39.2896° N 7.4302° O
Palácio Amarelo e campanários da Sé
O Café Alentejano, um dos únicos cafés típicos que ainda subsistem na cidade
Palácio Amarelo (século XVII-XIX) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O
Palácio Avillez (século XVIII), actual Governo Civil 39.28982° N 7.43039° O
Palácio Barahona (século XVIII), aloja actualmente o Arquivo Distrital de Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O
Palácio dos Caldeira de Castello-Branco ou dos Condes de Alter do Chão (século XVI-XVIII), actualmente aloja o Museu da Tapeçaria de Portalegre 39.2923° N 7.43326° O
Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (século XVII), actualmente sede do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O
Palácio dos Barros Castello-Branco (século XVII)Fontes
A cidade de Portalegre e os seus arredores contam com mais de 30 fontes históricas. Até finais do século XIX, a água canalizada estava praticamente circunscrita às fontes, e só a partir dos anos 40 do século XX se pode falar de água canalizada ao domicílio. As fontes de Portalegre começam, por isso, por constituir um mobiliário urbano de características utilitárias.Outros pontos com interesse histórico
Portal Gótico da Rua do Castelo
Rua dos Besteiros
Rua do Arco
Plátano do Rossio 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O
Praça da República (antigo Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O
Categoria Energética: Isento
#ref:7428 Veja mais Veja menos Urban Terrain downtown Portalegre 18000 m2An exclusive Private Luxury Real Estate top location/excellent opportunityThe land has a total area of 1.8 ha,
former manufacturing facilities of Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, which is closed and the facilities devolutas.27,000 square meters of construction rights, projected index of 1.5.Housing
Services/ Commerce
Tourism Investments in the regionAt a time when the pandemic and telework led many families to leave urban centres. Several real estate developers are relocating the focus of the business out of Lisbon and Porto,
real estate developer Rio Capital has announced that it will invest eight million in a project in Portalegre.The logistics center that Amazon,
in Badajoz, it will be a warehouse for the distribution of large packages, will be distributed to all points of the peninsular territory, including Portugal.
This new logistics center, strategically located a few kilometers from the Portuguese border, provides for the creation of 900 jobs.
For the region there are 900 job opportunities, there are 900 people who need to reside, feed and make their living.The Portalegre City Council announced an investment of more than two million euros in the area of biotechnology.
This announcement follows a visit to Portalegre by an entourage of businessmen and potential investors, including the Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin,
Thus, 'an Entogenex plant for the production of biodegradable insecticides and a research and development center for new products in the agricultural field' will be created.
The Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justified the location of the new infrastructure in Portalegre with the secular link between Portugal and Malaysia and the specificities of the 'level of agriculture, which can lead to the development of very specific products to respond to the needs of production and combat pests without unbalancing the ecosystem chains, offering the county the opportunity to become a pioneer in this technology, also responding to the global trend towards the adoption of increasingly environmentally friendly practices.'A company that produces metal profiles for agriculture and construction, in light steel, will build a factory in Portalegre, in an investment of 7.5 million euros, and can create 80 jobs.
The project, developed by the company Arqframe, will emerge in the industrial zone of Portalegre and aims to produce profiles in light steel and structures for construction, beams and roofs for agricultural hangars, among others.Portalegre is a Portuguese city,
capital of portalegre district, in the Alentejo region, alto Alentejo sub-region.It is the headquarters of the municipality of Portalegre with 447.14 km² of area,
2021 had 22 368 inhabitants (2021)[3] and which is subdivided into 7 parishes.
The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Castelo de Vide, to the northeast by Marvão, to the east by Spain, to the south by Arronches and Monforte and to the west by Crato.Monuments and sightsCork Museum
Portalegre Municipal Museum 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O
House Museum José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O
Portalegre Tapestry Museum Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O
Cork Museum 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O
Castle Museum Center 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Portalegre Castle 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Alegrete Castle 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O
Doors of the old wall
Porta do Crato, better known as Arch of the Bishop 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O
Porta da Devesa or Espirito Santo, at the top of Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O
Porta de Alegrete, 19th century. XIII
Porta de Alegrete or São Francisco, known today as Arco de Santo António, at the western end of Republic Square (formerly Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OReligious buildings
In the city
Portalegre Cathedral
Convent of St. Bernard
Calvary Chapel
Cathedral (16th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O
Seminar yat Portalegre (20th century), inaugurated in 1955
Church of Our Lord of Bonfim (18th century) 39th 18th 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O
Convent of St. Bernard (16th century), where currently (2009) the Practic School of the Republican National Guard operates 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' The
Convent of Santa Clara (14th century), currently the Municipal Library of Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' The
Jesuit Convent of São Sebastião (17th century), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios from the 18th century, the town hall's office since 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O
Calvary Chapel (17th or 18th century) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O
Chapel of Sant'Ana (18th century) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O
Church of St. Lawrence 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O
In the surroundings or rural parishes
Chapel of Our Lady of Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O
Alegrete Church of MercyOther historic buildings
Former Seminary (16th/18th century), current Municipal Museum 39.29144° N 7.43374° O
Former Town Hall (seat of the town hall) (17th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O
Palace of the Counties of Vilar Real or D. Nuno de Sousa (16th century), where manueline windows 39.29074° N 7.43202° O
Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O
Achioli Palace (16th and 18th century), present-day Portalegre School of Education 39.2896° N 7.4302° O
Yellow Palace and Bell Towers of the See
The Alentejo Café, one of the only typical cafes that still exist in the city
Yellow Palace (17th-19th century) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O
Avillez Palace (18th century), current Civil Government 39.28982° N 7.43039° O
Barahona Palace (18th century), currently houses the District Archive of Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O
Palace of the Caldeira de Castello-Branco or the Counties of Alter do Chão (16th-18th century), currently houses the Portalegre Tapestry Museum 39.2923° N 7.43326° O
Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17th century), currently home to the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O
Barros Castello-Branco Palace (17th century)Sources
The city of Portalegre and its surroundings have more than 30 historical fountains. Until the end of the 19th century, piped water was practically confined to the fountains, and only from the 1940s can we talk about water piped to the home. The fountains of Portalegre therefore begin to constitute an urban furniture of utilitarian characteristics.Other points with historical interest
Gothic Portal of Castelo Street
Rua dos Besteiros
Arco Street
Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O
Republic Square (old Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:7428 Terreno urbano centro Portalegre 18000 m2Una exclusiva inmobiliaria privada de lujo ubicación superior / excelente oportunidadEl terreno tiene una superficie total de 1,8 ha,
antiguas instalaciones de fabricación de Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, que se encuentra cerrada y las instalaciones devolutas.27.000 metros cuadrados de derechos de construcción, índice proyectado de 1,5.Vivienda
Servicios/ Comercio
Turismo Inversiones en la regiónEn un momento en el que la pandemia y el teletrabajo llevaron a muchas familias a abandonar los núcleos urbanos. Varios promotores inmobiliarios están reubicando el foco del negocio fuera de Lisboa y Oporto,
La promotora inmobiliaria Rio Capital ha anunciado que invertirá ocho millones en un proyecto en Portalegre.El centro logístico que Amazon,
en Badajoz, será un almacén para la distribución de grandes paquetes, se distribuirá a todos los puntos del territorio peninsular, incluido Portugal.
Este nuevo centro logístico, estratégicamente ubicado a pocos kilómetros de la frontera portuguesa, prevé la creación de 900 puestos de trabajo.
Para la región hay 900 oportunidades de trabajo, hay 900 personas que necesitan residir, alimentarse y ganarse la vida.El Ayuntamiento de Portalegre anunció una inversión de más de dos millones de euros en el área de biotecnología.
Este anuncio sigue a una visita a Portalegre de un séquito de empresarios y potenciales inversores, entre ellos el Príncipe de Malasia, Tunku Naquiyuddin,
Así, se creará 'una planta de Entogenex para la producción de insecticidas biodegradables y un centro de investigación y desarrollo de nuevos productos en el ámbito agrícola'.
El príncipe de Malasia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justificó la ubicación de la nueva infraestructura en Portalegre con el vínculo secular entre Portugal y Malasia y las especificidades del 'nivel de agricultura, que puede conducir al desarrollo de productos muy específicos para responder a las necesidades de producción y combatir plagas sin desequilibrar las cadenas ecosistémicas, ofreciendo al condado la oportunidad de convertirse en pionero en esta tecnología, respondiendo también a la tendencia mundial hacia la adopción de prácticas cada vez más respetuosas con el medio ambiente'.Una empresa que produce perfiles metálicos para la agricultura y la construcción, en acero ligero, construirá una fábrica en Portalegre, con una inversión de 7,5 millones de euros, y podrá crear 80 puestos de trabajo.
El proyecto, desarrollado por la empresa Arqframe, surgirá en la zona industrial de Portalegre y tiene como objetivo producir perfiles en acero ligero y estructuras para construcción, vigas y cubiertas para hangares agrícolas, entre otros.Portalegre es una ciudad portuguesa,
capital del distrito de Portalegre, en la región del Alentejo, subregión del Alto Alentejo.Es la sede del municipio de Portalegre con 447,14 km² de superficie,
2021 contaba con 22 368 habitantes (2021)[3] y que se subdivide en 7 parroquias.
El municipio limita al norte con el municipio de Castelo de Vide, al noreste con Marvão, al este con España, al sur con Arronches y Monforte y al oeste con Crato.Monumentos y lugares de interésMuseo del Corcho
Museo Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O
Casa Museo José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O
Museo de Tapices Portalegre Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O
Museo del Corcho 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O
Centro Museo del Castillo 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Castillo de Portalegre 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Castillo de Alegrete 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O
Puertas de la antigua muralla
Porta do Crato, más conocida como Arco del Obispo 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O
Porta da Devesa o Espirito Santo, en la cima de la Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O
Porta de Alegrete, siglo 19. XIII
Porta de Alegrete o São Francisco, conocida hoy como Arco de Santo António, en el extremo occidental de la Plaza de la República (antes Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OEdificios religiosos
En la ciudad
Catedral de Portalegre
Convento de San Bernardo
Capilla del Calvario
Catedral (siglo XVI) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O
Seminario yat Portalegre (siglo 20), inaugurado en 1955
Iglesia de Nuestro Señor de Bonfim (siglo (teléfono oculto) ' N 7° 26' 2.5' O
Convento de San Bernardo (siglo XVI), donde actualmente (2009) la Escuela de Prácticas de la Guardia Nacional Republicana opera 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' El
Convento de Santa Clara (siglo XIV), actualmente la Biblioteca Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' El
Convento Jesuita de São Sebastião (siglo 17), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios del siglo XVIII, la oficina del ayuntamiento desde 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O
Capilla del Calvario (siglo 17 o 18) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O
Capilla de Sant'Ana (siglo XVIII) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O
Iglesia de San Lorenzo 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O
En los alrededores o parroquias rurales
Capilla de Nuestra Señora de Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O
Alegrete Iglesia de la MisericordiaOtros edificios históricos
Antiguo Seminario (siglo 16/18), actual Museo Municipal 39.29144° N 7.43374° O
Antiguo Ayuntamiento (sede del ayuntamiento) (siglo XVII) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O
Palacio de las Comarcas de Vilar Real o D. Nuno de Sousa (siglo XVI), donde ventanas manuelinas 39.29074° N 7.43202° O
Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O
Palacio Achioli (siglos 16 y 18), actual Escuela de Educación Portalegre 39.2896° N 7.4302° O
Palacio Amarillo y Campanarios de la Sede
El Café alentejo, uno de los únicos cafés típicos que aún existen en la ciudad
Palacio Amarillo (siglo (teléfono oculto) ° N 7.433431° O
Palacio de Avillez (siglo 18), actual Gobierno Civil 39.28982° N 7.43039° O
Palacio Barahona (siglo XVIII), actualmente alberga el Archivo Distrital de Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O
Palacio de la Caldeira de Castello-Branco o los Condados de Alter do Chão (siglo 16-18), actualmente alberga el Museo de Tapices de Portalegre 39.2923° N 7.43326° O
Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (siglo 17), actualmente sede del Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O
Palacio Barros Castello-Branco (siglo 17)Fuentes
La ciudad de Portalegre y sus alrededores cuentan con más de 30 fuentes históricas. Hasta el final del siglo 19, el agua entubada estaba prácticamente confinada a las fuentes, y solo a partir de la década de 1940 podemos hablar de agua entubada en el hogar. Las fuentes de Portalegre comienzan así a constituir un mobiliario urbano de características utilitarias.Otros puntos con interés histórico
Portal gótico de la calle Castelo
Rua dos Besteiros
Calle Arco
Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O
Plaza de la República (antiguo Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O
Categoría Energética: Exento
#ref:7428 Terrain urbain centre-ville Portalegre 18000 m2Un immobilier de luxe privé exclusif emplacement idéal / excellente opportunitéLe terrain a une superficie totale de 1,8 ha,
anciennes installations de fabrication de Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, qui est fermée et les installations devolutas.27 000 mètres carrés de droits de construction, indice projeté de 1,5.Logement
Services/ Commerce
Tourisme Investissements dans la régionÀ une époque où la pandémie et le télétravail ont conduit de nombreuses familles à quitter les centres urbains. Plusieurs promoteurs immobiliers délocalisent le centre d'activité de Lisbonne et de Porto,
Le promoteur immobilier Rio Capital a annoncé qu'il investira huit millions dans un projet à Portalegre.Le centre logistique qu'Amazon,
à Badajoz, ce sera un entrepôt pour la distribution de gros colis, sera distribué à tous les points du territoire péninsulaire, y compris le Portugal.
Ce nouveau centre logistique, stratégiquement situé à quelques kilomètres de la frontière portugaise, prévoit la création de 900 emplois.
Pour la région, il y a 900 possibilités d'emploi, il y a 900 personnes qui ont besoin de résider, de se nourrir et de gagner leur vie.La mairie de Portalegre a annoncé un investissement de plus de deux millions d'euros dans le domaine de la biotechnologie.
Cette annonce fait suite à une visite à Portalegre d'un entourage d'hommes d'affaires et d'investisseurs potentiels, dont le prince de Malaisie, Tunku Naquiyuddin,
Ainsi, « une usine Entogenex pour la production d'insecticides biodégradables et un centre de recherche et développement pour de nouveaux produits dans le domaine agricole » seront créés.
Le prince de Malaisie, Tunku Naquiyuddin, a justifié l'emplacement de la nouvelle infrastructure à Portalegre avec le lien séculaire entre le Portugal et la Malaisie et les spécificités du « niveau d'agriculture », qui peut conduire au développement de produits très spécifiques pour répondre aux besoins de la production et lutter contre les ravageurs sans déséquilibrer les chaînes de l'écosystème, offrant au comté la possibilité de devenir un pionnier dans cette technologie, répondant également à la tendance mondiale à l'adoption de pratiques de plus en plus respectueuses de l'environnement.Une entreprise qui produit des profilés métalliques pour l'agriculture et la construction, en acier léger, construira une usine à Portalegre, avec un investissement de 7,5 millions d'euros, et pourra créer 80 emplois.
Le projet, développé par la société Arqframe, émergera dans la zone industrielle de Portalegre et vise à produire des profilés en acier léger et des structures pour la construction, des poutres et des toits pour les hangars agricoles, entre autres.Portalegre est une ville portugaise,
capitale du district de Portalegre, dans la région de l'Alentejo, sous-région de l'Alto Alentejo.C'est le siège de la municipalité de Portalegre avec 447.14 km² de superficie,
2021 comptait 22 368 habitants (2021)[3] et qui est subdivisée en 7 paroisses.
La commune est bordée au nord par la commune de Castelo de Vide, au nord-est par Marvão, à l'est par l'Espagne, au sud par Arronches et Monforte et à l'ouest par Crato.Monuments et sites touristiquesMusée de Cork
Musée municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 29 » N 7° 26' 1 » O
Maison Musée José Régio 39° 17' 19 » N 7° 25' 47 » O
Musée de la Tapisserie de Portalegre Guy Fino 39° 17' 19 » N 7° 25' 43 » O
Musée du Liège 39° 17' 23.7 » N 7° 25' 39.6 » O
Centre du Musée du Château 39° 17' 27.8 » N 7° 25' 51 » O
Château de Portalegre 39° 17' 27.8 » N 7° 25' 51 » O
Château d'Alegrete 39° 14' 13 » N 7° 19' 27 » O
Portes de l'ancien mur
Porta do Crato, mieux connue sous le nom d'Arc de l'Évêque 39° 17' 29.8 » N 7° 26' 2 » O
Porta da Devesa ou Espirito Santo, au sommet de la Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6 » N 7° 25' 55 » O
Porta de Alegrete, 19ème siècle. XIII
Porta de Alegrete ou São Francisco, connue aujourd'hui sous le nom d'Arco de Santo António, à l'extrémité ouest de la place de la République (anciennement Corro) 39° 17' 24.8 » N 7° 25' 50.9 » OÉdifices religieux
En ville
Cathédrale de Portalegre
Couvent Saint-Bernard
Chapelle du Calvaire
Cathédrale (16ème siècle) 39° 17' 28.3 » N 7° 26' 1.8 » O
Séminaire yat Portalegre (20ème siècle), inauguré en 1955
Église Notre-Seigneur de Bonfim (18ème siècle) 39ème 18ème 16.5 » N 7° 26' 2.5 » O
Couvent de Saint-Bernard (16ème siècle), où actuellement (2009) l'École Pratique de la Garde Nationale Républicaine opère 39° 17' 47.4 » N 7° 25' 36.3 » Le
Couvent de Santa Clara (14ème siècle), actuellement la Bibliothèque Municipale de Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5 » N 7° 25' 55.6 » Le
Couvent jésuite de São Sebastião (17ème siècle), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios du 18ème siècle, bureau de la mairie depuis 2005 39° 17' 41.3 » N 7° 25' 43.1 » O
Chapelle du Calvaire (17ème ou 18ème siècle) 39° 17' 48 » N 7° 25' 41.1 » O
Chapelle de Sant'Ana (18ème siècle) 39° 17' 13.5 » N 7° 25' 56.3 » O
Église Saint-Laurent 39° 17' 38,3 » N 7° 25' 51,7 » O
Dans les environs ou paroisses rurales
Chapelle Notre-Dame de Penha 39° 17' 51.2 » N 7° 26' 31.6 » O
Église de la Miséricorde d'AlegreteAutres bâtiments historiques
Ancien séminaire (16e/18e siècle), actuel musée municipal 39.29144° N 7.43374° O
Ancien hôtel de ville (siège de l'hôtel de ville) (17ème siècle) 39° 17' 28.3 » N 7° 25' 58.1 » O
Palais des Comtés de Vilar Real ou D. Nuno de Sousa (16ème siècle), où fenêtres manuélines 39.29074° N 7.43202° O
Casa dos Condes de Melo 39,2907° N 7,43162° O
Palais Achioli (16ème et 18ème siècle), actuelle École d'éducation Portalegre 39.2896° N 7.4302° O
Palais Jaune et Clochers du Siège
Le café de l'Alentejo, l'un des seuls cafés typiques qui existent encore dans la ville
Palais Jaune (17ème-19ème siècle) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O
Palais Avillez (18ème siècle), gouvernement civil actuel 39.28982° N 7.43039° O
Palais Barahona (18ème siècle), abrite actuellement les archives du district de Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O
Palais de la Caldeira de Castello-Branco ou les comtés d'Alter do Chão (16ème-18ème siècle), abrite actuellement le Musée de la Tapisserie de Portalegre 39.2923° N 7.43326° O
Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17ème siècle), qui abrite actuellement l'Institut Polytechnique de Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O
Palais Barros Castello-Branco (17ème siècle)Sources
La ville de Portalegre et ses environs ont plus de 30 fontaines historiques. Jusqu'à la fin du 19ème siècle, l'eau courante était pratiquement confinée aux fontaines, et ce n'est qu'à partir des années 1940 que nous pouvons parler d'eau acheminée vers la maison. Les fontaines de Portalegre commencent donc à constituer un mobilier urbain aux caractéristiques utilitaires.Autres points d'intérêt historique
Portail gothique de la rue Castelo
Rua dos Besteiros
Rue Arco
Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8 » N 7° 25' 48.9 » O
Place de la République (ancien Corro) 39° 17' 23 » N 7° 25' 47.2 » O
Performance Énergétique: Exempt
#ref:7428 Terreno Urbano centro de Portalegre 18000 m2Um exclusivo Private Luxury Real Estate localização centro da cidade/ excelente oportunidadeO terreno têm uma área total de 1,8 ha,
antigas instalações fabris da Fino`s - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, que se encontra encerrada e as instalações devolutas.27 mil metros quadrados de direitos de construção, índice previsto de 1,5.Habitação
Serviços/ Comercio
Turismo Investimentos na regiãoNuma altura em que a pandemia e o teletrabalho levaram muitas famílias a abandonar os centros urbanos. Diversos promotores imobiliários estão a realocar o foco do negócio para fora de Lisboa e Porto, nomeadamente em Portalegre.O centro logístico que a Amazon,
em Badajoz, será um armazém para a distribuição de grandes embalagens, serão distribuídas para todos os pontos do território peninsular, incluindo Portugal.
Este novo centro logístico, estrategicamente localizado a poucos quilómetros da fronteira portuguesa, prevê a criação de 900 postos de trabalho.
Para a região há 900 oportunidades de trabalho, há 900 pessoas que necessitam de residir, alimentar-se e fazer a sua vida.A Câmara Municipal de Portalegre anunciou um investimento superior a dois milhões de euros na área da biotecnologia.
Este anúncio surge na sequência da visita a Portalegre de uma comitiva de empresários e potenciais investidores, entre os quais se encontrava o Príncipe da Malásia, Tunku Naquiyuddin,
Assim, será criada 'uma fábrica da Entogenex para a produção de inseticidas biodegradáveis e um centro de investigação e desenvolvimento para novos produtos na área agrícola'.
O Príncipe da Malásia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justificou a localização da nova infraestrutura em Portalegre com a ligação secular entre Portugal e a Malásia e as especificidades ao 'nível da agricultura, que podem conduzir ao desenvolvimento de produtos muito específicos para responder às necessidades da produção e combater pragas sem desequilibrar as cadeias do ecossistema, oferecendo ao concelho a oportunidade de se tornar pioneiro nesta tecnologia, respondendo também à tendência mundial para a adoção de práticas cada vez mais amigas do ambiente'.Uma empresa que produz perfis metálicos para a agricultura e para construção, em aço leve, vai construir uma fábrica em Portalegre, num investimento de 7,5 milhões de euros, podendo criar 80 postos de trabalho.
O projeto, desenvolvido pela empresa Arqframe, vai surgir na zona industrial de Portalegre e tem como objetivo produzir perfis em aço leve e estruturas para a construção, vigas e coberturas para hangares agrícolas, entre outros.Portalegre é uma cidade raiana portuguesa,
capital do distrito de Portalegre, na região do Alentejo, sub-região do Alto Alentejo.É a sede do município de Portalegre com 447,14 km² de área,
2021 tinha 22 368 habitantes (2021)[3] e que está subdividido em 7 freguesias.
O município é limitado a norte pelo município de Castelo de Vide, a nordeste por Marvão, a leste pela Espanha, a sul por Arronches e Monforte e a oeste pelo Crato.Monumentos e pontos turísticoMuseu da Cortiça
Museu Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O
Casa Museu José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O
Museu da Tapeçaria de Portalegre Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O
Museu da Cortiça 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O
Núcleo Museológico do Castelo 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Castelo de Portalegre 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Castelo de Alegrete 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O
Portas da antiga muralha
Porta do Crato, mais conhecida por Arco do Bispo 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O
Porta da Devesa ou do Espírito Santo, no cimo da Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O
Porta de Alegrete, séc. XIII
Porta de Alegrete ou de São Francisco, conhecida hoje por Arco de Santo António, no extremo ocidental da Praça da República (antigo Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OEdifícios religiosos
Na cidade
Sé Catedral de Portalegre
Convento de São Bernardo
Capela do Calvário
Sé Catedral (século XVI) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O
Seminário de Portalegre (século XX), inaugurado em 1955
Igreja do Nosso Senhor do Bonfim (século XVIII) 39° 18' 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O
Convento de São Bernardo (século XVI), onde actualmente (2009) funciona a Escola Práctica da Guarda Nacional Republicana 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' O
Convento de Santa Clara(século XIV), actualmente a Biblioteca Municipal de Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' O
Convento jesuíta de São Sebastião (século XVII), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios a partir do século XVIII, sede da câmara municipal desde 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O
Capela do Calvário (século XVII ou XVIII) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O
Capela de Sant'Ana (século XVIII) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O
Igreja de São Lourenço 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O
Nos arredores ou freguesias rurais
Capela de Nossa Senhora da Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O
Igreja da Misericórdia de AlegreteOutros edifícios históricos
Antigo Seminário (século XVI/XVIII), actual Museu Municipal 39.29144° N 7.43374° O
Antigos Paços do Concelho (sede da câmara municipal) (século XVII) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O
Palácio dos Condes de Vilar Real ou de D. Nuno de Sousa (século XVI), onde se destacam as janelas manuelinas 39.29074° N 7.43202° O
Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O
Palácio Achioli (século XVI e XVIII), actual Escola Superior de Educação de Portalegre 39.2896° N 7.4302° O
Palácio Amarelo e campanários da Sé
O Café Alentejano, um dos únicos cafés típicos que ainda subsistem na cidade
Palácio Amarelo (século XVII-XIX) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O
Palácio Avillez (século XVIII), actual Governo Civil 39.28982° N 7.43039° O
Palácio Barahona (século XVIII), aloja actualmente o Arquivo Distrital de Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O
Palácio dos Caldeira de Castello-Branco ou dos Condes de Alter do Chão (século XVI-XVIII), actualmente aloja o Museu da Tapeçaria de Portalegre 39.2923° N 7.43326° O
Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (século XVII), actualmente sede do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O
Palácio dos Barros Castello-Branco (século XVII)Fontes
A cidade de Portalegre e os seus arredores contam com mais de 30 fontes históricas. Até finais do século XIX, a água canalizada estava praticamente circunscrita às fontes, e só a partir dos anos 40 do século XX se pode falar de água canalizada ao domicílio. As fontes de Portalegre começam, por isso, por constituir um mobiliário urbano de características utilitárias.Outros pontos com interesse histórico
Portal Gótico da Rua do Castelo
Rua dos Besteiros
Rua do Arco
Plátano do Rossio 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O
Praça da República (antigo Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O
Categoria Energética: Isento
#ref:7428 Urban Terrain downtown Portalegre 18000 m2An exclusive Private Luxury Real Estate top location/excellent opportunityThe land has a total area of 1.8 ha,
former manufacturing facilities of Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, which is closed and the facilities devolutas.27,000 square meters of construction rights, projected index of 1.5.Housing
Services/ Commerce
Tourism Investments in the regionAt a time when the pandemic and telework led many families to leave urban centres. Several real estate developers are relocating the focus of the business out of Lisbon and Porto,
real estate developer Rio Capital has announced that it will invest eight million in a project in Portalegre.The logistics center that Amazon,
in Badajoz, it will be a warehouse for the distribution of large packages, will be distributed to all points of the peninsular territory, including Portugal.
This new logistics center, strategically located a few kilometers from the Portuguese border, provides for the creation of 900 jobs.
For the region there are 900 job opportunities, there are 900 people who need to reside, feed and make their living.The Portalegre City Council announced an investment of more than two million euros in the area of biotechnology.
This announcement follows a visit to Portalegre by an entourage of businessmen and potential investors, including the Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin,
Thus, 'an Entogenex plant for the production of biodegradable insecticides and a research and development center for new products in the agricultural field' will be created.
The Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justified the location of the new infrastructure in Portalegre with the secular link between Portugal and Malaysia and the specificities of the 'level of agriculture, which can lead to the development of very specific products to respond to the needs of production and combat pests without unbalancing the ecosystem chains, offering the county the opportunity to become a pioneer in this technology, also responding to the global trend towards the adoption of increasingly environmentally friendly practices.'A company that produces metal profiles for agriculture and construction, in light steel, will build a factory in Portalegre, in an investment of 7.5 million euros, and can create 80 jobs.
The project, developed by the company Arqframe, will emerge in the industrial zone of Portalegre and aims to produce profiles in light steel and structures for construction, beams and roofs for agricultural hangars, among others.Portalegre is a Portuguese city,
capital of portalegre district, in the Alentejo region, alto Alentejo sub-region.It is the headquarters of the municipality of Portalegre with 447.14 km² of area,
2021 had 22 368 inhabitants (2021)[3] and which is subdivided into 7 parishes.
The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Castelo de Vide, to the northeast by Marvão, to the east by Spain, to the south by Arronches and Monforte and to the west by Crato.Monuments and sightsCork Museum
Portalegre Municipal Museum 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O
House Museum José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O
Portalegre Tapestry Museum Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O
Cork Museum 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O
Castle Museum Center 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Portalegre Castle 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Alegrete Castle 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O
Doors of the old wall
Porta do Crato, better known as Arch of the Bishop 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O
Porta da Devesa or Espirito Santo, at the top of Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O
Porta de Alegrete, 19th century. XIII
Porta de Alegrete or São Francisco, known today as Arco de Santo António, at the western end of Republic Square (formerly Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OReligious buildings
In the city
Portalegre Cathedral
Convent of St. Bernard
Calvary Chapel
Cathedral (16th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O
Seminar yat Portalegre (20th century), inaugurated in 1955
Church of Our Lord of Bonfim (18th century) 39th 18th 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O
Convent of St. Bernard (16th century), where currently (2009) the Practic School of the Republican National Guard operates 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' The
Convent of Santa Clara (14th century), currently the Municipal Library of Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' The
Jesuit Convent of São Sebastião (17th century), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios from the 18th century, the town hall's office since 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O
Calvary Chapel (17th or 18th century) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O
Chapel of Sant'Ana (18th century) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O
Church of St. Lawrence 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O
In the surroundings or rural parishes
Chapel of Our Lady of Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O
Alegrete Church of MercyOther historic buildings
Former Seminary (16th/18th century), current Municipal Museum 39.29144° N 7.43374° O
Former Town Hall (seat of the town hall) (17th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O
Palace of the Counties of Vilar Real or D. Nuno de Sousa (16th century), where manueline windows 39.29074° N 7.43202° O
Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O
Achioli Palace (16th and 18th century), present-day Portalegre School of Education 39.2896° N 7.4302° O
Yellow Palace and Bell Towers of the See
The Alentejo Café, one of the only typical cafes that still exist in the city
Yellow Palace (17th-19th century) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O
Avillez Palace (18th century), current Civil Government 39.28982° N 7.43039° O
Barahona Palace (18th century), currently houses the District Archive of Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O
Palace of the Caldeira de Castello-Branco or the Counties of Alter do Chão (16th-18th century), currently houses the Portalegre Tapestry Museum 39.2923° N 7.43326° O
Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17th century), currently home to the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O
Barros Castello-Branco Palace (17th century)Sources
The city of Portalegre and its surroundings have more than 30 historical fountains. Until the end of the 19th century, piped water was practically confined to the fountains, and only from the 1940s can we talk about water piped to the home. The fountains of Portalegre therefore begin to constitute an urban furniture of utilitarian characteristics.Other points with historical interest
Gothic Portal of Castelo Street
Rua dos Besteiros
Arco Street
Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O
Republic Square (old Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:7428 Urban Terrain downtown Portalegre 18000 m2An exclusive Private Luxury Real Estate top location/excellent opportunityThe land has a total area of 1.8 ha,
former manufacturing facilities of Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, which is closed and the facilities devolutas.27,000 square meters of construction rights, projected index of 1.5.Housing
Services/ Commerce
Tourism Investments in the regionAt a time when the pandemic and telework led many families to leave urban centres. Several real estate developers are relocating the focus of the business out of Lisbon and Porto,
real estate developer Rio Capital has announced that it will invest eight million in a project in Portalegre.The logistics center that Amazon,
in Badajoz, it will be a warehouse for the distribution of large packages, will be distributed to all points of the peninsular territory, including Portugal.
This new logistics center, strategically located a few kilometers from the Portuguese border, provides for the creation of 900 jobs.
For the region there are 900 job opportunities, there are 900 people who need to reside, feed and make their living.The Portalegre City Council announced an investment of more than two million euros in the area of biotechnology.
This announcement follows a visit to Portalegre by an entourage of businessmen and potential investors, including the Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin,
Thus, 'an Entogenex plant for the production of biodegradable insecticides and a research and development center for new products in the agricultural field' will be created.
The Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justified the location of the new infrastructure in Portalegre with the secular link between Portugal and Malaysia and the specificities of the 'level of agriculture, which can lead to the development of very specific products to respond to the needs of production and combat pests without unbalancing the ecosystem chains, offering the county the opportunity to become a pioneer in this technology, also responding to the global trend towards the adoption of increasingly environmentally friendly practices.'A company that produces metal profiles for agriculture and construction, in light steel, will build a factory in Portalegre, in an investment of 7.5 million euros, and can create 80 jobs.
The project, developed by the company Arqframe, will emerge in the industrial zone of Portalegre and aims to produce profiles in light steel and structures for construction, beams and roofs for agricultural hangars, among others.Portalegre is a Portuguese city,
capital of portalegre district, in the Alentejo region, alto Alentejo sub-region.It is the headquarters of the municipality of Portalegre with 447.14 km² of area,
2021 had 22 368 inhabitants (2021)[3] and which is subdivided into 7 parishes.
The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Castelo de Vide, to the northeast by Marvão, to the east by Spain, to the south by Arronches and Monforte and to the west by Crato.Monuments and sightsCork Museum
Portalegre Municipal Museum 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O
House Museum José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O
Portalegre Tapestry Museum Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O
Cork Museum 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O
Castle Museum Center 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Portalegre Castle 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Alegrete Castle 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O
Doors of the old wall
Porta do Crato, better known as Arch of the Bishop 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O
Porta da Devesa or Espirito Santo, at the top of Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O
Porta de Alegrete, 19th century. XIII
Porta de Alegrete or São Francisco, known today as Arco de Santo António, at the western end of Republic Square (formerly Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OReligious buildings
In the city
Portalegre Cathedral
Convent of St. Bernard
Calvary Chapel
Cathedral (16th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O
Seminar yat Portalegre (20th century), inaugurated in 1955
Church of Our Lord of Bonfim (18th century) 39th 18th 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O
Convent of St. Bernard (16th century), where currently (2009) the Practic School of the Republican National Guard operates 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' The
Convent of Santa Clara (14th century), currently the Municipal Library of Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' The
Jesuit Convent of São Sebastião (17th century), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios from the 18th century, the town hall's office since 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O
Calvary Chapel (17th or 18th century) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O
Chapel of Sant'Ana (18th century) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O
Church of St. Lawrence 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O
In the surroundings or rural parishes
Chapel of Our Lady of Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O
Alegrete Church of MercyOther historic buildings
Former Seminary (16th/18th century), current Municipal Museum 39.29144° N 7.43374° O
Former Town Hall (seat of the town hall) (17th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O
Palace of the Counties of Vilar Real or D. Nuno de Sousa (16th century), where manueline windows 39.29074° N 7.43202° O
Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O
Achioli Palace (16th and 18th century), present-day Portalegre School of Education 39.2896° N 7.4302° O
Yellow Palace and Bell Towers of the See
The Alentejo Café, one of the only typical cafes that still exist in the city
Yellow Palace (17th-19th century) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O
Avillez Palace (18th century), current Civil Government 39.28982° N 7.43039° O
Barahona Palace (18th century), currently houses the District Archive of Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O
Palace of the Caldeira de Castello-Branco or the Counties of Alter do Chão (16th-18th century), currently houses the Portalegre Tapestry Museum 39.2923° N 7.43326° O
Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17th century), currently home to the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O
Barros Castello-Branco Palace (17th century)Sources
The city of Portalegre and its surroundings have more than 30 historical fountains. Until the end of the 19th century, piped water was practically confined to the fountains, and only from the 1940s can we talk about water piped to the home. The fountains of Portalegre therefore begin to constitute an urban furniture of utilitarian characteristics.Other points with historical interest
Gothic Portal of Castelo Street
Rua dos Besteiros
Arco Street
Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O
Republic Square (old Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:7428 Urban Terrain downtown Portalegre 18000 m2An exclusive Private Luxury Real Estate top location/excellent opportunityThe land has a total area of 1.8 ha,
former manufacturing facilities of Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, which is closed and the facilities devolutas.27,000 square meters of construction rights, projected index of 1.5.Housing
Services/ Commerce
Tourism Investments in the regionAt a time when the pandemic and telework led many families to leave urban centres. Several real estate developers are relocating the focus of the business out of Lisbon and Porto,
real estate developer Rio Capital has announced that it will invest eight million in a project in Portalegre.The logistics center that Amazon,
in Badajoz, it will be a warehouse for the distribution of large packages, will be distributed to all points of the peninsular territory, including Portugal.
This new logistics center, strategically located a few kilometers from the Portuguese border, provides for the creation of 900 jobs.
For the region there are 900 job opportunities, there are 900 people who need to reside, feed and make their living.The Portalegre City Council announced an investment of more than two million euros in the area of biotechnology.
This announcement follows a visit to Portalegre by an entourage of businessmen and potential investors, including the Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin,
Thus, 'an Entogenex plant for the production of biodegradable insecticides and a research and development center for new products in the agricultural field' will be created.
The Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justified the location of the new infrastructure in Portalegre with the secular link between Portugal and Malaysia and the specificities of the 'level of agriculture, which can lead to the development of very specific products to respond to the needs of production and combat pests without unbalancing the ecosystem chains, offering the county the opportunity to become a pioneer in this technology, also responding to the global trend towards the adoption of increasingly environmentally friendly practices.'A company that produces metal profiles for agriculture and construction, in light steel, will build a factory in Portalegre, in an investment of 7.5 million euros, and can create 80 jobs.
The project, developed by the company Arqframe, will emerge in the industrial zone of Portalegre and aims to produce profiles in light steel and structures for construction, beams and roofs for agricultural hangars, among others.Portalegre is a Portuguese city,
capital of portalegre district, in the Alentejo region, alto Alentejo sub-region.It is the headquarters of the municipality of Portalegre with 447.14 km² of area,
2021 had 22 368 inhabitants (2021)[3] and which is subdivided into 7 parishes.
The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Castelo de Vide, to the northeast by Marvão, to the east by Spain, to the south by Arronches and Monforte and to the west by Crato.Monuments and sightsCork Museum
Portalegre Municipal Museum 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O
House Museum José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O
Portalegre Tapestry Museum Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O
Cork Museum 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O
Castle Museum Center 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Portalegre Castle 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Alegrete Castle 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O
Doors of the old wall
Porta do Crato, better known as Arch of the Bishop 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O
Porta da Devesa or Espirito Santo, at the top of Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O
Porta de Alegrete, 19th century. XIII
Porta de Alegrete or São Francisco, known today as Arco de Santo António, at the western end of Republic Square (formerly Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OReligious buildings
In the city
Portalegre Cathedral
Convent of St. Bernard
Calvary Chapel
Cathedral (16th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O
Seminar yat Portalegre (20th century), inaugurated in 1955
Church of Our Lord of Bonfim (18th century) 39th 18th 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O
Convent of St. Bernard (16th century), where currently (2009) the Practic School of the Republican National Guard operates 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' The
Convent of Santa Clara (14th century), currently the Municipal Library of Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' The
Jesuit Convent of São Sebastião (17th century), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios from the 18th century, the town hall's office since 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O
Calvary Chapel (17th or 18th century) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O
Chapel of Sant'Ana (18th century) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O
Church of St. Lawrence 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O
In the surroundings or rural parishes
Chapel of Our Lady of Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O
Alegrete Church of MercyOther historic buildings
Former Seminary (16th/18th century), current Municipal Museum 39.29144° N 7.43374° O
Former Town Hall (seat of the town hall) (17th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O
Palace of the Counties of Vilar Real or D. Nuno de Sousa (16th century), where manueline windows 39.29074° N 7.43202° O
Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O
Achioli Palace (16th and 18th century), present-day Portalegre School of Education 39.2896° N 7.4302° O
Yellow Palace and Bell Towers of the See
The Alentejo Café, one of the only typical cafes that still exist in the city
Yellow Palace (17th-19th century) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O
Avillez Palace (18th century), current Civil Government 39.28982° N 7.43039° O
Barahona Palace (18th century), currently houses the District Archive of Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O
Palace of the Caldeira de Castello-Branco or the Counties of Alter do Chão (16th-18th century), currently houses the Portalegre Tapestry Museum 39.2923° N 7.43326° O
Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17th century), currently home to the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O
Barros Castello-Branco Palace (17th century)Sources
The city of Portalegre and its surroundings have more than 30 historical fountains. Until the end of the 19th century, piped water was practically confined to the fountains, and only from the 1940s can we talk about water piped to the home. The fountains of Portalegre therefore begin to constitute an urban furniture of utilitarian characteristics.Other points with historical interest
Gothic Portal of Castelo Street
Rua dos Besteiros
Arco Street
Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O
Republic Square (old Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:7428 Urban Terrain downtown Portalegre 18000 m2An exclusive Private Luxury Real Estate top location/excellent opportunityThe land has a total area of 1.8 ha,
former manufacturing facilities of Fino's - Fábrica de Lanifícios de Portalegre SA, which is closed and the facilities devolutas.27,000 square meters of construction rights, projected index of 1.5.Housing
Services/ Commerce
Tourism Investments in the regionAt a time when the pandemic and telework led many families to leave urban centres. Several real estate developers are relocating the focus of the business out of Lisbon and Porto,
real estate developer Rio Capital has announced that it will invest eight million in a project in Portalegre.The logistics center that Amazon,
in Badajoz, it will be a warehouse for the distribution of large packages, will be distributed to all points of the peninsular territory, including Portugal.
This new logistics center, strategically located a few kilometers from the Portuguese border, provides for the creation of 900 jobs.
For the region there are 900 job opportunities, there are 900 people who need to reside, feed and make their living.The Portalegre City Council announced an investment of more than two million euros in the area of biotechnology.
This announcement follows a visit to Portalegre by an entourage of businessmen and potential investors, including the Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin,
Thus, 'an Entogenex plant for the production of biodegradable insecticides and a research and development center for new products in the agricultural field' will be created.
The Prince of Malaysia, Tunku Naquiyuddin, justified the location of the new infrastructure in Portalegre with the secular link between Portugal and Malaysia and the specificities of the 'level of agriculture, which can lead to the development of very specific products to respond to the needs of production and combat pests without unbalancing the ecosystem chains, offering the county the opportunity to become a pioneer in this technology, also responding to the global trend towards the adoption of increasingly environmentally friendly practices.'A company that produces metal profiles for agriculture and construction, in light steel, will build a factory in Portalegre, in an investment of 7.5 million euros, and can create 80 jobs.
The project, developed by the company Arqframe, will emerge in the industrial zone of Portalegre and aims to produce profiles in light steel and structures for construction, beams and roofs for agricultural hangars, among others.Portalegre is a Portuguese city,
capital of portalegre district, in the Alentejo region, alto Alentejo sub-region.It is the headquarters of the municipality of Portalegre with 447.14 km² of area,
2021 had 22 368 inhabitants (2021)[3] and which is subdivided into 7 parishes.
The municipality is bordered to the north by the municipality of Castelo de Vide, to the northeast by Marvão, to the east by Spain, to the south by Arronches and Monforte and to the west by Crato.Monuments and sightsCork Museum
Portalegre Municipal Museum 39° 17' 29' N 7° 26' 1' O
House Museum José Régio 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 47' O
Portalegre Tapestry Museum Guy Fino 39° 17' 19' N 7° 25' 43' O
Cork Museum 39° 17' 23.7' N 7° 25' 39.6' O
Castle Museum Center 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Portalegre Castle 39° 17' 27.8' N 7° 25' 51' O
Alegrete Castle 39° 14' 13' N 7° 19' 27' O
Doors of the old wall
Porta do Crato, better known as Arch of the Bishop 39° 17' 29.8' N 7° 26' 2' O
Porta da Devesa or Espirito Santo, at the top of Rua 5 de Outubro 39° 17' 35.6' N 7° 25' 55' O
Porta de Alegrete, 19th century. XIII
Porta de Alegrete or São Francisco, known today as Arco de Santo António, at the western end of Republic Square (formerly Corro) 39° 17' 24.8' N 7° 25' 50.9' OReligious buildings
In the city
Portalegre Cathedral
Convent of St. Bernard
Calvary Chapel
Cathedral (16th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 26' 1.8' O
Seminar yat Portalegre (20th century), inaugurated in 1955
Church of Our Lord of Bonfim (18th century) 39th 18th 16.5' N 7° 26' 2.5' O
Convent of St. Bernard (16th century), where currently (2009) the Practic School of the Republican National Guard operates 39° 17' 47.4' N 7° 25' 36.3' The
Convent of Santa Clara (14th century), currently the Municipal Library of Portalegre 39° 17' 24.5' N 7° 25' 55.6' The
Jesuit Convent of São Sebastião (17th century), Fábrica Real de Lanifícios from the 18th century, the town hall's office since 2005 39° 17' 41.3' N 7° 25' 43.1' O
Calvary Chapel (17th or 18th century) 39° 17' 48' N 7° 25' 41.1' O
Chapel of Sant'Ana (18th century) 39° 17' 13.5' N 7° 25' 56.3' O
Church of St. Lawrence 39° 17' 38.3' N 7° 25' 51.7' O
In the surroundings or rural parishes
Chapel of Our Lady of Penha 39° 17' 51.2' N 7° 26' 31.6' O
Alegrete Church of MercyOther historic buildings
Former Seminary (16th/18th century), current Municipal Museum 39.29144° N 7.43374° O
Former Town Hall (seat of the town hall) (17th century) 39° 17' 28.3' N 7° 25' 58.1' O
Palace of the Counties of Vilar Real or D. Nuno de Sousa (16th century), where manueline windows 39.29074° N 7.43202° O
Casa dos Condes de Melo 39.2907° N 7.43162° O
Achioli Palace (16th and 18th century), present-day Portalegre School of Education 39.2896° N 7.4302° O
Yellow Palace and Bell Towers of the See
The Alentejo Café, one of the only typical cafes that still exist in the city
Yellow Palace (17th-19th century) 39.29213° N 7.433431° O
Avillez Palace (18th century), current Civil Government 39.28982° N 7.43039° O
Barahona Palace (18th century), currently houses the District Archive of Portalegre 39.291° N 7.4314° O
Palace of the Caldeira de Castello-Branco or the Counties of Alter do Chão (16th-18th century), currently houses the Portalegre Tapestry Museum 39.2923° N 7.43326° O
Palácio dos Andrade e Sousa (17th century), currently home to the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre 39.2913° N 7.4332° O
Barros Castello-Branco Palace (17th century)Sources
The city of Portalegre and its surroundings have more than 30 historical fountains. Until the end of the 19th century, piped water was practically confined to the fountains, and only from the 1940s can we talk about water piped to the home. The fountains of Portalegre therefore begin to constitute an urban furniture of utilitarian characteristics.Other points with historical interest
Gothic Portal of Castelo Street
Rua dos Besteiros
Arco Street
Rossio's 39° 17' 45.8' N 7° 25' 48.9' O
Republic Square (old Corro) 39° 17' 23' N 7° 25' 47.2' O
Energy Rating: Exempt