Terreno (Para venda)
80 m²
/ 100187579
Victoria Imoti offers you a plot of land with an old house for sale, in the picturesque village of Emen, The village is located in the picturesque foothills of the Fore-Balkan, 20 km west of Veliko Tarnovo and 8 km from the highway Veliko Tarnovo Sofia, in close proximity to the Emen canyon of the Negovanka River. The property we offer is a yard of 420 sq.m, located on an asphalt road, in close proximity to the very center of the village, as well as to the river. In the yard there is an old house consisting of two floors, whose construction and condition require complete repair. The presence of an old house on the plot is a plus, due to the availability of electricity and water lots. The property is suitable for building a new house or placing a prefabricated one. A major plus of the area is also the fact that nature, sights and tranquility predispose to good conditions for the development of a guest house. Similar complexes have been built in the neighborhood, and access is year-round, via an asphalt road. Given the location and parameters, this offer definitely deserves your attention! #10549
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Виктория имоти Ви предлага парцел със стара къща за продан, в живописното селце Емен, Селцето е разположено в живописните поли на Предбалкана, на 20 км западно от Велико Търново и на 8 км от магистралния път Велико Търново София, в непосредствена близост до Еменския каньон на река Негованка. Предложеният от нас имот представлява дворно място от 420 кв.м, разположено на асфалтов път, в непосредствена близост до самия център на селото, както и до реката. В дворното място има стара къща, състояща се от два етажа, чиятно конструкция и състояние предполагат цялостно отремонтиране. Наличието на стара къща в парцела е плюс, поради наличието на партиди за ток и вода. Имотът е подходящ за изграждане на нова къща или поставяне на сглобяема такава. Основен плюс на района също е и фактът, че природата, забележителностите и спокойствието предразполагат добри условия за развитие на къща за гости. В съседство са изградени подобни комплекси, като достъпът е целогодишен, по асфалтов път. Предвид локацията и параметрите, тази оферта определено заслужава вниманието Ви! #10549
Victoria Imoti vous propose un terrain avec une vieille maison à vendre, dans le village pittoresque d’Emen, Le village est situé dans les contreforts pittoresques de l’avant-balkan, à 20 km à l’ouest de Veliko Tarnovo et à 8 km de l’autoroute Veliko Tarnovo Sofia, à proximité du canyon Emen de la rivière Negovanka. La propriété que nous proposons est une cour de 420 m², située sur une route goudronnée, à proximité immédiate du centre même du village, ainsi que de la rivière. Dans la cour, il y a une vieille maison composée de deux étages, dont la construction et l’état nécessitent une réparation complète. La présence d’une maison ancienne sur le terrain est un plus, en raison de la disponibilité des lots d’électricité et d’eau. La propriété est adaptée à la construction d’une nouvelle maison ou à l’installation d’une maison préfabriquée. Un avantage majeur de la région est également le fait que la nature, les sites et la tranquillité prédisposent à de bonnes conditions pour le développement d’une maison d’hôtes. Des complexes similaires ont été construits dans le quartier, et l’accès se fait toute l’année, via une route goudronnée. Compte tenu de l’emplacement et des paramètres, cette offre mérite certainement votre attention ! #10549
Victoria Imoti offers you a plot of land with an old house for sale, in the picturesque village of Emen, The village is located in the picturesque foothills of the Fore-Balkan, 20 km west of Veliko Tarnovo and 8 km from the highway Veliko Tarnovo Sofia, in close proximity to the Emen canyon of the Negovanka River. The property we offer is a yard of 420 sq.m, located on an asphalt road, in close proximity to the very center of the village, as well as to the river. In the yard there is an old house consisting of two floors, whose construction and condition require complete repair. The presence of an old house on the plot is a plus, due to the availability of electricity and water lots. The property is suitable for building a new house or placing a prefabricated one. A major plus of the area is also the fact that nature, sights and tranquility predispose to good conditions for the development of a guest house. Similar complexes have been built in the neighborhood, and access is year-round, via an asphalt road. Given the location and parameters, this offer definitely deserves your attention! #10549
Victoria Imoti le ofrece un terreno con una antigua casa en venta, en el pintoresco pueblo de Emen, El pueblo está situado en las pintorescas estribaciones de los Balcanes Fore-Balkan, a 20 km al oeste de Veliko Tarnovo y a 8 km de la autopista Veliko Tarnovo Sofia, muy cerca del cañón Emen del río Negovanka. La propiedad que ofrecemos es un patio de 420 metros cuadrados, ubicado en una carretera asfaltada, muy cerca del centro del pueblo, así como del río. En el patio hay una antigua casa que consta de dos pisos, cuya construcción y estado requieren una reparación completa. La presencia de una casa antigua en la parcela es un plus, debido a la disponibilidad de lotes de electricidad y agua. La propiedad es apta para construir una nueva casa o colocar una prefabricada. Una gran ventaja de la zona es también el hecho de que la naturaleza, las vistas y la tranquilidad predisponen a buenas condiciones para el desarrollo de una casa de huéspedes. Se han construido complejos similares en el barrio, y el acceso es durante todo el año, a través de una carretera asfaltada. Dada la ubicación y los parámetros, ¡esta oferta definitivamente merece su atención! #10549
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Tipo de listagem:
Para venda
Tipo de Imóvel:
Tamanho do imóvel:
80 m²
Ville |
Prix m2 moyen maison |
Prix m2 moyen appartement |
Gabrovo | 253 EUR | - |
Lovech | 260 EUR | - |
Lovech | 286 EUR | - |
Pleven | 209 EUR | - |
Shumen | 770 EUR | 1.117 EUR |
Khaskovo | - | 776 EUR |
Varna | 592 EUR | 1.077 EUR |