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Casas de Banho
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Ano(s) de Utilização
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Combustíveis de Aquecimento
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Preço do Arrendamento

Moorcroft - Casa e casa unifamiliar à vendre

58.111.718 EUR

Casa e Casa Unifamiliar (Para venda)

4 dv
4 qt
2 wc
Referência: EDEN-T82814899 / 82814899
Old Sundance Ranch is 29,060 deeded acres located west of Sundance, Wyoming. The ranch has historic improvements and offers excellent haying and grazing opportunities. Inyan Kara Creek runs through the property, offering excellent habitat and livestock water. This area of Wyoming is known for its beauty and recreation.The east side of the ranch is timbered and evolved into grassy plains to the west. Across the vast contiguous acerage, there are approximately 40 sizable pastures. Although the ranch is easily accessible from the interstate, it is large enough that the three county roads provide great access to the pastures, yet the ranch is very private. West of Headquarters, there are 1,200± acres of grass hay meadows along Inyan Kara Creek and a dryland hay pasture that could be used for grazing or hay production. Sitting at the western edge of the Black Hills, the ridges are covered with stands of large ponderosa pines and the bottom grounds are spring-fed, with lush grasses and a variety of brush and small deciduous trees. Deeded Acres: 29,060± State Leased Acres: 2,618± BLM Leased Acres: 2,222± Total Leased Acres: 4,840± Total Acres: 33,900± There are a total of 3 residential homes on the property, along with multiple outbuildings, shops, and barns, providing a turn-key opportunity to the new owner. Two of the homes are at the ranch headquarters. The primary residence is a 2,412-square-foot, one-and-a-half-story home built in 1926 and has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. The additional home at headquarters is 952 square feet, built in 1924, and has one bedroom and one bath. East of the main headquarters location is another residence that was built in 1965 and is a 1,296 square foot, two-bedroom, one-bath home. The ranch improvements also include a large historic red barn, a modern shop building, several livestock sheds, and many other small storage/ranch outbuildings. The property is equipped with excellent working facilities and corrals and is well fenced, cross-fenced. The ranch is excellent for hunting elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, wild turkeys, and varmints. This property is gently rolling topography excellent for spot and stalk hunting for all species. The property provides fantastic waterfowl hunting early in the season on the multiple ponds around the property. Located in Wyoming, Game Unit 2 for Deer & Antelope, Unit 116 for Elk, and Unit 1 for Turkey. See Wyoming Fish and Game regulations for details on tags. Old Sundance Road Ranch is located about 5 miles from Keyhole State Park, which has an excellent public access reservoir for boating and fishing. This property is situated in an exceptional area in Wyoming and offers outstanding recreational amenities. Previously the ranch has been utilized for cattle grazing. Mature Ponderosa Pines, wet valleys, deep grasses, and multiple creek bottoms create lush meadows that have historically provided abundant hay and grazing opportunities. All water rights appurtenant to the land will pass to the buyer. The ranch is blessed with ample water resources for livestock and wildlife. Throughout the ranch there are nine different creeks, several wells with pipeline developments as well as springs and reservoirs. Three of the nine creeks have year-round water supply and run through many of the pastures. The additional seasonal creeks that run in the spring and early summer often hold pockets of water late into the summer months. This area is known for short summers, with the occasional rain shower in the afternoon. The hottest month is July, with an average high of 81 degrees. The growing season is Mid-May to Mid-September. Annual precipitation accumulates 19 inches of rainfall and 79 inches of snowfall. Winters are wet and cold, making them perfect for snow-filled activities. Sundance, Wyoming is rich in Native American Heritage. The town was established in 1875 as a trading post made for teams of horses pulling wagons. It is situated along the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountain range in the heart of the Wyoming Black Hills. It is a short distance from Devils Tower, Keyhole Recreational Park, Spearfish Canyon, Crazy Horse and Mount Rushmore. This ranch is about 10 miles west of Sundance, Wyoming, just off the interstate. The small towns of Sundance, Hewlett, Pinehaven, and Moorcroft make this area rich in services and outstanding communities. Gillette and Rapid City Regional Airports provide flight service to this northeast corner of Wyoming. Veja mais Veja menos Old Sundance Ranch is 29,060 deeded acres located west of Sundance, Wyoming. The ranch has historic improvements and offers excellent haying and grazing opportunities. Inyan Kara Creek runs through the property, offering excellent habitat and livestock water. This area of Wyoming is known for its beauty and recreation.The east side of the ranch is timbered and evolved into grassy plains to the west. Across the vast contiguous acerage, there are approximately 40 sizable pastures. Although the ranch is easily accessible from the interstate, it is large enough that the three county roads provide great access to the pastures, yet the ranch is very private. West of Headquarters, there are 1,200± acres of grass hay meadows along Inyan Kara Creek and a dryland hay pasture that could be used for grazing or hay production. Sitting at the western edge of the Black Hills, the ridges are covered with stands of large ponderosa pines and the bottom grounds are spring-fed, with lush grasses and a variety of brush and small deciduous trees. Deeded Acres: 29,060± State Leased Acres: 2,618± BLM Leased Acres: 2,222± Total Leased Acres: 4,840± Total Acres: 33,900± There are a total of 3 residential homes on the property, along with multiple outbuildings, shops, and barns, providing a turn-key opportunity to the new owner. Two of the homes are at the ranch headquarters. The primary residence is a 2,412-square-foot, one-and-a-half-story home built in 1926 and has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. The additional home at headquarters is 952 square feet, built in 1924, and has one bedroom and one bath. East of the main headquarters location is another residence that was built in 1965 and is a 1,296 square foot, two-bedroom, one-bath home. The ranch improvements also include a large historic red barn, a modern shop building, several livestock sheds, and many other small storage/ranch outbuildings. The property is equipped with excellent working facilities and corrals and is well fenced, cross-fenced. The ranch is excellent for hunting elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, wild turkeys, and varmints. This property is gently rolling topography excellent for spot and stalk hunting for all species. The property provides fantastic waterfowl hunting early in the season on the multiple ponds around the property. Located in Wyoming, Game Unit 2 for Deer & Antelope, Unit 116 for Elk, and Unit 1 for Turkey. See Wyoming Fish and Game regulations for details on tags. Old Sundance Road Ranch is located about 5 miles from Keyhole State Park, which has an excellent public access reservoir for boating and fishing. This property is situated in an exceptional area in Wyoming and offers outstanding recreational amenities. Previously the ranch has been utilized for cattle grazing. Mature Ponderosa Pines, wet valleys, deep grasses, and multiple creek bottoms create lush meadows that have historically provided abundant hay and grazing opportunities. All water rights appurtenant to the land will pass to the buyer. The ranch is blessed with ample water resources for livestock and wildlife. Throughout the ranch there are nine different creeks, several wells with pipeline developments as well as springs and reservoirs. Three of the nine creeks have year-round water supply and run through many of the pastures. The additional seasonal creeks that run in the spring and early summer often hold pockets of water late into the summer months. This area is known for short summers, with the occasional rain shower in the afternoon. The hottest month is July, with an average high of 81 degrees. The growing season is Mid-May to Mid-September. Annual precipitation accumulates 19 inches of rainfall and 79 inches of snowfall. Winters are wet and cold, making them perfect for snow-filled activities. Sundance, Wyoming is rich in Native American Heritage. The town was established in 1875 as a trading post made for teams of horses pulling wagons. It is situated along the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountain range in the heart of the Wyoming Black Hills. It is a short distance from Devils Tower, Keyhole Recreational Park, Spearfish Canyon, Crazy Horse and Mount Rushmore. This ranch is about 10 miles west of Sundance, Wyoming, just off the interstate. The small towns of Sundance, Hewlett, Pinehaven, and Moorcroft make this area rich in services and outstanding communities. Gillette and Rapid City Regional Airports provide flight service to this northeast corner of Wyoming. L'Old Sundance Ranch si estende su 29.060 acri situati a ovest di Sundance, nel Wyoming. Il ranch presenta miglioramenti storici e offre eccellenti opportunità di fienagione e pascolo. L'Inyan Kara Creek attraversa la proprietà, offrendo un habitat eccellente e acqua per il bestiame. Questa zona del Wyoming è nota per la sua bellezza e la sua ricreazione. Il lato est del ranch è boscoso e si è evoluto in pianure erbose a ovest. Attraverso il vasto aceraggio contiguo, ci sono circa 40 pascoli considerevoli. Anche se il ranch è facilmente raggiungibile dall'interstatale, è abbastanza grande da consentire alle tre strade della contea di fornire un ottimo accesso ai pascoli, ma il ranch è molto privato. A ovest del quartier generale, ci sono 1.200± acri di prati da fieno lungo l'Inyan Kara Creek e un pascolo di fieno arido che potrebbe essere utilizzato per il pascolo o la produzione di fieno. Situato all'estremità occidentale delle Black Hills, le creste sono ricoperte da popolamenti di grandi pini ponderosa e i terreni inferiori sono alimentati da sorgenti primaverili, con erbe lussureggianti e una varietà di cespugli e piccoli alberi decidui. Acri rogiti: 29.060± Acri in affitto statale: 2.618± Acri in affitto BLM: 2.222± Acri totali affittati: 4.840± Acri totali: 33.900± Ci sono un totale di 3 case residenziali sulla proprietà, insieme a più annessi, negozi e fienili, fornendo un'opportunità chiavi in mano al nuovo proprietario. Due delle case si trovano nel quartier generale del ranch. La residenza principale è una casa di 2.412 piedi quadrati, a un piano e mezzo costruita nel 1926 e dispone di 4 camere da letto e 2 bagni. La casa aggiuntiva presso la sede centrale è di 952 piedi quadrati, costruita nel 1924, e dispone di una camera da letto e un bagno. A est della sede principale si trova un'altra residenza costruita nel 1965 ed è una casa di 1.296 piedi quadrati, con due camere da letto e un bagno. I miglioramenti del ranch includono anche un grande fienile rosso storico, un moderno edificio per negozi, diversi capannoni per il bestiame e molti altri piccoli annessi di stoccaggio/ranch. La proprietà è dotata di ottime strutture di lavoro e recinti ed è ben recintata, recintata trasversalmente. Il ranch è eccellente per la caccia all'alce, al cervo mulo, al cervo dalla coda bianca, ai tacchini selvatici e ai varmint. Questa proprietà è una topografia dolcemente ondulata eccellente per la caccia a macchie e appostamenti per tutte le specie. La struttura offre una fantastica caccia agli uccelli acquatici all'inizio della stagione sui molteplici stagni intorno alla proprietà. Situata nel Wyoming, l'unità di caccia 2 per cervi e antilopi, l'unità 116 per l'alce e l'unità 1 per il tacchino. Vedi i regolamenti Wyoming Fish and Game per i dettagli sui tag. L'Old Sundance Road Ranch si trova a circa 5 miglia dal Keyhole State Park, che dispone di un eccellente bacino idrico di accesso pubblico per la nautica e la pesca. Questa struttura si trova in una zona eccezionale nel Wyoming e offre eccezionali servizi ricreativi. In precedenza il ranch è stato utilizzato per il pascolo del bestiame. Pini Ponderosa maturi, valli umide, erbe profonde e molteplici fondali di torrenti creano prati lussureggianti che storicamente hanno fornito abbondante fieno e opportunità di pascolo. Tutti i diritti d'acqua pertinenziali al terreno passeranno all'acquirente. Il ranch è benedetto da ampie risorse idriche per il bestiame e la fauna selvatica. In tutto il ranch ci sono nove diverse insenature, diversi pozzi con sviluppi di condutture, sorgenti e serbatoi. Tre dei nove torrenti sono alimentati tutto l'anno e attraversano molti dei pascoli. I torrenti stagionali aggiuntivi che scorrono in primavera e all'inizio dell'estate spesso trattengono sacche d'acqua fino alla fine dei mesi estivi. Questa zona è nota per le estati brevi, con occasionali rovesci di pioggia nel pomeriggio. Il mese più caldo è luglio, con una media massima di 81 gradi. La stagione di crescita va da metà maggio a metà settembre. Le precipitazioni annuali accumulano 19 pollici di pioggia e 79 pollici di nevicate. Gli inverni sono umidi e freddi, il che li rende perfetti per le attività innevate. Sundance, nel Wyoming, è ricca di patrimonio dei nativi americani. La città è stata fondata nel 1875 come stazione commerciale fatta per le squadre di cavalli che trainavano i carri. Si trova lungo il versante orientale della catena delle Montagne Rocciose, nel cuore delle Black Hills del Wyoming. Si trova a breve distanza dalla Devils Tower, dal Keyhole Recreational Park, dallo Spearfish Canyon, dal Crazy Horse e dal Monte Rushmore. Questo ranch si trova a circa 10 miglia a ovest di Sundance, nel Wyoming, appena fuori dall'interstatale. Le piccole città di Sundance, Hewlett, Pinehaven e Moorcroft rendono questa zona ricca di servizi e comunità eccezionali. Gli aeroporti regionali di Gillette e Rapid City forniscono un servizio di volo per questo angolo nord-orientale del Wyoming. Die Old Sundance Ranch ist 29.060 Hektar groß und liegt westlich von Sundance, Wyoming. Die Ranch verfügt über historische Verbesserungen und bietet hervorragende Heu- und Weidemöglichkeiten. Der Inyan Kara Creek fließt durch das Grundstück und bietet hervorragenden Lebensraum und Viehwasser. Diese Gegend von Wyoming ist bekannt für ihre Schönheit und Erholung. Die Ostseite der Ranch ist bewaldet und entwickelt sich im Westen zu grasbewachsenen Ebenen. Auf dem riesigen zusammenhängenden Gelände gibt es etwa 40 große Weiden. Obwohl die Ranch von der Autobahn aus leicht zu erreichen ist, ist sie groß genug, dass die drei County-Straßen einen guten Zugang zu den Weiden bieten, aber die Ranch ist sehr privat. Westlich des Hauptsitzes gibt es 1.200± Hektar Grasheuwiesen entlang des Inyan Kara Creek und eine Trockenland-Heuweide, die zum Weiden oder zur Heuproduktion genutzt werden könnte. Am westlichen Rand der Black Hills gelegen, sind die Bergrücken mit Beständen großer Ponderosa-Kiefern bedeckt und das untere Gelände ist von Quellen gespeist, mit üppigen Gräsern und einer Vielzahl von Gestrüpp und kleinen Laubbäumen. Urkundliche Acres: 29.060± Staatlich gepachtete Acres: 2.618± BLM Pachtete Acres: 2.222± Total Pachtete Acres: 4.840± Total Acres: 33.900± Auf dem Grundstück befinden sich insgesamt 3 Wohnhäuser sowie mehrere Nebengebäude, Geschäfte und Scheunen, die dem neuen Eigentümer eine schlüsselfertige Möglichkeit bieten. Zwei der Häuser befinden sich im Hauptquartier der Ranch. Der Hauptwohnsitz ist ein 2.412 Quadratmeter großes, eineinhalbstöckiges Haus, das 1926 erbaut wurde und über 4 Schlafzimmer und 2 Bäder verfügt. Das zusätzliche Haus in der Zentrale ist 952 Quadratmeter groß, wurde 1924 erbaut und verfügt über ein Schlafzimmer und ein Bad. Östlich des Hauptsitzes befindet sich eine weitere Residenz, die 1965 erbaut wurde und ein 1.296 Quadratmeter großes Haus mit zwei Schlafzimmern und einem Bad ist. Zu den Verbesserungen der Ranch gehören auch eine große historische rote Scheune, ein modernes Geschäftsgebäude, mehrere Viehställe und viele andere kleine Lager-/Ranch-Nebengebäude. Das Anwesen ist mit hervorragenden Arbeitseinrichtungen und Gehegen ausgestattet und ist gut eingezäunt, quer eingezäunt. Die Ranch eignet sich hervorragend für die Jagd auf Elche, Maultierhirsche, Weißwedelhirsche, wilde Truthähne und Schädlinge. Dieses Anwesen ist eine sanft hügelige Topographie, die sich hervorragend für die Spot- und Pirschjagd für alle Arten eignet. Das Anwesen bietet eine fantastische Wasservogeljagd zu Beginn der Saison auf den mehreren Teichen rund um das Anwesen. In Wyoming befindet sich Game Unit 2 für Hirsche und Antilopen, Unit 116 für Elche und Unit 1 für die Türkei. Siehe Wyoming Fish and Game Regulations für Details zu Tags. Die Old Sundance Road Ranch liegt etwa 5 Meilen vom Keyhole State Park entfernt, der über ein ausgezeichnetes öffentlich zugängliches Reservoir zum Bootfahren und Angeln verfügt. Diese Unterkunft befindet sich in einer außergewöhnlichen Gegend in Wyoming und bietet hervorragende Freizeiteinrichtungen. Früher wurde die Ranch als Viehweide genutzt. Ausgewachsene Ponderosa-Kiefern, feuchte Täler, tiefe Gräser und mehrere Bachböden schaffen üppige Wiesen, die in der Vergangenheit reichlich Heu und Weidemöglichkeiten geboten haben. Alle Wasserrechte, die mit dem Land verbunden sind, gehen auf den Käufer über. Die Ranch ist mit reichlich Wasserressourcen für Vieh und Wildtiere gesegnet. Auf der gesamten Ranch gibt es neun verschiedene Bäche, mehrere Brunnen mit Pipeline-Erschließungen sowie Quellen und Stauseen. Drei der neun Bäche haben eine ganzjährige Wasserversorgung und fließen durch viele der Weiden. Die zusätzlichen saisonalen Bäche, die im Frühjahr und Frühsommer fließen, enthalten oft bis spät in die Sommermonate hinein Wassertaschen. Diese Gegend ist bekannt für kurze Sommer mit gelegentlichen Regenschauern am Nachmittag. Der heißeste Monat ist der Juli mit einer durchschnittlichen Höchsttemperatur von 81 Grad. Die Vegetationsperiode ist Mitte Mai bis Mitte September. Der jährliche Niederschlag akkumuliert 19 Zoll Niederschlag und 79 Zoll Schneefall. Die Winter sind nass und kalt und eignen sich daher perfekt für schneebedeckte Aktivitäten. Sundance, Wyoming, ist reich an indianischem Erbe. Die Stadt wurde 1875 als Handelsposten für Pferdegespanne gegründet, die Wagen zogen. Es liegt am Osthang der Rocky Mountains im Herzen der Wyoming Black Hills. Es ist nicht weit vom Devils Tower, dem Keyhole Recreational Park, dem Spearfish Canyon, dem Crazy Horse und dem Mount Rushmore entfernt. Diese Ranch liegt etwa 10 Meilen westlich von Sundance, Wyoming, direkt an der Interstate. Die kleinen Städte Sundance, Hewlett, Pinehaven und Moorcroft machen diese Gegend reich an Dienstleistungen und herausragenden Gemeinden. Die Regionalflughäfen Gillette und Rapid City bieten Flugverbindungen in diese nordöstliche Ecke von Wyoming. Old Sundance Ranch s’étend sur 29 060 acres situés à l’ouest de Sundance, dans le Wyoming. Le ranch a des améliorations historiques et offre d’excellentes possibilités de fenaison et de pâturage. Le ruisseau Inyan Kara traverse la propriété, offrant un excellent habitat et de l’eau pour le bétail. Cette région du Wyoming est connue pour sa beauté et ses loisirs. Le côté est du ranch est boisé et a évolué en plaines herbeuses à l’ouest. À travers le vaste acérage contigu, il y a environ 40 pâturages importants. Bien que le ranch soit facilement accessible depuis l’autoroute, il est suffisamment grand pour que les trois routes de comté offrent un excellent accès aux pâturages, mais le ranch est très privé. À l’ouest du quartier général, il y a 1 200 ± acres de prairies de foin le long du ruisseau Inyan Kara et un pâturage de foin en terre aride qui pourrait être utilisé pour le pâturage ou la production de foin. Situées à l’extrémité ouest des Black Hills, les crêtes sont couvertes de peuplements de grands pins ponderosa et les terres inférieures sont alimentées par des sources, avec des herbes luxuriantes et une variété de broussailles et de petits arbres à feuilles caduques. Acres cédés : 29 060 ± Acres loués par l’État : 2 618 ± Acres loués BLM : 2 222± Total des acres loués : 4 840± Total des acres : 33 900± Il y a un total de 3 maisons résidentielles sur la propriété, ainsi que plusieurs dépendances, magasins et granges, offrant une opportunité clé en main au nouveau propriétaire. Deux des maisons se trouvent au siège du ranch. La résidence principale est une maison d’un étage et demi de 2 412 pieds carrés construite en 1926 et dotée de 4 chambres et 2 salles de bain. La maison supplémentaire au siège social est de 952 pieds carrés, construite en 1924, et dispose d’une chambre et d’une salle de bain. À l’est de l’emplacement du siège social principal se trouve une autre résidence qui a été construite en 1965 et est une maison de 1 296 pieds carrés, deux chambres et une salle de bain. Les améliorations du ranch comprennent également une grande grange rouge historique, un bâtiment de magasin moderne, plusieurs hangars à bétail et de nombreuses autres petites dépendances de stockage/ranch. La propriété est équipée d’excellentes installations de travail et de corrals et est bien clôturée, clôturée en croix. Le ranch est excellent pour la chasse au wapiti, au cerf mulet, au cerf de Virginie, au dindon sauvage et au vermine. Cette propriété est une topographie légèrement vallonnée excellente pour la chasse au treuil et à la traque pour toutes les espèces. La propriété offre une fantastique chasse à la sauvagine tôt dans la saison sur les multiples étangs autour de la propriété. Situé dans le Wyoming, l’unité de jeu 2 pour les cerfs et les antilopes, l’unité 116 pour le wapiti et l’unité 1 pour la dinde. Consultez les règlements du Wyoming Fish and Game pour plus de détails sur les étiquettes. Old Sundance Road Ranch est situé à environ 5 miles du parc d’État de Keyhole, qui dispose d’un excellent réservoir d’accès public pour la navigation de plaisance et la pêche. Cette propriété est située dans une zone exceptionnelle du Wyoming et offre des équipements de loisirs exceptionnels. Auparavant, le ranch était utilisé pour le pâturage du bétail. Les pins ponderosa matures, les vallées humides, les herbes profondes et les multiples fonds de ruisseaux créent des prairies luxuriantes qui ont historiquement fourni d’abondantes possibilités de foin et de pâturage. Tous les droits d’eau afférents au terrain seront transférés à l’acheteur. Le ranch est doté d’abondantes ressources en eau pour le bétail et la faune. Dans tout le ranch, il y a neuf ruisseaux différents, plusieurs puits avec des développements de pipelines ainsi que des sources et des réservoirs. Trois des neuf ruisseaux sont alimentés en eau toute l’année et traversent de nombreux pâturages. Les ruisseaux saisonniers supplémentaires qui coulent au printemps et au début de l’été retiennent souvent des poches d’eau jusqu’à la fin de l’été. Cette région est connue pour ses étés courts, avec des averses de pluie occasionnelles dans l’après-midi. Le mois le plus chaud est juillet, avec une température moyenne de 81 degrés. La saison de croissance s’étend de la mi-mai à la mi-septembre. Les précipitations annuelles accumulent 19 pouces de pluie et 79 pouces de neige. Les hivers sont humides et froids, ce qui les rend parfaits pour les activités enneigées. Sundance, dans le Wyoming, est riche en patrimoine amérindien. La ville a été créée en 1875 en tant que poste de traite conçu pour des attelages de chevaux tirant des chariots. Il est situé le long du versant est de la chaîne de montagnes Rocheuses, au cœur des Black Hills du Wyoming. Il se trouve à une courte distance de Devils Tower, du parc de loisirs Keyhole, du Spearfish Canyon, du Crazy Horse et du mont Rushmore. Ce ranch se trouve à environ 10 miles à l’ouest de Sundance, dans le Wyoming, juste à côté de l’autoroute. Les petites villes de Sundance, Hewlett, Pinehaven et Moorcroft rendent cette région riche en services et en communautés exceptionnelles. Les aéroports régionaux de Gillette et de Rapid City offrent un service de vol vers ce coin nord-est du Wyoming.
Referência: EDEN-T82814899
País: US
Cidade: Moorcroft
Código Postal: 82789
Categoria: Residencial
Tipo de listagem: Para venda
Tipo de Imóvel: Casa e Casa Unifamiliar
Tamanho do imóvel: 224
Divisões: 4
Quartos: 4
Casas de Banho: 2
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