Oportunidade de negócio (Para venda)
/ 9428
This luxury hotel for sale is just a few kilometres from the Gulf of Salerno, surrounded by leafy hills. This area is known all over the world for the breathtaking beauty of its landscapes and sea. Formerly used as a hunting lodge of the Bourbon dynasty, this property has been finely restored in the elegant guise of a luxury accommodation facility. Surrounded by a four-hectare century-old private park belonging to the WWF oasis of Persano Wood, the luxurious hotel houses a beautiful patio and a splendid swimming pool This historical estate boasts typical Baroque architecture, it measures 1,300 internal sqm and has three levels. Inside, it welcomes several dining rooms and master lounges, a professional kitchen and a quiet sleeping area made up of 21 bedrooms and 21 bathrooms. This charming estate is the dream property for those who intend to experience Campania's coast in style.
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A pochi chilometri dal golfo di Salerno, immersa nel verde delle colline, è in vendita questa struttura ricettiva di lusso. La location è conosciuta in tutto il mondo per la bellezza mozzafiato dei suoi paesaggi e del mare. Anticamente adibita a residenza di caccia della dinastia dei Borbone, oggi si presenta finemente ristrutturata come struttura ricettiva di lusso. Circondato da un parco privato secolare di quattro ettari appartenente all’osasi WWF di Persano Wood, il lussuoso hotel ospita un bel patio dinnanzi alla struttura e una splendida piscina. Questa dimora storica vanta una tipica architettura barocca, misura 1.300 mq interni e si sviluppa su tre livelli. Al suo interno accoglie diversi sale da pranzo e saloni padronali, una cucina professionale e la tranquilla zona notte composta da 21 camere da letto e 21 bagni. Qesta dimora di charme è la soluzione dei sogni per chi intende vivere la costa campana in grande stile.
Этот роскошный отель, расположенный всего в нескольких километрах от Салернитанского залива, представляет собой прекрасно отреставрированный комплекс, который ранее был охотничьим домиком династии Бурбонов. Отель окружен частным парком площадью четыре гектара, который является частью оазиса WWF Persano Wood. Здесь вы сможете насладиться захватывающей природой и спокойствием или расслабиться у бассейна, наслаждаясь тишиной и чтением хорошей книги. Резиденция имеет три уровня исторической архитектуры в стиле барокко и общую площадь 1300 квадратных метров. Внутри отеля вы найдете несколько столовых, просторные гостиные, профессиональную кухню и спокойные спальные зоны. Всего здесь 21 спальня, оформленная в венецианском стиле, и 21 ванная комната. Этот объект недвижимости является прекрасным выбором как для частной резиденции, так и для роскошного отеля, предлагающего идеальное место для отдыха на живописном побережье Кампании. Ссылка: 9428 https://www.lionard.com/ru/antichnaja-istoricheskaja-residenzija-okolo-salerno.html
This luxury hotel for sale is just a few kilometres from the Gulf of Salerno, surrounded by leafy hills. This area is known all over the world for the breathtaking beauty of its landscapes and sea. Formerly used as a hunting lodge of the Bourbon dynasty, this property has been finely restored in the elegant guise of a luxury accommodation facility. Surrounded by a four-hectare century-old private park belonging to the WWF oasis of Persano Wood, the luxurious hotel houses a beautiful patio and a splendid swimming pool This historical estate boasts typical Baroque architecture, it measures 1,300 internal sqm and has three levels. Inside, it welcomes several dining rooms and master lounges, a professional kitchen and a quiet sleeping area made up of 21 bedrooms and 21 bathrooms. This charming estate is the dream property for those who intend to experience Campania's coast in style.
Tipo de listagem:
Para venda
Tipo de Imóvel:
Oportunidade de negócio
Subtipo do Imóvel:
Bar, Hotel, Restaurante
Tamanho do imóvel:
1.300 m²
Casas de Banho: