Residencial - Para venda
  • Ivry-sur-Seine


Critérios de Pesquisa Avançada

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Ano de Construção
Sistema de Aquecimento
Combustíveis de Aquecimento

Ivry-sur-Seine - Apartamento e condomínio à vendre

1.200.000 EUR

Apartamento e Condomínio (Para venda)

5 dv
3 qt
2 wc
Referência: EDEN-T104929270 / 104929270
Ideally located, in the immediate vicinity of transport, shops and emblematic cultural places of the city, this exceptional loft of 196 m2 (187.14 m2 Carrez) is located on the first floor of a former factory, witness to the industrial heritage transformed into contemporary housing. As soon as you enter, the space unfolds into a spectacular living room of 115 m2, sublimated by an impressive ceiling height. An ethanol fireplace adds a warm touch, while an open kitchen, fully equipped and fitted with high-end materials, extends the harmony of the place. A storeroom and a laundry room add functionality and comfort to this set. The mezzanine, a real architectural extension, hosts a master suite of 23 m2 with en-suite shower room, a second bedroom of 14 m2 with its own shower room, as well as an office of 10 m2, easily convertible into a third bedroom. The subtle combination of raw and noble materials, the imposing historic glass roof on the façade and the industrial aura of the building give this property a unique character. An unnumbered parking space, located in the common car park of the residence, completes the services. The lively and dynamic Ivry Town Hall district is a real centre of life, just a few minutes' walk away. It offers a wide choice of quality shops: a local market animated several times a week, brands such as Naturalia and Picard, a wine shop renowned for its finds, not to mention a butcher's shop appreciated by lovers of good products. Ivry-sur-Seine combines the charm of a city on a human scale with optimal accessibility at the gates of Paris. The metro (line 7 - Mairie d'Ivry), only a five-minute walk away, allows you to quickly reach the heart of the capital. The town is also distinguished by a rich offer of infrastructures and services, whether for families, culture enthusiasts or sports enthusiasts. Subject to the status of the SCI of attribution. Energy class: C / Climate class: C. Estimated average amount of annual energy expenditure for standard use, indexed to the years 2021, 2022, 2023: between 1,620 and 2,240 euros. Contact: Balthazar ... EI - RSAC Commercial Agent: 534 060 124 CRETEIL. Co-ownership of 50 lots (No procedure in progress). Annual charges: 1036 euros. Balthazar BRIGAUD (EI) Commercial Agent - RSAC number: 534060124 - Créteil.
- Garden
- Parking
Veja mais Veja menos Idéalement situé, à proximité immédiate des transports, commerces et lieux culturels emblématiques de la ville, ce loft d'exception de 196 m2 (187,14 m2 Carrez) prend place au premier étage d'une ancienne usine, témoin du patrimoine industriel transformé en habitat contemporain. Dès l'entrée, l'espace se déploie en une pièce de vie spectaculaire de 115 m2, sublimée par une hauteur sous plafond impressionnante. Une cheminée à l'éthanol y apporte une touche chaleureuse, tandis qu'une cuisine ouverte, entièrement équipée et aménagée avec des matériaux haut de gamme, prolonge l'harmonie des lieux. Un cellier et une buanderie ajoutent fonctionnalité et confort à cet ensemble. La mezzanine, véritable prolongement architectural, accueille une suite parentale de 23 m2 avec salle d'eau attenante, une seconde chambre de 14 m2 dotée de sa propre pièce d'eau, ainsi qu'un bureau de 10 m2, aisément convertible en troisième chambre. L'alliage subtil des matériaux bruts et nobles, l'imposante verrière historique en façade et l'aura industrielle du bâtiment confèrent à ce bien un cachet unique. Un emplacement de stationnement non numéroté, situé sur le parking commun de la résidence, vient compléter les prestations. Le quartier de la Mairie d'Ivry, vivant et dynamique, est un véritable centre de vie, à quelques minutes à pied. Il offre un large choix de commerces de qualité : un marché local animé plusieurs fois par semaine, des enseignes telles que Naturalia et Picard, un caviste renommé pour ses trouvailles, sans oublier une boucherie appréciée des amateurs de bons produits. Ivry-sur-Seine conjugue le charme d'une ville à taille humaine avec une accessibilité optimale aux portes de Paris. Le métro (ligne 7 - Mairie d'Ivry), à seulement cinq minutes à pied, permet de rejoindre rapidement le coeur de la capitale. La commune se distingue également par une offre riche en infrastructures et services, que ce soit pour les familles, les passionnés de culture ou les amateurs de sport. Bien soumis au statut de la SCI d'attribution. Classe énergie : C / Classe climat : C. Montant moyen estimé des dépenses annuelles d'énergie pour un usage standard, indexé aux années 2021, 2022, 2023 : entre 1 620 et 2 240 euros. Contact : Balthazar ... EI - Agent Commercial RSAC : 534 060 124 CRETEIL. Copropriété de 50 lots (Pas de procédure en cours). Charges annuelles : 1036 euros. Balthazar BRIGAUD (EI) Agent Commercial - Numéro RSAC : 534060124 - Créteil.
- Garden
- Parking
Идеално разположено, в непосредствена близост до транспорт, магазини и емблематични културни забележителности на града, това изключително таванско помещение от 196 м2 (187,14 м2 Карез) се намира на първия етаж на бивша фабрика, свидетел на индустриалното наследство, превърнато в съвременни жилища. Веднага щом влезете, пространството се разгръща в ефектна всекидневна от 115 м2, сублимирана от впечатляваща височина на тавана. Камината на етанол добавя топло докосване, докато отворената кухня, напълно оборудвана и оборудвана с материали от висок клас, разширява хармонията на мястото. Складово помещение и перално помещение добавят функционалност и комфорт към този комплект. Мецанинът, истинско архитектурно разширение, разполага с главен апартамент от 23 м2 със самостоятелна баня с душ, втора спалня от 14 м2 със собствена душ кабина, както и офис от 10 м2, лесно преобразуващ се в трета спалня. Фината комбинация от сурови и благородни материали, внушителният исторически стъклен покрив на фасадата и индустриалната аура на сградата придават на този имот уникален характер. Неномерирано паркомясто, разположено на общия паркинг на резиденцията, допълва услугите. Оживеният и динамичен квартал Ivry Town Hall е истински център на живота, само на няколко минути пеша. Той предлага богат избор от качествени магазини: местен пазар, анимиран няколко пъти седмично, марки като Naturalia и Picard, магазин за вино, известен със своите находки, да не говорим за месарница, ценена от любителите на добрите продукти. Ivry-sur-Seine съчетава очарованието на град в човешки мащаб с оптимална достъпност до портите на Париж. Метрото (линия 7 - Mairie d'Ivry), само на пет минути пеша, ви позволява бързо да стигнете до сърцето на столицата. Градът се отличава и с богато предлагане на инфраструктура и услуги, независимо дали за семейства, културни ентусиасти или спортни ентусиасти. Зависи от статута на ТЗО на приписване. Енергиен клас: C / Климатичен клас: C. Прогнозен среден размер на годишните разходи за енергия за стандартна употреба, индексиран към годините 2021, 2022, 2023: между 1 620 и 2 240 евро. За контакт: Balthazar ... EI - RSAC Търговски представител: 534 060 124 CRETEIL. Съвместна собственост на 50 обособени обекта (не е в ход процедура). Годишни такси: 1036 евро. Balthazar BRIGAUD (EI) Търговски представител - RSAC номер: 534060124 - Créteil.
- Garden
- Parking
Ideally located, in the immediate vicinity of transport, shops and emblematic cultural places of the city, this exceptional loft of 196 m2 (187.14 m2 Carrez) is located on the first floor of a former factory, witness to the industrial heritage transformed into contemporary housing. As soon as you enter, the space unfolds into a spectacular living room of 115 m2, sublimated by an impressive ceiling height. An ethanol fireplace adds a warm touch, while an open kitchen, fully equipped and fitted with high-end materials, extends the harmony of the place. A storeroom and a laundry room add functionality and comfort to this set. The mezzanine, a real architectural extension, hosts a master suite of 23 m2 with en-suite shower room, a second bedroom of 14 m2 with its own shower room, as well as an office of 10 m2, easily convertible into a third bedroom. The subtle combination of raw and noble materials, the imposing historic glass roof on the façade and the industrial aura of the building give this property a unique character. An unnumbered parking space, located in the common car park of the residence, completes the services. The lively and dynamic Ivry Town Hall district is a real centre of life, just a few minutes' walk away. It offers a wide choice of quality shops: a local market animated several times a week, brands such as Naturalia and Picard, a wine shop renowned for its finds, not to mention a butcher's shop appreciated by lovers of good products. Ivry-sur-Seine combines the charm of a city on a human scale with optimal accessibility at the gates of Paris. The metro (line 7 - Mairie d'Ivry), only a five-minute walk away, allows you to quickly reach the heart of the capital. The town is also distinguished by a rich offer of infrastructures and services, whether for families, culture enthusiasts or sports enthusiasts. Subject to the status of the SCI of attribution. Energy class: C / Climate class: C. Estimated average amount of annual energy expenditure for standard use, indexed to the years 2021, 2022, 2023: between 1,620 and 2,240 euros. Contact: Balthazar ... EI - RSAC Commercial Agent: 534 060 124 CRETEIL. Co-ownership of 50 lots (No procedure in progress). Annual charges: 1036 euros. Balthazar BRIGAUD (EI) Commercial Agent - RSAC number: 534060124 - Créteil.
- Garden
- Parking
Con una ubicación ideal, en las inmediaciones del transporte, las tiendas y los lugares culturales emblemáticos de la ciudad, este excepcional loft de 196 m2 (187,14 m2 Carrez) se encuentra en el primer piso de una antigua fábrica, testigo del patrimonio industrial transformado en vivienda contemporánea. Nada más entrar, el espacio se despliega en un espectacular salón de 115 m2, sublimado por una impresionante altura de techo. Una chimenea de etanol añade un toque cálido, mientras que una cocina abierta, totalmente equipada y equipada con materiales de alta gama, amplía la armonía del lugar. Un trastero y un lavadero añaden funcionalidad y comodidad a este conjunto. El entresuelo, una verdadera extensión arquitectónica, alberga una suite principal de 23 m2 con baño con ducha en suite, un segundo dormitorio de 14 m2 con su propio cuarto de ducha, así como una oficina de 10 m2, fácilmente convertible en un tercer dormitorio. La sutil combinación de materiales crudos y nobles, el imponente techo histórico de cristal en la fachada y el aura industrial del edificio confieren a esta propiedad un carácter único. Una plaza de aparcamiento sin numerar, situada en el aparcamiento común de la residencia, completa los servicios. El animado y dinámico distrito del Ayuntamiento de Ivry es un verdadero centro de vida, a solo unos minutos a pie. Ofrece una amplia selección de tiendas de calidad: un mercado local animado varias veces a la semana, marcas como Naturalia y Picard, una tienda de vinos famosa por sus hallazgos, sin olvidar una carnicería apreciada por los amantes de los buenos productos. Ivry-sur-Seine combina el encanto de una ciudad a escala humana con una accesibilidad óptima a las puertas de París. El metro (línea 7 - Mairie d'Ivry), a solo cinco minutos a pie, le permite llegar rápidamente al corazón de la capital. La ciudad también se distingue por una rica oferta de infraestructuras y servicios, ya sea para familias, entusiastas de la cultura o entusiastas del deporte. Sujeto al estado del SCI de atribución. Clase energética: C / Clase climática: C. Importe medio estimado de gasto energético anual para uso estándar, indexado a los años 2021, 2022, 2023: entre 1.620 y 2.240 euros. Contacto: Balthazar ... EI - RSAC Agente Comercial: 534 060 124 CRETEIL. Copropiedad de 50 lotes (Sin trámite en curso). Cuota anual: 1036 euros. Balthazar BRIGAUD (EI) Agente Comercial - Número RSAC: 534060124 - Créteil.
- Garden
- Parking
Referência: EDEN-T104929270
País: FR
Cidade: Ivry Sur Seine
Código Postal: 94200
Categoria: Residencial
Tipo de listagem: Para venda
Tipo de Imóvel: Apartamento e Condomínio
Tamanho do imóvel: 187
Divisões: 5
Quartos: 3
Casas de Banho: 2
WC: 2
Piso: 1
Lugares de Estacionamento: 1



Preço médio de venda por
Out 2023
3 Mois
1 An
6.092 EUR
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EUR Euro