460.000 EUR
137 m²
Este condomínio residencial exclusivo está inserido em uma zona residencial consolidada, oferecendo um ambiente seguro e tranquilo para chamar de lar. Com a proximidade da Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês e Constituição, bem como do Polo Universitário, você estará no epicentro da vida urbana do Porto. Além disso, a excelente rede de transporte público, incluindo autocarros e estações de metro nos pontos estratégicos como Marquês, Combatentes e Salgueiros, proporciona conveniência incomparável para se locomover pela cidade.
O Covelo Park oferece uma localização ímpar, com frente para este exuberante espaço verde de aproximadamente 8 hectares, que resulta da antiga Quinta de Paranhos. O parque, gerido pela CMP, foi recuperado em 1987/88 através de um projeto do renomado Arquiteto Castro Calapes, com um parque infantil projetado pela talentosa arquiteta Célia Peralta. Além disso, o parque abriga um centro de educação ambiental e um parque canino, proporcionando um ambiente agradável para os moradores e seus animais de estimaçãoPotencial de Valorização:
O Covelo Park não é apenas um lugar para morar; apartamentos T0 à T2, é um investimento seguro e promissor. Com uma localização tão central e com todas as comodidades ao seu redor, este empreendimento residencial oferece um potencial de valorização elevado e seguro ao longo do tempo. Não perca a oportunidade de fazer parte deste ambiente de luxo e conveniência no Porto.Agende sua visita hoje mesmo:
Venha descobrir o que torna o Covelo Park o lugar perfeito para chamar de lar. Agende sua visita agora mesmo e deixe-nos mostrar como você pode começar a viver a vida dos seus sonhos neste condomínio residencial exclusivo, onde o conforto, a conveniência e o potencial de valorização se encontram.Covelo Park - Onde a localização é o epítome de valor e conforto.Exposição solar: Poente Início previsto da construção: Junho de 2024
Previsão escrituras: Março de 2026Condições de pagamento:
o 20% no CPCV;
o 15% com a conclusão da estrutura,
o 15% com as caixilharias;
o 50 % na escrituraUma excelente oportunidade de investimento este Apartamento T3 duplex, com terraço e garagem para comprar no Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Ligue agora para mais informações!!OBS: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas, podendo não fazer referência ao imóvel em questão.Nota para Consultores Imobiliários: Este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Se tiver clientes interessados, entre em contato connosco para agendar uma visita.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Profissionalismo e Dedicação ao seu ServiçoA Entreparedes Real Estate é uma referência no mercado de Venda e Administração de Imóveis, reconhecida pelo seu compromisso com a seriedade, o respeito e a ética na prestação de serviços imobiliários.Nossa equipe é composta por profissionais experientes e multilíngues, que oferecem um atendimento personalizado e focado nas necessidades de cada cliente. Trabalhamos incessantemente para proporcionar a máxima satisfação aos nossos clientes, seja na compra, venda ou administração de imóveis.Diferenciais da Entreparedes:
- Tecnologia de Ponta: Usamos as ferramentas mais modernas para garantir uma divulgação ampla e eficaz dos imóveis.
- Gestão Completa: Cuidamos de todo o processo, desde a negociação inicial até o pós-venda, assegurando uma experiência tranquila e bem-sucedida.
- Foco na Rentabilidade: Visamos proporcionar o melhor retorno aos nossos clientes, sempre com o foco na qualidade e na valorização dos ativos imobiliários.Na Entreparedes, um cliente satisfeito é nossa maior conquista. Estamos aqui para tornar sua experiência imobiliária simples, segura e gratificante.
Categoria Energética: A
#ref:APA_2494_B2.1.2 Veja mais Veja menos 3 bedroom duplex flat, with terrace and garage for sale in Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Welcome to Covelo Park - where Porto meets residential comfort. Imagine yourself living in the beating heart of Porto, among the bustling streets and tranquillity of Parque do Covelo. Covelo Park is strategically located on a plot of approximately 2,000 m2, between Rua de Álvaro Castelões and Travessa do Monte de São João. This privileged surroundings puts you just a few steps from the Via de Cintura Interna, providing quick access to the main roads in and out of the city, including the A1, N13, A3, A4 and A28 highways.An Urban Oasis:
This exclusive residential condominium is set in a consolidated residential area, offering a safe and quiet environment to call home. With the proximity of Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês and Constituição, as well as the University Campus, you will be at the epicentre of Porto's urban life. In addition, the excellent public transport network, including buses and metro stations at strategic points such as Marquês, Combatentes and Salgueiros, provides unparalleled convenience for getting around the city.
Covelo Park offers a unique location, facing this lush green space of approximately 8 hectares, which results from the old Quinta de Paranhos. The park, managed by CMP, was recovered in 1987/88 through a project by the renowned architect Castro Calapes, with a playground designed by the talented architect Célia Peralta. In addition, the park is home to an environmental education centre and a dog park, providing a pleasant environment for residents and their petsUpside Potential:
Covelo Park is not just a place to live; apartments T0 to T2, is a safe and promising investment. With such a central location and with all the amenities around it, this residential development offers a high and secure appreciation potential over time. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this environment of luxury and convenience in Porto.Schedule your visit today:
Come and discover what makes Covelo Park the perfect place to call home. Schedule your visit right now and let us show you how you can start living the life of your dreams in this exclusive residential community, where comfort, convenience, and potential for appreciation meet.Covelo Park - Where location is the epitome of value and comfort.Solar exposure: West Expected start of construction: June 2024
Expected deeds: March 2026Payment Terms:
o 20% in the CPCV;
o 15% with the completion of the structure,
15% with window frames;
o 50% in the deedAn excellent investment opportunity this 3 bedroom duplex flat, with terrace and garage to buy in Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Call now for more information!!NOTE: the images are merely illustrative, and may not refer to the property in question.Note to Real Estate Consultants: This property is available for business sharing. If you have interested customers, please contact us to schedule a viewing.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionalism and Dedication to Your ServiceEntreparedes Real Estate is a reference in the Real Estate Sales and Management market, recognised for its commitment to seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.Our team is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, who offer personalised service focused on the needs of each client. We work tirelessly to provide maximum satisfaction to our customers, whether buying, selling or managing real estate.Entreparedes differentials:
- State-of-the-art Technology: We use the most modern tools to ensure wide and effective dissemination of properties.
- Complete Management: We take care of the entire process, from the initial negotiation to the after-sales, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
- Focus on Profitability: We aim to provide the best return to our clients, always focusing on the quality and appreciation of real estate assets.At Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is our greatest achievement. We're here to make your real estate experience simple, safe, and rewarding.
Energy Rating: A
#ref:APA_2494_B2.1.2 Apartamento dúplex de 3 dormitorios, con terraza y garaje en venta en Oporto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Bienvenido al Parque Covelo, donde Oporto se encuentra con el confort residencial. Imagínese viviendo en el corazón palpitante de Oporto, entre las bulliciosas calles y la tranquilidad del Parque do Covelo. El Parque Covelo está estratégicamente ubicado en una parcela de aproximadamente 2.000 m2, entre la Rua de Álvaro Castelões y la Travessa do Monte de São João. Este entorno privilegiado se encuentra a pocos pasos de la Via de Cintura Interna, lo que le permite acceder rápidamente a las principales vías de entrada y salida de la ciudad, incluidas las autopistas A1, N13, A3, A4 y A28.Un oasis urbano:
Este exclusivo condominio residencial se encuentra en una zona residencial consolidada, que ofrece un entorno seguro y tranquilo al que llamar hogar. Con la proximidad de la Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês y Constituição, así como del Campus Universitario, estará en el epicentro de la vida urbana de Oporto. Además, la excelente red de transporte público, que incluye autobuses y estaciones de metro en puntos estratégicos como Marquês, Combatentes y Salgueiros, proporciona una comodidad inigualable para moverse por la ciudad.
El Parque Covelo ofrece una ubicación única, frente a este exuberante espacio verde de aproximadamente 8 hectáreas, que resulta de la antigua Quinta de Paranhos. El parque, gestionado por el CMP, fue recuperado en 1987/88 a través de un proyecto del reconocido arquitecto Castro Calapes, con un parque infantil diseñado por la talentosa arquitecta Célia Peralta. Además, el parque alberga un centro de educación ambiental y un parque para perros, proporcionando un ambiente agradable para los residentes y sus mascotasPotencial alcista:
Covelo Park no es solo un lugar para vivir; apartamentos T0 a T2, es una inversión segura y prometedora. Con una ubicación tan céntrica y con todas las comodidades a su alrededor, este desarrollo residencial ofrece un potencial de revalorización alto y seguro en el tiempo. No pierda la oportunidad de formar parte de este ambiente de lujo y comodidad en Oporto.Programe su visita hoy:
Ven y descubre lo que hace que Covelo Park sea el lugar perfecto para llamar hogar. Programe su visita ahora mismo y permítanos mostrarle cómo puede comenzar a vivir la vida de sus sueños en esta exclusiva comunidad residencial, donde la comodidad, la conveniencia y el potencial de apreciación se encuentran.Covelo Park - Donde la ubicación es el epítome del valor y la comodidad.Exposición solar: Oeste Inicio previsto de la construcción: junio de 2024
Escrituras previstas: marzo de 2026Condiciones de pago:
o 20% en el CPCV;
o 15% con la finalización de la estructura,
15% con marcos de ventanas;
o 50% en la escrituraUna excelente oportunidad de inversión este apartamento dúplex de 3 dormitorios, con terraza y garaje para comprar en Oporto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2¡Llame ahora para más información!NOTA: las imágenes son meramente ilustrativas, y no pueden referirse a la propiedad en cuestión.Nota para Consultores de Bienes Raíces: Esta propiedad está disponible para compartir negocios. Si tiene clientes interesados, póngase en contacto con nosotros para programar una visita.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Profesionalidad y dedicación a su servicioEntreparedes Real Estate es un referente en el mercado de Compraventa y Gestión Inmobiliaria, reconocida por su compromiso con la seriedad, el respeto y la ética en la prestación de servicios inmobiliarios.Nuestro equipo está formado por profesionales experimentados y multilingües, que ofrecen un servicio personalizado y centrado en las necesidades de cada cliente. Trabajamos incansablemente para proporcionar la máxima satisfacción a nuestros clientes, ya sea comprando, vendiendo o gestionando bienes inmuebles.Diferenciales Entreparedes:
- Tecnología de punta: Utilizamos las herramientas más modernas para garantizar una amplia y efectiva difusión de los inmuebles.
- Gestión completa: Nos encargamos de todo el proceso, desde la negociación inicial hasta la postventa, asegurando una experiencia fluida y exitosa.
- Enfoque en la Rentabilidad: Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar el mejor rendimiento a nuestros clientes, siempre enfocándonos en la calidad y valorización de los activos inmobiliarios.En Entreparedes, un cliente satisfecho es nuestro mayor logro. Estamos aquí para hacer que su experiencia inmobiliaria sea simple, segura y gratificante.
Categoría Energética: A
#ref:APA_2494_B2.1.2 Appartement en duplex de 3 chambres, avec terrasse et garage à vendre à Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Bienvenue au Covelo Park - où Porto rencontre le confort résidentiel. Imaginez-vous vivre au cur de Porto, parmi les rues animées et la tranquillité du Parque do Covelo. Covelo Park est stratégiquement situé sur un terrain d'environ 2 000 m2, entre la Rua de Álvaro Castelões et la Travessa do Monte de São João. Cet environnement privilégié vous place à quelques pas de la Via de Cintura Interna, offrant un accès rapide aux principales routes d'entrée et de sortie de la ville, notamment les autoroutes A1, N13, A3, A4 et A28.Une oasis urbaine :
Ce condominium résidentiel exclusif est situé dans un quartier résidentiel consolidé, offrant un environnement sûr et calme pour se sentir chez soi. Avec la proximité de l'Avenida dos Combatentes, de Marquês et de Constituição, ainsi que du Campus Universitaire, vous serez à l'épicentre de la vie urbaine de Porto. De plus, l'excellent réseau de transports en commun, y compris les bus et les stations de métro à des points stratégiques tels que Marquês, Combatentes et Salgueiros, offre un confort inégalé pour se déplacer dans la ville.
Covelo Park offre un emplacement unique, face à cet espace vert luxuriant d'environ 8 hectares, qui résulte de l'ancienne Quinta de Paranhos. Le parc, géré par CMP, a été récupéré en 1987/88 grâce à un projet du célèbre architecte Castro Calapes, avec une aire de jeux conçue par la talentueuse architecte Célia Peralta. De plus, le parc abrite un centre d'éducation environnementale et un parc à chiens, offrant un environnement agréable aux résidents et à leurs animaux de compagniePotentiel de hausse :
Covelo Park n'est pas seulement un lieu de vie ; appartements T0 à T2, est un investissement sûr et prometteur. Avec un emplacement aussi central et avec toutes les commodités qui l'entourent, ce développement résidentiel offre un potentiel d'appréciation élevé et sûr au fil du temps. Ne manquez pas l'occasion de faire partie de cet environnement de luxe et de commodité à Porto.Planifiez votre visite dès aujourd'hui :
Venez découvrir ce qui fait de Covelo Park l'endroit idéal pour se sentir chez soi. Planifiez votre visite dès maintenant et laissez-nous vous montrer comment vous pouvez commencer à vivre la vie de vos rêves dans cette communauté résidentielle exclusive, où le confort, la commodité et le potentiel d'appréciation se rencontrent.Covelo Park - Où l'emplacement est l'incarnation de la valeur et du confort.Exposition solaire : Ouest Début prévu des travaux : juin 2024
Actes attendus : mars 2026Modalités de paiement:
o 20 % dans le CPCV ;
o 15 % avec l'achèvement de la structure,
15 % avec des cadres de fenêtres ;
o 50 % dans l'acteUne excellente opportunité d'investissement cet appartement en duplex de 3 chambres, avec terrasse et garage à acheter à Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Appelez maintenant pour plus d'informations !!REMARQUE : les images ne sont qu'illustratives et ne peuvent pas faire référence à la propriété en question.Note aux consultants immobiliers : Cette propriété est disponible pour le partage d'entreprise. Si vous avez des clients intéressés, veuillez nous contacter pour planifier une visite.AMI : 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionnalisme et dévouement à votre serviceEntreparedes Real Estate est une référence dans le marché de la vente et de la gestion immobilière, reconnue pour son engagement envers le sérieux, le respect et l'éthique dans la prestation de services immobiliers.Notre équipe est composée de professionnels expérimentés et multilingues, qui offrent un service personnalisé axé sur les besoins de chaque client. Nous travaillons sans relâche pour offrir un maximum de satisfaction à nos clients, qu'il s'agisse de l'achat, de la vente ou de la gestion de biens immobiliers.Différentiels entreparedes :
- Technologie de pointe : Nous utilisons les outils les plus modernes pour assurer une diffusion large et efficace des propriétés.
- Gestion complète : Nous nous occupons de l'ensemble du processus, de la négociation initiale à l'après-vente, en garantissant une expérience fluide et réussie.
- Se concentrer sur la rentabilité : Nous visons à fournir le meilleur rendement à nos clients, en mettant toujours l'accent sur la qualité et l'appréciation des actifs immobiliers.Chez Entreparedes, un client satisfait est notre plus grande réussite. Nous sommes là pour rendre votre expérience immobilière simple, sûre et enrichissante.
Performance Énergétique: A
#ref:APA_2494_B2.1.2 3 bedroom duplex flat, with terrace and garage for sale in Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Welcome to Covelo Park - where Porto meets residential comfort. Imagine yourself living in the beating heart of Porto, among the bustling streets and tranquillity of Parque do Covelo. Covelo Park is strategically located on a plot of approximately 2,000 m2, between Rua de Álvaro Castelões and Travessa do Monte de São João. This privileged surroundings puts you just a few steps from the Via de Cintura Interna, providing quick access to the main roads in and out of the city, including the A1, N13, A3, A4 and A28 highways.An Urban Oasis:
This exclusive residential condominium is set in a consolidated residential area, offering a safe and quiet environment to call home. With the proximity of Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês and Constituição, as well as the University Campus, you will be at the epicentre of Porto's urban life. In addition, the excellent public transport network, including buses and metro stations at strategic points such as Marquês, Combatentes and Salgueiros, provides unparalleled convenience for getting around the city.
Covelo Park offers a unique location, facing this lush green space of approximately 8 hectares, which results from the old Quinta de Paranhos. The park, managed by CMP, was recovered in 1987/88 through a project by the renowned architect Castro Calapes, with a playground designed by the talented architect Célia Peralta. In addition, the park is home to an environmental education centre and a dog park, providing a pleasant environment for residents and their petsUpside Potential:
Covelo Park is not just a place to live; apartments T0 to T2, is a safe and promising investment. With such a central location and with all the amenities around it, this residential development offers a high and secure appreciation potential over time. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this environment of luxury and convenience in Porto.Schedule your visit today:
Come and discover what makes Covelo Park the perfect place to call home. Schedule your visit right now and let us show you how you can start living the life of your dreams in this exclusive residential community, where comfort, convenience, and potential for appreciation meet.Covelo Park - Where location is the epitome of value and comfort.Solar exposure: West Expected start of construction: June 2024
Expected deeds: March 2026Payment Terms:
o 20% in the CPCV;
o 15% with the completion of the structure,
15% with window frames;
o 50% in the deedAn excellent investment opportunity this 3 bedroom duplex flat, with terrace and garage to buy in Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Call now for more information!!NOTE: the images are merely illustrative, and may not refer to the property in question.Note to Real Estate Consultants: This property is available for business sharing. If you have interested customers, please contact us to schedule a viewing.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionalism and Dedication to Your ServiceEntreparedes Real Estate is a reference in the Real Estate Sales and Management market, recognised for its commitment to seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.Our team is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, who offer personalised service focused on the needs of each client. We work tirelessly to provide maximum satisfaction to our customers, whether buying, selling or managing real estate.Entreparedes differentials:
- State-of-the-art Technology: We use the most modern tools to ensure wide and effective dissemination of properties.
- Complete Management: We take care of the entire process, from the initial negotiation to the after-sales, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
- Focus on Profitability: We aim to provide the best return to our clients, always focusing on the quality and appreciation of real estate assets.At Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is our greatest achievement. We're here to make your real estate experience simple, safe, and rewarding.
Energy Rating: A
#ref:APA_2494_B2.1.2 3 bedroom duplex flat, with terrace and garage for sale in Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Welcome to Covelo Park - where Porto meets residential comfort. Imagine yourself living in the beating heart of Porto, among the bustling streets and tranquillity of Parque do Covelo. Covelo Park is strategically located on a plot of approximately 2,000 m2, between Rua de Álvaro Castelões and Travessa do Monte de São João. This privileged surroundings puts you just a few steps from the Via de Cintura Interna, providing quick access to the main roads in and out of the city, including the A1, N13, A3, A4 and A28 highways.An Urban Oasis:
This exclusive residential condominium is set in a consolidated residential area, offering a safe and quiet environment to call home. With the proximity of Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês and Constituição, as well as the University Campus, you will be at the epicentre of Porto's urban life. In addition, the excellent public transport network, including buses and metro stations at strategic points such as Marquês, Combatentes and Salgueiros, provides unparalleled convenience for getting around the city.
Covelo Park offers a unique location, facing this lush green space of approximately 8 hectares, which results from the old Quinta de Paranhos. The park, managed by CMP, was recovered in 1987/88 through a project by the renowned architect Castro Calapes, with a playground designed by the talented architect Célia Peralta. In addition, the park is home to an environmental education centre and a dog park, providing a pleasant environment for residents and their petsUpside Potential:
Covelo Park is not just a place to live; apartments T0 to T2, is a safe and promising investment. With such a central location and with all the amenities around it, this residential development offers a high and secure appreciation potential over time. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this environment of luxury and convenience in Porto.Schedule your visit today:
Come and discover what makes Covelo Park the perfect place to call home. Schedule your visit right now and let us show you how you can start living the life of your dreams in this exclusive residential community, where comfort, convenience, and potential for appreciation meet.Covelo Park - Where location is the epitome of value and comfort.Solar exposure: West Expected start of construction: June 2024
Expected deeds: March 2026Payment Terms:
o 20% in the CPCV;
o 15% with the completion of the structure,
15% with window frames;
o 50% in the deedAn excellent investment opportunity this 3 bedroom duplex flat, with terrace and garage to buy in Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Call now for more information!!NOTE: the images are merely illustrative, and may not refer to the property in question.Note to Real Estate Consultants: This property is available for business sharing. If you have interested customers, please contact us to schedule a viewing.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionalism and Dedication to Your ServiceEntreparedes Real Estate is a reference in the Real Estate Sales and Management market, recognised for its commitment to seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.Our team is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, who offer personalised service focused on the needs of each client. We work tirelessly to provide maximum satisfaction to our customers, whether buying, selling or managing real estate.Entreparedes differentials:
- State-of-the-art Technology: We use the most modern tools to ensure wide and effective dissemination of properties.
- Complete Management: We take care of the entire process, from the initial negotiation to the after-sales, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
- Focus on Profitability: We aim to provide the best return to our clients, always focusing on the quality and appreciation of real estate assets.At Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is our greatest achievement. We're here to make your real estate experience simple, safe, and rewarding.
Energy Rating: A
#ref:APA_2494_B2.1.2 Apartamento T3 duplex, com terraço e garagem para comprar no Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Bem-vindo ao Covelo Park - onde o Porto encontra o conforto residencial. Imagine-se vivendo no coração pulsante do Porto, entre as ruas movimentadas e a tranquilidade do Parque do Covelo. O Covelo Park está estrategicamente localizado em um lote de aproximadamente 2.000 m2, entre a Rua de Álvaro Castelões e a Travessa do Monte de São João. Esta envolvencia privilegiada coloca você a apenas alguns passos da Via de Cintura Interna, proporcionando acesso rápido às principais vias de entrada e saída da cidade, incluindo as rodovias A1, N13, A3, A4 e A28.Um Oásis Urbano:
Este condomínio residencial exclusivo está inserido em uma zona residencial consolidada, oferecendo um ambiente seguro e tranquilo para chamar de lar. Com a proximidade da Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês e Constituição, bem como do Polo Universitário, você estará no epicentro da vida urbana do Porto. Além disso, a excelente rede de transporte público, incluindo autocarros e estações de metro nos pontos estratégicos como Marquês, Combatentes e Salgueiros, proporciona conveniência incomparável para se locomover pela cidade.
O Covelo Park oferece uma localização ímpar, com frente para este exuberante espaço verde de aproximadamente 8 hectares, que resulta da antiga Quinta de Paranhos. O parque, gerido pela CMP, foi recuperado em 1987/88 através de um projeto do renomado Arquiteto Castro Calapes, com um parque infantil projetado pela talentosa arquiteta Célia Peralta. Além disso, o parque abriga um centro de educação ambiental e um parque canino, proporcionando um ambiente agradável para os moradores e seus animais de estimaçãoPotencial de Valorização:
O Covelo Park não é apenas um lugar para morar; apartamentos T0 à T2, é um investimento seguro e promissor. Com uma localização tão central e com todas as comodidades ao seu redor, este empreendimento residencial oferece um potencial de valorização elevado e seguro ao longo do tempo. Não perca a oportunidade de fazer parte deste ambiente de luxo e conveniência no Porto.Agende sua visita hoje mesmo:
Venha descobrir o que torna o Covelo Park o lugar perfeito para chamar de lar. Agende sua visita agora mesmo e deixe-nos mostrar como você pode começar a viver a vida dos seus sonhos neste condomínio residencial exclusivo, onde o conforto, a conveniência e o potencial de valorização se encontram.Covelo Park - Onde a localização é o epítome de valor e conforto.Exposição solar: Poente Início previsto da construção: Junho de 2024
Previsão escrituras: Março de 2026Condições de pagamento:
o 20% no CPCV;
o 15% com a conclusão da estrutura,
o 15% com as caixilharias;
o 50 % na escrituraUma excelente oportunidade de investimento este Apartamento T3 duplex, com terraço e garagem para comprar no Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Ligue agora para mais informações!!OBS: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas, podendo não fazer referência ao imóvel em questão.Nota para Consultores Imobiliários: Este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Se tiver clientes interessados, entre em contato connosco para agendar uma visita.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Profissionalismo e Dedicação ao seu ServiçoA Entreparedes Real Estate é uma referência no mercado de Venda e Administração de Imóveis, reconhecida pelo seu compromisso com a seriedade, o respeito e a ética na prestação de serviços imobiliários.Nossa equipe é composta por profissionais experientes e multilíngues, que oferecem um atendimento personalizado e focado nas necessidades de cada cliente. Trabalhamos incessantemente para proporcionar a máxima satisfação aos nossos clientes, seja na compra, venda ou administração de imóveis.Diferenciais da Entreparedes:
- Tecnologia de Ponta: Usamos as ferramentas mais modernas para garantir uma divulgação ampla e eficaz dos imóveis.
- Gestão Completa: Cuidamos de todo o processo, desde a negociação inicial até o pós-venda, assegurando uma experiência tranquila e bem-sucedida.
- Foco na Rentabilidade: Visamos proporcionar o melhor retorno aos nossos clientes, sempre com o foco na qualidade e na valorização dos ativos imobiliários.Na Entreparedes, um cliente satisfeito é nossa maior conquista. Estamos aqui para tornar sua experiência imobiliária simples, segura e gratificante.
Categoria Energética: A
#ref:APA_2494_B2.1.2 3 bedroom duplex flat, with terrace and garage for sale in Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Welcome to Covelo Park - where Porto meets residential comfort. Imagine yourself living in the beating heart of Porto, among the bustling streets and tranquillity of Parque do Covelo. Covelo Park is strategically located on a plot of approximately 2,000 m2, between Rua de Álvaro Castelões and Travessa do Monte de São João. This privileged surroundings puts you just a few steps from the Via de Cintura Interna, providing quick access to the main roads in and out of the city, including the A1, N13, A3, A4 and A28 highways.An Urban Oasis:
This exclusive residential condominium is set in a consolidated residential area, offering a safe and quiet environment to call home. With the proximity of Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês and Constituição, as well as the University Campus, you will be at the epicentre of Porto's urban life. In addition, the excellent public transport network, including buses and metro stations at strategic points such as Marquês, Combatentes and Salgueiros, provides unparalleled convenience for getting around the city.
Covelo Park offers a unique location, facing this lush green space of approximately 8 hectares, which results from the old Quinta de Paranhos. The park, managed by CMP, was recovered in 1987/88 through a project by the renowned architect Castro Calapes, with a playground designed by the talented architect Célia Peralta. In addition, the park is home to an environmental education centre and a dog park, providing a pleasant environment for residents and their petsUpside Potential:
Covelo Park is not just a place to live; apartments T0 to T2, is a safe and promising investment. With such a central location and with all the amenities around it, this residential development offers a high and secure appreciation potential over time. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this environment of luxury and convenience in Porto.Schedule your visit today:
Come and discover what makes Covelo Park the perfect place to call home. Schedule your visit right now and let us show you how you can start living the life of your dreams in this exclusive residential community, where comfort, convenience, and potential for appreciation meet.Covelo Park - Where location is the epitome of value and comfort.Solar exposure: West Expected start of construction: June 2024
Expected deeds: March 2026Payment Terms:
o 20% in the CPCV;
o 15% with the completion of the structure,
15% with window frames;
o 50% in the deedAn excellent investment opportunity this 3 bedroom duplex flat, with terrace and garage to buy in Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Call now for more information!!NOTE: the images are merely illustrative, and may not refer to the property in question.Note to Real Estate Consultants: This property is available for business sharing. If you have interested customers, please contact us to schedule a viewing.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionalism and Dedication to Your ServiceEntreparedes Real Estate is a reference in the Real Estate Sales and Management market, recognised for its commitment to seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.Our team is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, who offer personalised service focused on the needs of each client. We work tirelessly to provide maximum satisfaction to our customers, whether buying, selling or managing real estate.Entreparedes differentials:
- State-of-the-art Technology: We use the most modern tools to ensure wide and effective dissemination of properties.
- Complete Management: We take care of the entire process, from the initial negotiation to the after-sales, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
- Focus on Profitability: We aim to provide the best return to our clients, always focusing on the quality and appreciation of real estate assets.At Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is our greatest achievement. We're here to make your real estate experience simple, safe, and rewarding.
Energy Rating: A
#ref:APA_2494_B2.1.2 3 bedroom duplex flat, with terrace and garage for sale in Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Welcome to Covelo Park - where Porto meets residential comfort. Imagine yourself living in the beating heart of Porto, among the bustling streets and tranquillity of Parque do Covelo. Covelo Park is strategically located on a plot of approximately 2,000 m2, between Rua de Álvaro Castelões and Travessa do Monte de São João. This privileged surroundings puts you just a few steps from the Via de Cintura Interna, providing quick access to the main roads in and out of the city, including the A1, N13, A3, A4 and A28 highways.An Urban Oasis:
This exclusive residential condominium is set in a consolidated residential area, offering a safe and quiet environment to call home. With the proximity of Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês and Constituição, as well as the University Campus, you will be at the epicentre of Porto's urban life. In addition, the excellent public transport network, including buses and metro stations at strategic points such as Marquês, Combatentes and Salgueiros, provides unparalleled convenience for getting around the city.
Covelo Park offers a unique location, facing this lush green space of approximately 8 hectares, which results from the old Quinta de Paranhos. The park, managed by CMP, was recovered in 1987/88 through a project by the renowned architect Castro Calapes, with a playground designed by the talented architect Célia Peralta. In addition, the park is home to an environmental education centre and a dog park, providing a pleasant environment for residents and their petsUpside Potential:
Covelo Park is not just a place to live; apartments T0 to T2, is a safe and promising investment. With such a central location and with all the amenities around it, this residential development offers a high and secure appreciation potential over time. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this environment of luxury and convenience in Porto.Schedule your visit today:
Come and discover what makes Covelo Park the perfect place to call home. Schedule your visit right now and let us show you how you can start living the life of your dreams in this exclusive residential community, where comfort, convenience, and potential for appreciation meet.Covelo Park - Where location is the epitome of value and comfort.Solar exposure: West Expected start of construction: June 2024
Expected deeds: March 2026Payment Terms:
o 20% in the CPCV;
o 15% with the completion of the structure,
15% with window frames;
o 50% in the deedAn excellent investment opportunity this 3 bedroom duplex flat, with terrace and garage to buy in Porto - Covelo Park fr B2 1.2Call now for more information!!NOTE: the images are merely illustrative, and may not refer to the property in question.Note to Real Estate Consultants: This property is available for business sharing. If you have interested customers, please contact us to schedule a viewing.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionalism and Dedication to Your ServiceEntreparedes Real Estate is a reference in the Real Estate Sales and Management market, recognised for its commitment to seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.Our team is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, who offer personalised service focused on the needs of each client. We work tirelessly to provide maximum satisfaction to our customers, whether buying, selling or managing real estate.Entreparedes differentials:
- State-of-the-art Technology: We use the most modern tools to ensure wide and effective dissemination of properties.
- Complete Management: We take care of the entire process, from the initial negotiation to the after-sales, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
- Focus on Profitability: We aim to provide the best return to our clients, always focusing on the quality and appreciation of real estate assets.At Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is our greatest achievement. We're here to make your real estate experience simple, safe, and rewarding.
Energy Rating: A